Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Cambodia did not yet reply to Kasit's suggestion to hold talk in a third country


Anonymous said...

I hope this time Cambodia will not withdraw the complaint from UNSC as she did in 2008 under pressure from ASEAN.

Anonymous said...

Well...Cambodian soldiers are at Preah Vihear to protect the temple with their life from the Siem thieves who want to steal the temple in broad daylight!

It is the Siem thieves who are destroying the Khmer-Hindu temple with mortars and guns and their show of disrespect for the Hindu religion! What else is there to explain?

The location of the border dispute are located inside Cambodian territories! What the hell the Siem thieves are doing inside Cambodian territories? Yes...these Siem thieves goal is to steal and then kill their victim! How many Cambodian people and soldiers die at the hand of the Siem thieves?

Now the Siem thieves want to claim their righteousness for being a fucken thief? These Siem thieves go around stealing and killing their victim is okay according to Siem high culture! Killing, Stealing, and Prostitution is condoned by Siem high culture!

Anonymous said...

HE Hor 5 Hong may use this opportunity to push ahead with recalling of 1991 Paris Peace agreement conference.This is to focus on border delimitation with UN Commission supervision and technical assistance.