Monday, February 07, 2011

CCHR Press Release - Thailand and Cambodia must put people before politics

Dear all

The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) today, 7 February 2011, issues a press release titled "Thailand and Cambodia must put people before politics: CCHR condemns the ongoing fighting at Preah Vihear and supports calls for international intervention". Please find attached a copy of this release in Khmer and English.

In May 2009, CCHR issued a Legal Analysis of the events of 3 April 2009 that resulted in the destruction of a village and damage to the Preah Vihear Temple which called upon the United Nations and the Association of South East Asian Nations to intervene and mediate between the two sides. Please find attached in English, a copy of our 2009 Legal Analysis.

Thank you and regards


Anonymous said...

international intervention is good for the region because siem pad thugs and their leaders in gov't now alawys disrespect the international law and the internationla treaty of 1907 and the icj verdict in 1962 and so forth. they won't stop rankling about the international treaty of 1907 and the icj verdict in 1962. so, UN security council and the international organizations should educate and tell siem pad thugs and their leaders in gov't to stop the illegal demand, their aggression toward cambodia and their invasion of cambodia. in accordance to the international treaty map of 1907, the temple and the surrounding areas are always belong to cambodia forever, ok! so keep your siem pad thugs rankling to yourselves, ok!

khmerbotra said...

ងាប់​តែកូន​អ្នក​ក្រ​ អ្នក​មាន​ណា​ដែល​យក​កូន​ធ្វើ​ជា​ទាហាន បើ​មាន​កូន​ធ្វើ​ទាហាន​ទិញ​យសសក្ដិ​ធំមក​ពាក់

Anonymous said...

Ki media does such great job of providing current news. Amazing!