Monday, February 07, 2011

A CHEAP POLITICIAN: Abhisit´s reasons behind war against Cambodia

By Pang Sokheoun
Originally posted at: The Son the Khmer Empire

This border war between Cambodia and Thailand has nothing to do with the protecting Thai sovereignty but the political
interests for a group of selfish and nationalism elite persons, especially, the Democrats in Bangkok. This war is motivated because Abhisit hopes :
  1. to make himself looks like a strongman and gain popularity from this war against Cambodia.
  2. to unite Thai people to continue to support his weak government and win the next election in April as he has already made an appeal to Thai people to unite for the war against Cambodian border recently.
  3. that the war will surely avert Thais attention from their daily hardship, social issues and injustice, and the government´s incompetence to deal with the Southern daily violence .
  4. that this war will draw media attention from the PAD´s daily protest against him in Bangkok and to reduce its influence.
  5. to appease the extremist PAD, Thai Patriot Networks and Asoke Group who are protesting against him in Bangkok to resign from power and to show them that he has the same goal as them particularly the PAD against Cambodia even though he rejects the other three points demanded by PAD.
  6. being bullied, Cambodia will have no choice but submitting herself to Thai demand.
  7. to justify its invasion and previous mistakes by trying to play as a nice guy through its propaganda to the world again and again that Thailand will never invade its neighbors and just respond and will respond proportionally to the attack.
  8. to have the reason to block the next meeting of WHC for Prasat Preah Vihear management plan.
  9. to destroy the whole temple if Thailand can not have it or share it with Cambodia and let the WHC to remember this.
  10. to take a chance to test Thailand´s inexperienced military forces in the hope that if Thailand can beat the very experienced but poorly equipped-weapon Cambodian soldiers then Thailand will surely have more confidence in dealing conflicts with its other neighbors.
  11. to strengthen Thai nationalism ideology and propaganda since 1930s against Cambodia.

And Abhisit doesn´t want to have the third party involved in the resolution is because of:

  1. Thailand is being viewed by international communities as the bully, the invader and condemned for its aggression.
  2. Thailand again will lose face like it was in 1962.
  3. Thailand has no international recognized evidences to back up its claim.
  4. Thai leaders will lose a chance to use Cambodia as political scapegoat for their internal political conflicts which can always help ease its internal confrontation against each other.
  5. Thailand hopes that it can bargain with Cambodia if this done through bilateral framework no matter how much it gets better than nothing and losing face again.

Let´s see how long this war will go on and if Abhisit really benefits from this war as stated above. And I do hope that Hun Sen has waked up from this border war and stop entertaining this destructive political game toward our country and people.


Anonymous said...

Believe or not, only war can bring peace. Why don't we give it a try? CPP don't have the guts to fight back because of its party's interest -- secret deals to enrich all CPP elites.

Anonymous said...

Thai politicians are to protecting their country and security. Hun Sen politics are wasting Khmer life and money for the Vietnamese interests. Khmer cannot be compared to Thai because we very poor and brainless all we thinks is Thai stolen Khmer land but the Vietnamese took over Cambodia and controlling Hun Sen we are ignoring.

Anonymous said...

Very vital points, I agree with you Sokhoeun Pang. Let's hope for the best our country and people.

Khmer Trakaulrungreung...

Anonymous said...

UN has ever responded for peace in Khmer country (Paris Peace Agreement) thus UN has to punish Thai and UN has to force Thai to respect the International Agreement and International court. If UN cannot do that means, the invasive war around the world will start soon.

From a person in the world

Anonymous said...

គេវ៉ៃគ្នា ហើយចចារ ហើយវ៉ៃ ដល់មានងាប់រៀងខ្លួន
រួចឈប់ដោយមិនចាំបាច់ចចារគឺឈុបយ៉ាងស្រួល លើកក្រោយមិនបាច់ ចចារទេ ឃើញទេបើអត់
និយាយគ្នាវាអត់ឈ្លោះគ្នាទេ បើនិយាយទៀត

Anonymous said...

6:38 PM
You don't know the different between Cambodia and CPP and believed, this is CPP interest. Too bad, but CPP has the right to lead the country's politic. Like or not, but we all learn to accept the situtaion.
This is the interest of all Khmer citizen. You did nothing, because you are an ego, think only of your own interest and did not care about our country.

Anonymous said...

Abhisit is willing to go to great extend, including shedding blood, to further political interests.

Poor Abhisit, he doesn't even control the military, and the PAD idiots have a mind of its own.

Land of smile is turning into a laughing stock of ASEAN and the world.

Anonymous said...

The name Thailand should be changed to Gangster Land, where PAD protesters can change political landscape at a twinkling of an eye.

Anonymous said...


This is what happen when you come to power by illegitimate means. You suppressed the Red protesters and now
your former allied, the PAD, is turning on you.

Lawlessness breeds lawlessness.

Anonymous said...

u have to look middle-east issue...

Anonymous said...

If I were Hun Sen, I would have done the same. No one wants war, but can you watch Thai soldiers or armed robbers entering our land? Thais would be right that Cambodia started firing first BUT if Cambodia didn't start, our temple would have been already FULL by the armed Thai robbers.

If they just stayed where they were, there would be no war.

Anonymous said...

Abhisit is a bad thai leader ,he is a barbarian leader.He is stupid.He want to invade cambodia in this century.He is not shy the international.

Anonymous said...

Please all leaders unite n protect our land, our culture, our home, our country.
Please all of leaders just learn a little bit about the history of our nation. We lost much of our land already because we are not united.

Anonymous said...

4TH Day of war. Will we see the blitzkrieg soon? Please, please just start it already!!

Anonymous said...

សូមមើលសេចក្តីថ្លែងការណ៍របស់ថៃ នៅគេហៈទំព័រក្រសួងការបរទេសថៃ ទើបជារឿងគួរឲ្យឈឺចាប់។

គេរៀបចំផែនការគេយ៉ាងល្អ ដើម្បីយកប្រៀប និងកេងចំណេញពីលើយើង ។

ឯអ្នកដឹកនាំយើងបានវានិយាយល្អ ស្ងាត់ទៀតហើយ។

ក្នុងនាមជាខ្មែរម្នាក់ ឈឺចាប់នឹងសៀមពន់ពេក។ តែក៏ខកចិត្តជាមួយថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំខ្មែរខ្លាំងដែរ ដែលឆោតៗ ភ្លើៗ ជាមួយសត្រូវ ទុកឲ្យវាដឹកមុខញាក់តាមចិត្ត។

Anonymous said...

CambodiaN who doesn't support their government in time of crisis--especially an act of aggression by the neighboring countries - is a traitor to the nation.

Anonymous said...

TO all Khmer Citizen do not sent any donation or Money to CTN or HUN Sen TV. Dont support this government it dont support Khmer people. Let Hanio people donate the money for the Khmer Rough!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To all Khmer people please support our people and nation. Don't listen to these bunch of low life people who can only bark behind a computer while we are out there making a difference small or big we are there to help.

Anonymous said...

To All Cambodian-Americans and Khmer Diaspora;

The Cambodian-American community must petition the Obama Administration to tell the Thai government to stop their coward act and aggressions against Cambodia, and respect Cambodia's territorial integrity.

Hun Sen regime alone cannot fight the Thais. Khmer diaspora must be united and help our soldiers who really sacrifice their life to defend our nation.

We, Khmer diaspora must organize in front of UN offices to demand the Thai's respect our Cambodian territorial integrity: including Prasat Preah Vihear, and the Khmer's former territories: Surin, Sisaket, Buriram, etc.


KHMER Angkor.

Anonymous said...

CCP Supporter please go a died for nothing!

Anonymous said...

Let Hun Sen know that Khmer people dont support his ass.....just CCP.

Anonymous said...

My hatred toward the Thais never waver since I was a child in their refugee camp. They are a nation built on roberry of refugees and United Nation.

Anonymous said...

To 10:30 You stupid Hun Sen cock sucker? It people like you make Cambodian weak today! If we have a poeple supported government non of this crap wouldnt happen..... The North Siames or the South VC boarder!

Anonymous said...

I am not a CPP supporter! But I will support a CPP that protects and preserv every inches of the Khmer Nation; I will be one hundredth times 100% CPP supporter.

Anonymous said...

I dont mean to discourage our people good heart to support and donate our soldiers at the border at all, but please read this interesting artcile and think it. and it is not late to give our support when time is needed.

Anonymous said...

I would not send my family to die for this Khmer Traitor government CPP! They only looking after theirs self, theirs Family and Friends $$$. They will not died for Khmer if it would call on them

Anonymous said...

Let Hun Sen sent his $$$, Son and daughter then Buny. He in power for how long? Nothing is being rebuilt for Khmer! They love kHmer so much and look at Khmer people today.

Anonymous said...

I thou Hun Sen hated UN why called for UN for Help?? what happen Hanio busy with Chinese New Years??

Anonymous said...

Thai are good or bad,
Khmer people can escape from one way
out of Cambodia during Pol Pot and
Vietnam invader.
Even Khmer Krom people and some Vietnamese came through Thailand.
Could Khmer escape
to Vietnam in 1979?
Maybe not.
Thai and Vietnam were/are Khmer enemies.They never
treated Khmer well.
Khmer must depend on
themselves,love themselves,help themselves,protect themselves,care for
themselves,listen to
their own selves,work hard for themselves,
discuss friendly to
themselves,and forget among themselves.
No one is perfect,
but train and train
to be good,not to be a perfect one.
Thai and Khmer are
Buddhists,but they both are greedy,dull
,and guilty.
How come Khmer became a Khmer empire?Because they were greedy.
Did Khmer treat Thais,Laos,chams,and
other ethnic groups well? The answers were No.
Khmer people must be
brave and defend themselves.

Anonymous said...

yes, the bottom line is siem can't win with the law when push comes to shove, etc... the war will only delays or prolongs the conflict, the decisive result will be for the UN security council, the international pressure and so on to tell thailand to like in accordance to the UN law of nation, etc... of course, siem is bullying a smaller nation with their economic prowess and modern military weaponries, etc as they never had real war before compare to cambodia just awakened from nightmare, years of conflict and suffering, etc, you see! why would the international organization support the siem aggressors? one has to look into the legality aspects of this dispute, really. firt off, siem violated the international treaty of 1907, they keep using their own map to illegally demand from cambodia, and last but not least, they use cambodia to distract attention from their internal political bickering, etc, etc... it is smart and wise for cambodia to start asking the UN security council, etc to intervene because there is no end to this issue since 1962, really, even though icj gave their verdict already; the issue is siem pad thugs always rankling about it as if they didn't get enough of stolen khmer properties already since the dark ages and so on... UN security should tell siem that enough is enough and that the world will not tolerate this kind of bullying and violation, etc... siem people should know better, really!

Anonymous said...

if it's a decisive war, then it's worth it, but if it's going to be a prolong war like any vietnam war, then it's not really worthless. learn from lesson of the vietnam war, today, it is meaningless when you look back in retrospect, really! they kept saying then to stop communism, etc, look now, communism disappeared on its own. look at vietnam, cambodia etc... communism is a dying ideology, etc..., really, and it wasn't because it was the vietnam war that made the change, it's more like time, the nature of life goes on, education, better livig standard, better stability, prosperity, etc, etc... think about it. the UN security council should use their power and the law to put a stop to this nonsense once and for all, really! will the on-going conflict won't achieve anything given they differ with the map, the nationalistic view, contempt of court by siem, violation of international law and international treaty of 1907 by siem, etc, etc..., really! it is wise for the UN security council to step and put a stop to this right away before more lives and more destructions are inevitable, i think!

Anonymous said...

Like I said before Mr. Abhisit or Mr. Full of Shit is in deep shit now...He can not hang on to his post any longer...

Anonymous said...

ThaiLand is doing the right things.
As long as Cambodia has VIOLATED the 23 October 1991 peace Agreement
Thailand has the rights to do so...
If Vietnam can do Thailand and Laos can do too.
There is nothing wrong with that, due to PARIS PEACE AGREEMENT.

I say Thailand's doing the great job!
Invade as much as Thai can do....
If Viet can do same as Thai and Laos, doing their part.
Thank You Thai...