Sunday, February 06, 2011

Cambodia, Thailand Commanders Pledge to Avoid Further Clash


Cambodian and Thai military commanders on Sunday agreed to avoid further weapon eruption and send their respective villagers back to live as usual in their homes after two-day evacuations resulting from two military clashes over the border dispute areas near the 11th century temple.

The agreements were made following the second meeting, held at the archway to the Preah Vihear Temple, between Cambodian Major General Srey Doek, commander of Military Division 3 and Major General Chawalit Chunprasan, commander of the Suranari Military Camp in a bid to find ways to defuse tension after the deadly clashes twice on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning at the disputed border areas near the Preah Vihear Temple.

"Both sides agreed that there will be no troop mobility -- Thai troops won't try to push into Cambodia and Cambodian troops won't try to push into Thailand over the disputed areas," Srey Doek told reporters after the 80 minute meeting with his Thai counterpart.

"If Thai troops still try to move into Cambodian territory, we will use our self-defense rights to protect our territory -- so I believe that whether the future weapon eruption happens or not depends on Thai side," he said.

He added that both sides also agreed to reinstate five Cambodian troops and five Thai troops to station together at the Beehive area near the Preah Vihear Temple.

During the two clashes on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, more than 2,000 Cambodian villagers and about 50,000 Thai villagers living near the disputed areas have been evacuated to safe shelters, according to Cambodian officers.

"Now we agreed to move them back to their homes in order to enable them to earn their living because this time is the harvest season of their agricultural crops," Srey Doek said.

During the skirmishes, troops from both sides had exchanged fire of heavy weapons including rockets, machine guns and mortars, artillery.

Phay Siphan, spokesman of the Office of the Council of Ministers of Cambodia said on Sunday that following the 2-day armed clashes that occurred near the Preah Vihear Temple resulted in the deaths of 2 Cambodian soldiers, but one of whom was not killed by the bullets from Thai troops, but his own accidental bullet, and also another Cambodian civilian was killed on the first day of the clash. In addition to the deaths, 20 others were injured. For the Thai side, he said 32 were killed in Cambodian territory, but many others injured.

The border between Thailand and Cambodia has never been completely demarcated and the issue of the Preah Vihear Temple has been an age-old dispute.

Cambodia's Preah Vihear Temple was enlisted as a World Heritage Site on July 7, 2008. Just a week after the enlistment, Cambodia and Thailand have had border conflict due to Thai claim of the ownership of 1.8 square miles (4.6 sq km) of scrub next to the temple, triggering a military build-up along the border, and periodic clashes between Cambodian and Thai soldiers have resulted in the deaths of troops on both sides.


Anonymous said...

Thai is prolonging the case through meaningless talk as it know that Cambodia will bring the case to icj and to international stage. every times they fail in battle they make a talk Thai land is Cambodian enemy for ever Cambodia should firm in the talk ask Thai to stope using word dispute territory There is no 4.6 km in the map Thai know it is unilaterally fake this map. How is this dump stupid Thai thinking

Ponlue said...

វាជាប្រការគួរឲ្យឈឺចាប់បំផុត នៅពេលអ្នកដែលបង្កសង្រ្គាម និងជាអ្នកឈ្លានពាន បែជានិយាយឲ្យពិភពលោកឮថា ខ្លួនដោះស្រាយជំលោះជាមួយប្រទេសជិតខាងដោយមធ្យោបាយសន្តិភាព ហើយខ្លួនវាយតបតក្នុងករណីដែលមានការឈ្លានពានប៉ុណ្ណោះ។

នេះមិនខុសពីអ្វីពីចោរស្រែកឲ្យគេចាប់ចោរ ឬ​ ក៏ជនរំលោភបំពានត្អូញត្អែរថា ខ្លួនជាជនរងគ្រោះនោះទេ។

ដូចពីមុន វាមិនទទួលយកការដោះស្រាយជាពហុភាគីនោះទេ នៅតែទាមទារការដោះស្រាយជាទ្វេភាគី។បើជាទ្វេភាគី​ ម្តេចមិនផ្តល់សច្ចារប័នលើកំណត់ហេតុទាំងបីរបស់គណៈកម្មាធិការព្រំដែននៃប្រទេសទាំងពីរ?

ឯអ្នកដឹកនាំខ្មែរទុកឲ្យសៀមដឹកមុខសភាពការណ៍រហូត។ មិនប្តឹងទៅ អ​ ស ប ទេ គ្រាន់តែធ្វើរបាយការណ៍ជូនដំណឹងប៉ុណ្ណោះ។

ប្រទេសសៀមយកប្រទេសខ្មែរជាចំណាប់ខ្មាំង ដើម្បីស្វែងរកអំណាច ឬរក្សាអំណាច តាមរយៈការបំផុះមនោសញ្ចេតនាជាតិនិយម និងស្នេហាជាតិ។

ចំណែកអ្នកដឹកនាំខ្មែរ យកប្រជាពលរដ្ឋរបស់ខ្លួនធ្វើជាចំណាប់ខ្មាំង ក្នុងការអនុវត្តន៍នយោបាយប្រជាភិថុត ទោះបីដឹងច្បាស់ថា សៀមក្រឡិចក្រឡុច មាត់និយាយផ្សេង ធ្វើផ្សឹង មិនបោះបង់ចោលមហិច្ឆតាឈ្លានពានខ្មែរ និងមិនអាចដោះស្រាយជំលោះតាមរយៈការចរចាទ្វេភាគីយ៉ាងណាក៏ដោយ។

ឆ្លៀតឱកាសនេះ ខ្ញុំសូមលំអោនកាយគោរពវិញ្ញាណខ័ន្ធប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរគ្រប់សម័យកាល ដែលបានបូជាសាច់ស្រស់ ឈាមស្រស់ និងកំលាំងកាយចិត្ត ក្នុងបុព្វហេតុមាតុភូមិរបស់យើង។

Anonymous said...

Thailand is the Taliban of Southeast Asia! They are destroying the Khmer-Hindu temple and show no respect for Hindu religion! No peace to Thailand!

Anonymous said...

In this posting, Cambodia governmnet spokeman Phay Siphan said "32 Thai soldiers were killed in Cambodian terrotories". Can he prove that. Thai said 62 Khmer soldiers were killed and 2 battaillons destroyed without proof.

Anonymous said...

Both sides are talkative.There were no proof to show the
They are liars.
someone could hear,
but didn't see the
Lost human lives,
destroyed things,lost time are just political
game to stay in their golden seats.