Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cambodian Demining Center: Cluster Bombs Used in Cambodia-Thai Border Clash


Cambodian Mine Action Center ( CMAC) issued a statement Thursday saying it had verified and confirmed the use of Cluster Munitions by the Thai military to bombard Cambodia during the four-day cross fire that ended Monday.

"During the cross fire, there identified evidence of heavy artilleries such as 105MM, 130MM and 155MM used by Thai military, and CMAC experts have verified and confirmed that these artilleries contained Cluster Munitions including M35, M42 and M46 types," CMAC said in the statement.

As an emergency response, CMAC is deploying a number of teams of multi-skilled experts Mine Risk Education to Preah Vihear to alert the communities of the risk and equip them with the knowledge to keep them from harm's way, it said.

Cambodia said, about 10,000 villagers were affected by the fighting and many of them had fled their villages.

CMAC also said Thursday its teams are posting announcements and leaflets to provide information to help the communities identify mines, unexploded ordnances (UXO) and in particular Cluster munitions.

Cluster Munitions are air-dropped or ground-launched explosive weapons that dispense smaller munitions, a cluster of bomblets, a type of explosive weapon which scatters sub-munitions ("bomblets") over an area. During the attack, because of their dispersing bomblets, they strike indiscriminately, especially over populated areas.

In the aftermath, unexploded cluster bomblets continue to cause harms on the populations long after the conflict has ended.

According to the statement, Cambodia and Thailand have not signed the Convention on Cluster Munitions which prohibits the use of cluster bombs.

However, it said, Cambodia had been addressing the issues of Cluster Munitions since the beginning of mine action in the country.

CMAC is a national institution in Cambodia who had been in a forefront in this issue, working with the supports from the Cambodian Government and cooperative partners such as Handicap International Belgium (HI-B), Japan Mine Action Service (JMAS), Norwegian People's Aid (NPA), and Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) to clear UXO and cluster munitions in the affected provinces.


Anonymous said...

If it was 100% clear evidences, present them and press on to Geneva

Anonymous said...

Siem leaders are war criminals!

Anonymous said...

When Khmers will be smarter than Youns and Siems?

Anonymous said...

According to the statement, Cambodia and Thailand have not signed the Convention on Cluster Munitions which prohibits the use of cluster bombs.

So,Thai and khmer can be used anything to win the war.

Anonymous said...

CMAC has found that Thailand has used Chemical ammunitions and cluster bombs during the fighting against cambodian soldiers, i believed Thai got so mad that khmer soldier has more experinced and advanced on them, so, they used these weapons against khmer...Thailand broke the international law, we must show these evidents to UN and the rest of the world leaders, and let them know how bad and how cruelty Thailand is!!

Anonymous said...

Khmer did not sign, but Khmer don't used this kind of weapons? Because we knew it against the International law! We knew better...Thailand is civilized country and lawfull country..? used cluster bombs and chemical ammunitions against poor powerless country????????

Anonymous said...

Thailand is ashamed!

Anonymous said...

That's explain why we have more casualties than the God damn thief Siem. What a coward! It reminds me of a fight with a youn boy in high school. Instead of 1v1, he got 4 or 5 people to help him. I still kicked his ass because some of my friends helped me.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian gov. must sue SIAM!

Anonymous said...

It is shameful and coward. Thailand is developed country and criminal state. Khmer should be united to protect the country. Be strong to the enemy not own people.

Anonymous said...

Our gov't must wake up. We need to beef up our military with more modern weapons. We cannot afford to stand back and fight a defensive battle. We can't expect our soldiers to fight a battle with limited resources. Patriotism and bravery can only go so far.

Back in 1973, Israel was able to win an invasion by Syria with huge amount of tanks and troops. Even though Israel were outnumer 10 to 1of tanks. But what they had was terrains and smart weapons. We need to learn from Israel.

Anonymous said...

Thailand and Cambodia are not among the 43 countries that have ratified the Convention on Cluster Munitions, which has taken effect since August 1, 2010, and bans the stockpiling, use and transfers of existing cluster bombs and provides for the clearing up of unexploded munitions.

Anonymous said...

"When Khmers will be smarter than Youns and Siems?"
11:39 PM

Dear Friend 11:39 PM,
have been connected before and on with many Khmer foreign students from Cambodia and Technical and professional working classes in U.S
Many Khmers have been inspired by their professors in U.S colleges and in the working places here in U.S you names it many receiving excellent performamnces with a great admiration and accompliments in differents areas, Skill, law firm, technical, professional, medecal ect...
Khmers are smarts everywhere in Intrenational competition working places, but in contrary our leaders failed our country, Cambodia...
If Cambodian Leader will serve Cambodia and her people sake you will attract more smarter Khmers to serve their people if needed...cuz they do not know how to kiss butt, EK OUDOM, LOK Chamteav, Sadach, OKGNA, a thousand Stars armed forces in the sky....make you stomachache....
We call here Mr. President of the country or call his last name or first name, noboby care as long you vote for them...

Anonymous said...

Please re-check some detail and distribution map of Cluster-Bomb from wikipedia. You can understand something.

Anonymous said...

President Obama,

Please tell Thai, us ally, not to use cluster bombs to invade Cambodia. It is against international law. Thai is a war crime in Asia.

Anonymous said...

Only Scud-C missiles and other missiles that can reach up to 200 miles radius can deter Thai's aggression and war hungry monster.

Mutual destruction is the key word.

However, Thai will hurt more than Cambodia to see their stock exchange plung to 20-30% even worse when several Scuds hit Bangkok and its vicinity.
Both sides will pay big price but Thai will suffer more as they never see in their country's history. Phnom penh used to be having handful people lived there after 1975-1979.

Only if Hun Sen can effort at least 100 of them to make a difference of Thai's military and its elites perception on Cambodian Army. it should be one of other military strategies to be employed for a long term if Hun Sen wanted Thai to listen to him.

Anonymous said...

I think UN and the world will condemn Thai of using cluster bombs.

Khmer Jongvatt Trat,

Anonymous said...

cambodia take thailand to world court for crime committed against cambodia by using illegal cluster bombs on recent fighting! sue thailand! don't let them get away, somebody got to teach them about international law, etc!

Anonymous said...

Thoughts that Pot Pot killed all elite Khmer already but they still existing around the globe seeing SEN has not served country and her people, they're staying in the sidewalk....a praying for their country all the best...poor Motherland..
The clusber Bomb however we can deter at another direction without risky Khmer soldiers and less fortunate people and spend less moneys since SEN and His group Million $$$$$ having enough to purchase in urgence for 2 to 3 days arrival....

Anonymous said...

Thoughts that Pot Pot killed all elite Khmers already but they still existing around the globe seeing SEN has not served country and her people, they're staying in the sidewalk....our praying for their country all the best...poor Motherland..
The cluster Bomb however we can deter ato another direction without risky Khmer soldiers and less fortunate people and spend less moneys since SEN and His group Million $$$$$ having enough to purchase it in urgence for 2 to 3 days arrival....

Anyhow avoiding war go to ICJ and U.N and Paris Peace Agreement 1991..
war no long term win/win for either side but youns will win the most....

Anonymous said...

Dummy 12:59 AM

Since, Thai has American Air Base in Otapao, Thai meybe asked American's Air Defend Missiles "Periot" System to shot down any incoming Scuds from Cambodia. And posible replay to Hun Sen with The VG "Vulcan Gatling" gun. It can fire up to 6,000 shells per minute and cover a 1,200-square meter area.

Anonymous said...

Dummy 12:59 AM

Since, Thai has American Air Base in Otapao, Thai meybe asked American's Air Defend Missiles "Petriot" System to shot down any incoming Scuds from Cambodia. And posible replay to Hun Sen with The VG "Vulcan Gatling" gun. It can fire up to 6,000 shells per minute and cover a 1,200-square meter area per shell.

Anonymous said...

Try to catch but will slip between fingers. US have to put US pernonnels on the ground to make catch 80% Scud coming. Thai can catch not more than 50%??? I don't think so... if the multiple Scud fire(approx 4-6 at the same time)along with other dozen less range missiles will confuse the radar.
That's the weak point of Patriot radar system.

Anonymous said...

After all the garbage talked between Thai and Hun Sen, Thai decided to "Teach Hun Sen a Lesson" on 4-6 febuary 2011.

Anonymous said...

To 2:57AM

Yeh...The Siem leaders teach Hun Sen a lesson but It is the Siem leaders who learn a lesson well! ahhahahhahaah

The Siem leaders find the lesson refreshing and want no more lesson!ahhahah

Anonymous said...

Abhisit wanted to teach Hun Sen a lesson by puting his foot inside his own ass.

Anonymous said...

1:34 AM
American don't own Utapao Airport . They only use it once in a while because that Airport is big and it can handle big Air Planes incuded B52. You don't even know how to spell the name of that Airport , what makes you think that you know about it ?

Anonymous said...

Thailand will be prosecuted for commited a war crimes against cambodia, the United Nations must punish Thailand for using cluster bombs and chemical ammunitions against poor country...