Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cambodia to claim ''war'' with Thailand

By Jaishree Balasubramanian

Kuala Lumpur, Feb 13 (PTI) The row over a 11th century Hindu temple between Thailand and Cambodia continued as Phnom Penh said it will not attend a Joint Boundary Commission meeting to resolve the issue.

Cambodia will argue that it is at war with Thailand and that intervention from a third party in needed when it presents its case to the UN Security Council tomorrow, ''Bangkok Post'' quoted an unnamed Government source as saying.

The source said that Cambodia would produce evidence that the Thai military had been the aggressors during the border clashes and had used banned weapons including cluster bombs and poison gas.

The proposed joint boundary commission talks had been set for the end of the month Cambodia has indicated that there would be no meeting.

"Now bilateral mechanisms cannot resolve the issue," Var Kimhong president of Cambodia''s boundary commission said.

Since border skirmishes erupted on February 4 along the Hindu Shiva temple, known as Preah Vihar, Thailand has said the dispute should be resolved with bilateral talks through the joint boundary commission.

A concerned Asean grouping has asked all its foreign ministers to meet for an urgent conclave to discuss the Preah Vihar shrine dispute.

Indonesian foreign minister, Marty Natalegawa, the current Asean chair has set the meeting to be held on February 22.

Meanwhile, Thailand has said that more than 20,000 soldiers will be deployed on the Thai-Cambodian border as part of a national defence plan and an incident action plan approved by the army commander, Bangkok Post quoted army sources as saying today.

The plan is to remain in effect till March 30.

The main entrance of the Shiva temple known as Preah Vihar is officially on the Cambodian side but most of the other parts of the temple spill over to the Thai side.

Recent reports after the border clash a couple of weeks back had said that parts of the temple had been damaged in the recent skirmishes between the two neighbours after Cambodian troops used the shrine as a military base to fire on the Thai soliders.

The construction of the first temple at the site began in the early 9th century and continued in the following centuries dedicated to Shiva in his manifestations as the mountain gods Sikharesvara and Bhadresvara, online reports said.

The earliest surviving parts of the temple dates from early 10th century, when the empire''s capital was at the city of that name.

In the wake of the decline of Hinduism in the region the site was converted to use by Buddhists.

In 1954, Thai forces occupied the temple following the withdrawal of French troops from Cambodia.

Cambodia protested and turned to the International Court of Justice which later ruled in 1962 that the shrine belonged to Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

PM Hun Sen, if you are really Khmer please don't hear the call from Thailand under PM Abishit. Let the UN do this job because Preah Vihear is absolute 100% belong to Khmers land. Why they want to talk only two party because Abashit know exactly:
1)as the Khmer proverb has it "Siam Minh Choul Kboun Youn Minh Choul Pout Khmer Sout Trouk Psam Chhos Psam Leugn". Deatils: when we views closely to Khmer learders character since Angkor's breakup (before 15th century, Khmer not like this), Khmers has had never trusted itself and real united, Khmer leaders need Viet for help against Thai and own power clan as gift for Viet have a piece Khmer Land to Viet step by step, in fact we can see what the CPP under Hun Sen do presently and they claim as Khmer Angkor (sic). The next will do the same.

2) When UN resole this problem Thailand will lost. Details: Cambodia has enough documents for preventing Khmer territory signed by Thai Kings with France (former Khmer protector, 90 Years in Cambodia till 1953)

3) Which great nation will support Thailand on this issue. Belances:
- France 100% for Cambodia,
- Russia 100% for Cambodia,
- India 100% for Cambodia,
- UK 50% for Cambodia,
- Japan 100% for Cambodia,
- China 50% for Cambodia because alot of Chinese are living in Thailand,
- The USA people 100% for Cambodia, the US's Govt first only 50% official (closed door 100% for Cambodia too because US know about Khmer nation well) for Cambodia because Thailand is old alliance in cold war against communist but press Abashit to accept the treaty with France in 1904, 1907, 1926. Abishit make USA headache like Mubarak today.
and more ........

5) Viet 1000% for Cambodia because Hun Sen is its clone. Without Hun Sen, 7 millions of vienamese peole will never insist and the numbers is increasing day by day ....

Khmer historian

Anonymous said...

if Thailand deploy 50 000 troups to Cambodia-Thai, Vietnam will deploy soon 200 000 troups to Cambodia-Thai too, that is the answer to Thailand. What is next?

Anonymous said...

Is it much better for Abhisit and his ultra-nationalist yellow-shirt fellows if Cambodia gives the temple to them? On top of that, how about Angkor Wat and some more Cambodia provinces along Cambobodian-Thai border? They said that tension arose from the fact that Cambodia unilaterally list Preah Vihear as world heritage site. Don't they realize that this temple belongs to Cambodia? Why would they want to be involved with someone else property? Will Thailand let Cambodia or another country tell it what to do with its property too? Enough is enough, ok? You guys are well educated, so please use your logical reasoning once in while. It's good for the well beeing of both nations. Most children are much better than the yellow-shirt Thais. They don't take away other children toys.

Wake up and smell the coffee. It's about time to get back to your senses and leave Cambodia alone. You already steal more than enough from this poor country.

Anonymous said...

I agreed with the above comment, Let the UN handle the issue, this is the only chance to get it resolve before future any farther fighting occur, It is confusing and very contradicting for thai to claim that khmer is wrong but thailand refuse international meidation.,, Mr, prime minister of cambodia, like the above comment stated, thai doesn't have the US back them up,, Too many khmer american citizen is making wave in the states with their representative, senates, and congressman...

Anonymous said...

Bravo Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

Cambodia can always call the Indochinese Federation, in case Thai want have the war with Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Vietnam will help Cambodia defeat its arch-enemy, Thailand.

Anonymous said...

To 8:33 PM

At one point in history, the Khmer Empire helped the Thai to defeat their enemies, the Burmese.
Can you see the conclusion now? Learn from the history would you.

Anonymous said...

Ahhisit (mean) Ah Shit

Anonymous said...

I think Hun sen ask for the war now It look like Thai will give One to Hun sen. the word that you said make them unhappy now it coming .Thai want to know how strong dek cho is .Better don't go far from bunker but you bunder safe or not because more than 200 tanks are coming.You will see
you ask for you get it strong man

Anonymous said...

8:59PM I was station on Preah Vihear during 1974-April 1975. No tank can
cross border near Preah Vihear.

Anonymous said...

Thai you better worry because DEk CHO have more agent in Bang kak a lot than you think. you can't touch
Hun at all and Hun don't need Youn to help. If you want COME
You teach me or I teach you will see. I just use one of my lovely two stars kid is enough. You can send all your tanks that you have
will be welcome.

Anonymous said...

To 8.51

No, I can't see your bizarre conclusion. You're an idiot if you think Thai and Cambodia will ally together to war with Burma again. When the Vietnamese were fighing the Khmer Rouge in 79-90s, they often had battles with RTA. Learn from recent--and more relevant--history would you.

Anonymous said...

I hope Prime Minister stop using this temple for his political rally and try to end the conflict with Thailand.

Son of a farmer said...

Youn is no longer making money with Siamese, otherwise whoever against Siamese will be lost job or being transfered to other place. This is the last desperate dance, and if UN could successfully help Khmers win over the temple, therefore, Youn would be afraid of losing the Eastern land and island back to Khmers!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ah chau can put more agents only in SARAINSY AND THE RIGHT GROUP PARTY not in thailand.this agent is trained to kill Khmer not Thai.

Anonymous said...

Too obvious that Hun Sen starts war with Thailand to move attention away from his land deals with Vietnam. He lets our soldiers die for nothing to grow his private wealth.

Anonymous said...

First, Cambodia must leave for UN to resolve the disputes. But if Thailand wants to use war, then Cambodia must inflict Thailand into their maximum damages so that they have to surrender. It must take one day or two to reach Bangkok. The war must be shorted and very effective to scare off Abbhissith and all Yellow Shirts.