Monday, February 07, 2011

At UN on Thai - Cambodia, 2 Council Members Said to Want Meeting, Not ASEAN Deferral

Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, calls and responses not shown
By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive
Inner City Press

UNITED NATIONS, February 7 -- After Cambodia's prime minister Hun Sen wrote Sunday to the President of the UN Security Council, Brazil's Ambassador Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, she made 14 calls to Council members and the Secretary General's office about the border skirmishes with Thailand.

The consensus on Sunday, Inner City Press is told by sources, was to have ASEAN deal with the conflict in the first instance, with Indonesia's foreign minister (and former UN ambassador) taking the lead.

On Monday morning, however, something change. With the issue set to be discussed in closed door consultations under Any Other Business, two countries are said to want there to be a formal meeting on Cambodia's requests, which now include a request for UN peacekeepers and a buffer zone.

Much discussed on Monday morning at the UN was the last time this border and temple dispute came to the Council, in 2008. Then, with fellow ASEAN member Viet Nam holding the Council presidency, pressure was brought to bear to keep the dispute at the national and regional level.

Finally, Viet Nam's Permanent Representative told Inner City Press, “Letter withdrawn.... problem disappear.” But will that happen this time? Perhaps not. Watch this site.


Son of a farmer said...

A ye evidently and precisely sure that SenVarman is Da One who actually wrote a letter to UN?

Anonymous said...

Yourn is pulling the string on every things that happen between Thai/Khmer dispute, Hun Sen just does and says what Yourn tells him.

Anonymous said...

UN wake up!and find out the truth that who killed 2 415 854 innocent people khmer.

"Pay no attention to the faults of others,
things done or left undone by others.
Consider only what by oneself is done or left undone."Lord Buddha.

Anonymous said...

Vietnam do not want Cambodia sovereignty to be checked by UN

Anonymous said...

ASEAN member too busy celebrating Chinese New Years so sorry call back next month. Keep shooting...

Anonymous said...

The soldiers and Vietnamese immigrants must move out Cambodia;When the UN peace keepers
come this time,they should make sure that Vietnam soldiers have to pull out of Cambodia.
Khmer people must protest against Hun Sen and kick him out of power,not allow six ml.Vietnamese immigrants to live in Cambodia.