Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Bangkok Post reporters cannot read English? They misquoted KI-Media!!!

KI-Media Note: The Bangkok Post reported the following news. It attributed to KI-Media of reporting that Hor Namhong accused Thailand of instigating each of the four clashes. In fact KI-Media only reported that Hor Namhong "discussed about the situation of the attack by Thai troops on 4 occasions". The original post by KI-Media is available here, and the original article in Khmer from Kampuchea Thmey which KI-Media translated from is available here.

Hor Namhong claims Thais fired first

Bangkok Post

The Cambodian foreign minister has told the Asean chairman, Indonesian foreign minister Marty Natalegawa, that the Thai military began firing first in the four clashes on the border over the last few days.

Cambodia’s KI Media website reported that Hor Namhong, the Cambodian foreign minister, had discussed the conflict with Mr Natalegawa in Phnom Penh on Monday.

The website says that during the meeting Hor Namhong accused Thailand of instigating each of the four clashes, begining on Feb 4.

The Cambodian foreign minister said after the meeting that he told Mr Natalegawa that five Cambodian soldiers were killed and 45 others were injured, according to the website. People in disputed areas had been evacuated.

Mr Natalegawa said he wanted both countries to end their violent dispute.

He urged them to put down their weapons and return to the negotiating table because both countries are members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean).

Vietnam, another Asean member, has also called on Phnom Penh and Bangkok to end their border conflict around Preah Vihear temple through peaceful negotiations based on international law and the United Nations charter.


Anonymous said...

Thai government and its army are the enemy of all Hindus and Hunduism in the world. they destroyed Preasvihear temple as a holy place of our greatest shiva.
May shiva bless cambodian soldiers and people.

Anonymous said...

it is very common mistake by journalist.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Vietamese does not want this conflict to end. They are really enjoy this alot. Win-win for the Viet, lose-lose for Khmer-Thai.

Anonymous said...

I understand but if US run away from war it is mean simple lost war. US had used chemical warfare in Vietnam and Cambodia. US murdered 1000 thousands of innocent Cambodians life’s including babies, young kids, women, pregnant women, men, elderly... during at that period by B 52, chemical warfare. US must be a world lead who must take fully responsible for war crime against humanitarians and human right, if there is a real justice system is have.

Please America find justice for Cambodians people that US army murdered at that time. Where are human right group, united nation, and world court for that??

Anonymous said...

KI-Media will be banned in Thai also for misleading information!

Anonymous said...

US run away from war! you still dont understand since now 2011?

Anonymous said...

It dont matter! Fuck! If you cross the boarder we khmer will fire and kill you. That what the amy was there for to do.... so come in full force

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter who fired first, it's who crossed the border first!

Anonymous said...

we all aware that the bangcock post is very pro-thailand in every way, thus they are biased toward cambodia in that sense! what else is new. never buy into the new from the bangcock post, really! they are the world most biased media, especially when it comes to cambodia, really! now you know! always think the opposite of what the bangcock post is reporting!

Anonymous said...

The BKK Post reporters are too lazy to do their own leg work and write neutral articles. Unlike the Nation, in Thailand, who often just make up the stuff they report.