Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Asean urge Thailand and Cambodia to solve dispute bilaterally

Tuesday, February 08, 2011
The Nation, Antara, Jakarta Post

Asean has urged Thailand and Cambodia to solve current border disputes on bilateral basis and through talks.

Indonesia's Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa conveyed the message when he held talks with his Thai counterpart Kasit Piromya during a Bangkok meeting on Tuesday.

Negotiations were key to prevent further fighting between Thailand and Cambodia.

Indonesia is currently chairs the Asean was in Phnom Penh on Monday before travelling to Bangkok today for meetings with Kasit. Indonesia is trying to mediate with both countries which are at loggerheads following fierce and fatal cross-border fightings.

Thailand has insisted that Cambodia started the attacks.

Natalegawa was quoted by Thai News Agency as saying that the problem bilaterally is very complex and there is no way for Aseanto push its own interests.

"Both countries need to settle the problem on their own and through talks and negotiations," he said.

Asean could help by create a situation conducive for problem solving, he said.

Natelegawa said after meeting with Cambodia's Foreign Minister Hor Nam Hong in Phnom Penh on Monday he hoped a ceasefire negotiated Saturday, which has been broken twice since, could be better respected.

He stressed that dialogue and negotiation were the only way to resolve the differences between the two nations, both members of Asean.

'On the eve of an ASEAN community by 2015, the guns must be silent in South-East Asia,' Natalegawa said. 'There is no more place for use of force and military means in resolving problems or challenges among ASEAN countries.'

Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said earlier that Indonesia is the Asean chair this year, so it has a moral responsibility to become part of the solution.


Anonymous said...

Asean pressure Cambodia to have bilateral talk again that means expect more fighting.

Anonymous said...

Indonesia's Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa ' wife is Thai So do not trust this fucking guy We ask you to come as third party. Not to advise us to have useless talk

Anonymous said...

Indonesia's Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa ' wife is Thai So do not trust this fucking guy We ask you to come as third party. Not to advise us to have useless talk

Piss off

Anonymous said...

Indonesia's Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa ' wife is Thai So do not trust this fucking guy We ask you to come as third party. Not to advise us to have useless talk
11:16 PM

Anonymous said...

This is yourn's plan. If you know that you are khmer do on Khmer's plan.

Anonymous said...

asian that the way they solve the problem. It will be over soon

Anonymous said...

couple day ago SOY SOPHEAP said he going to count the dead body of thai soldier. any body see his video ? he is just the big mouth and liar to please dek cho and no Hun Manet in front line like he said.

Anonymous said...

ក្រុមអាស៊ាននិយាយ ច្រំដែលៗ ដោយស្នើសុំអោយកម្ពុជា និងថៃ ធ្វើការចរចាដដែលជាដដែល ​។តើក្រុមអាស៊ាន មានមធ្យោបាយណាគ្រាន់បើជាងនេះដែរឬទេ ?
កម្ពុជាបានសម្រេចចិត្តដាក់ពាក្យបណ្ដឹងទៅក្រុមប្រឹក្សាសន្តិសុខអន្ដរជាតិ មកពីការចរចាជាមួយថៃ វាគ្មានបានការទៅហើយ ។

Anonymous said...

Don't these stupid ASEAN leaders know by now that the fucken bilateral talk is not working and that is why there is war!

Why the fuck you stupid ASEAN leaders keep doing the same fucken thing over and over and expect different result! What is wrong with all you ASEAN leaders? What is in your fuck up brain for all of you to insist that the fucken bilateral talk will work! I will be the first Khmer on planet Earth to tell all you stupid ASEAN leaders that the fucken bilateral talk was used in the past and it doesn't work! The bilateral talk won't work in the past or at the present or in the future!

Doing the same thing over and over and expect different result! These ASEAN are run by abunch of fool!
The third party must come in now or there won't be ASEAN community in 2015!

Anonymous said...

Every thing that Thai had said never make sence. If you try to go into some body property without the consent of the owner,ofcourse you will get shot at, Don't you know that ?????
"Cambodian shot at us first !!", yes they did because all of you Thai are keep coming !!!!!
If you are stay at where you are, there will be no body will shoot at you !!!!

Anonymous said...

Asean should know that the bilateral talk goes nowhere except military clashes and humain life. This whole thing should be brought to UN. Asean is useless...Shame Asean. They said this in 2008, and now 2011 they keep saying the same useless bilateral talk.

Anonymous said...

What is the definition of insanity? When you doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result, i.e the bilateral negotiation.

Anonymous said...

they need to explain what they mean by "bilateral talk"? it's more complex and difficult given siem uses their own map while cambodia uses the international treaty map! how do you expect cambodia to agree with that? who is right in demanding the use of international treaty map from the one who demand using their own map? explain that to the mediators, etc!

how do you tell a group of extremist not to keep on dreaming of steal and invading on cambodian temple and territories, etc? explain that also! these are just a few of the real settling issues, really! so, what is bilateral talk mean? for cambodia to allow siem's illegal demand, etc? i'd like to hear what the mediators have to say in all of this! yes, start with the real issue of siem fight to conquer preah vihear from cambodia! and yes, siem want to use military force over cambodia, anybody can tell you that if your look at how poor cambodia is and how economically vibrant thailand is! of course, you should know! so, explain to the mediators! forget secret backyard talk with siem, it's not going to work and hasn't been working. if people can't see that already, then their credential is questionable, really!

Anonymous said...

i think "bilateral talk" shouldn't have anything to do with settling the preah vihear issue in the first place. of coure, bilateral is good for bringing cambodia up to economic level with thailand and the rest of asean, but the preah vihear issue is something people often misunderstood and do not understand the real reason cambodia dispute with thailand on this hot issue, it has nothing to do with bilateral mix of other benefits, especially economic ones, really! if preah vihear is not fix soon, it will only be a pause until the next time they fight again and the cycle will never end, really! by fixing it, both MUST use the international law and emphasize or educate people, especial siem people like the extremist pad thugs to stop rankling over the issue in according to the rule of law, etc, etc!

so, bilateral talk is good for other issue, especially help bring cambodia economically to the level of ALL asean economy (yes, there is a disparity in this picture when it comes to asean nation's different level of economy), so, that's the good part of bilateral, however, if people continue to ignore the real CAUSE of the PREAH VIHEAR issue while not understanding the root of the cause, then it won't go ahead, the way i see it, really! it's two separate issues here i.e. the so-called "bilateral talks" and the issue of unsettling preah vihear conflict. we need to look at the real conflict behind it!

it is not wise to try to blur up the real conflict with thailand's so-called "bilateral talks", etc, you know!

view from a khmer person.

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for Cambodian leaders to call for UNSC ‘s intervention. It is the best and fastest way to stop the problem. Thai leaders pursue baseless, hopeless, and endless bilateral talk. How can Thai leaders pursue peaceful solution, as they claimed, by flexing military muscle?

Thailand is lobbying UN and ASEAN not to intervene. A big boy never wants adults’ intervention while he is bullying a small boy. If UN and other world communities think that Thailand and Cambodia can resolve their differences through bilateral talk, they will make a big mistake. It is not better than give Thailand time to abuse Cambodia as long as she wish to. Cambodia will not be able to tolerate anymore if she is treated unfairly. The consequently could be really ugly, if UN doesn’t act quickly to stop the problem before it getting bigger and bigger. History told that Cambodia fought even United States when Cambodian believed that they have been abused. Moreover, it would encourage bad behaviors to spread in the world communities.

Anonymous said...

In regarding to the question of who attacked first, I though Gen. Teah Banh said it well,when he said something to the effect of.."the proper question is not who shot first but who broke the agreement."

Anonymous said...

This is diplomatic language! The Indonnesian has to please both sides but if you read between the lines it said "Indonesia and Asian want to encourage bilateral talks and be part of the discussions. They want to be informed about the bilateral talks" since they "have moral responsibility to be part of the solution". This already more than bilateral talks since a third party is monitoring and listening! Same with the UN they have to find a compromise with all other members and use the same language: talk billaterally but we watch and may call for a Security council meetings if the talks fail! This is already the start of their involvement and should be pressuring the Thais without them loosing face. unfortunately this is slow but this is how the UN works since they need the aggreement of all the big powers, some of them may be more interested to keep good relations with thai although it is obvious that the thais are at fragrant fault!!!! Courage khmere brothers, the truth should prevail. let just stay united and fight through this difficult time. long live our courageous fighters!

Anonymous said...

What would Indonesia's Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa say when US invade one of their island? Will he seek bilateral talk which failed again and again or he would seek help from UN?

A strong leader always hold to his word. Hope Hun Sen will push this whole scrap to the United Nation....

Anonymous said...

good observation by some of us educated khmer brothers and sisters here. yes, keep in mind all organizations have a procedure they follow. there's a purpose for the procedure( to keep things in perspect on law, rights, smooth transition, etc, etc) it require time and patient. i know not everybody have the patient to wait too long, take for example sam rainsy oppositon people, they have no patient withh the current cambodian gov't, etc... anyway, that's another story!

Anonymous said...

I am really don't know why they really bother to let Cambodian to deal with Thai bilateral again. This isn't going to work!

Don't they get that!

ASEAN is useless!!

John Blake,
Utah, USA

Anonymous said...

You can't talk to a dog/siam. It just simply doesn't work. It signs with its hands and erases with its feet.

Anonymous said...

ASEAN is a joke! They're powerless and nothing. If they can't help each other to leave in peace, then it is pointless. They formed it to benefit only for the big shots, poor are still poor.

Anonymous said...

រដ្ឋាភិបាលកម្ពុជា មិនត្រូវដោះស្រាយជាទ្វេភាគីជាមួយចោរទៀតទេ។
វាទៅមិនរួចទេ និយាយចុះនិយាយឡើង វាយគ្នាទុលទៀត។

Anonymous said...

What country is behind Hun Sen?
Who helped Hun Sen
to win over Khmer
What country took
over Cambodia?
Why did six Ml. Viet
live in Cambodia?
Who gave land few miles along Khmer
Vietnam border to
Thai is jealous of
If Viet could do it,
so could Thai.
Vietnam used Khmer
to kill Khmer.
Thai used Khmer to
kill Khmer.
who are Khmer Surin?
Who are Khmer Krom?
Thai sent Khmer Surin to fight with
the Central Khmer.
Vietnam govt sent
Khmer Krom to fight
Pol Pot soldiers.
Who got killed?
Khmer leaders must
stop depending on
Thai and Yuon to
gain power over their opponents.
If Khmer people are brave enough to
protect their lovely
against Thai,Vietnam
,and Lao.
Cambodia is free from three of them.
Khmer must change
this evil attitude.

Anonymous said...

go with siem's bilateral talk is like ignoring cambodia's preah vihear, which the center of conflict here, not bilateral trade, etc, mr. marty.