Sunday, February 06, 2011

Hindus want disputed Thai-Cambodia Hindu Shiva temple be transferred to UN control [-How about UN control of all of Cambodia?]

Sunday, February 06, 2011
Asian News International/

Nevada (US), Feb 06: Hindus have asked that landmark Preah Vihear Hindu temple complex, cause of border dispute between Thailand and Cambodia, should be turned over to United Nations (UN) control.

Notable Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, said that 11th century Preah Vihar was a world heritage and it was moral duty of the world to keep it preserved and intact for the coming generations.

Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, argued that this Lord Shiva temple was sacred to the Hindus of the world and reported damage caused by recent military crossfire could be hurtful to the devotees.

Rajan Zed pointed out that frequent clashes between Cambodia and Thailand because of long-running feud might further damage the already fragile temple. UN presence would help in protecting the sacred site, development and upkeep of the area, allowing easy access and provision of needed facilities to devotees and other visitors, bringing more economic development and investment in the region, clearing of reported area landmines and saving the military and civilian lives which were usually lost in conflicts.

Known as Preah Vihear in Cambodia and Khao Phra Viharn in Thailand, this remote temple at the border between Thailand and Cambodia, which has reportedly not been clearly demarcated, has been a source of tension for generations. Preah Vihear was said to even predate Cambodia’s Angkor Wat temple complex by about 100 years and its stunning setting made it finest of all the ruins left from the mighty Khmer civilization, Zed added.

Rajan Zed further said that world could not let this sacred site dedicated to Lord Shiva (situated where Preah Vihear province of northern Cambodia touched Sisaket province of eastern Thailand) be further damaged to advance political agendas of some as there appeared to be a no clear solution to settle the long-standing territorial dispute surrounding the temple, which was already a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and whose history could be traced to 9th century when the hermitage was founded.

Moreover, Temple of Preah Vihear, an outstanding masterpiece of Khmer architecture mostly created by Suryavarman I and Suryavarman II, was a unique architectural complex of a series of sanctuaries and was said to be exceptional for the quality of its architecture and carved stone ornamentation. It was reportedly dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva in his manifestations as Sikharesvara and Bhadresvara. It was also said to be marking representation of sacred Mount Meru, the abode of the gods, and showing a depiction of Churning of the Ocean, a Hindu scriptural episode, Zed indicated.


Anonymous said...

I don't think it is the case here. The real case is who is the rightly owned the Preah Vihear Temple? For example, supposed Cambodia owns Preah Vihear Temple, which in fact, Cambodia is the true owner, if the government has abusing the way they handling the Preah Vihear Temple, then I would think that is is appropriate (moral duty) for the UN to come in and try to take over (control) from the government and to help preserve the temple for the world.


Anonymous said...

the case before hand, is the Siam is trying to rob the Preah Vihear Temple from Cambodia! The question is, does the Siam have any hard evidence to prove otherwise?


Anonymous said...

The Surin province is belonged to khmer, and khmer should invade Surin province.

Anonymous said...

It is about humanity, I wish to see the investigation of human lost during the whole fighting. It becomes very confusing now. Cambodian news suggested up to 32 Thai Soldiers were killed, while Thai Media reported 64 Cambodian Soldiers dead.

Anonymous said...

Who the fuck is Rajan Zed?...UN controlled? why need?...ICJ already decided that Cambodia is the right owner of this temple..I think that Mr. dickhead Rajan Zed should read history of who built the temple..Not fucking Indian Hindus, OK?..Khmer built it..and Khmer own it..and Rajan Zed should come to Thailand to told them move their asses out of Khmer land..then the temple will rest in peace...

Anonymous said...

4:10, you sound a bit like a little kid for a supposed a mature adult (hopefully you are).

First of, ICJ is 1962, in case you haven't been apprised of the current event, Preah Vihear temple is now a listed "World Heritage" and it has been under that title and protection since 2008--ding ding, new story here. So yes, the world, and the U.N does have some interests and obligation in preserving the temple - as we have listed as part of the Humanities achievement now, not just Cambodia alone - but for all humanity to love and care for.

thus, in light of this on-going, never ending dispute, Rajan's suggestion is very reasonable---especially given that Preah Vihear is no longer just ICJ's "Cambodia" temple, but that of the "World" heritage.

Secondly, calling Rajan Zed a dickhead, and telling him to read history is an embarrassment for yourself. You are probably a dickhead. How can you call upon someone to read history, when you yourself can not even complete reading their simple article? Rajan's claim that the temple should be protected is not based on claims that "Hindus" built it as you have terribly let your poor readings mislead you. Rajan said that the site should be protected because it is a Hindu religious artifact, and because of that, many Hindus around the world still see it as sacred even though we Khmers no longer follow the religion -- Hindus, respect this place because it was created to praise their Lord Shiva. Who built it, then is not a matter of importance, it is who worships and wants it protected that for future generations that concerns Mr. Rajan.

And if that isn't enough, for your egos sake, Mr. Rajan's article specifically mentioned the names of the Khmer king who oversea the project and called it a "remnant of the mighty Khmer empire."

So there you go, before you go around cursing at the people who supports you and wants to help you protect your heritage, you should probably take a closer reading at their opinions before lashing out...Good job!

Anonymous said...

I think Professor Zed's proposition has some merits but unable to answer questions of ownership. Very simple, Thailand needs to stop stealing and harassing cambodia's ownership of the temple and its needs to accept and COMPLY TO the TO 1962 ICJ DECISION. BUT IN 2008, EXTREME ELEMENTS OF THAI NATIONALIST unilaterally re-interpreted the ICJ DECISION over the Preah Vihear Case TO appease the RoyalistS.

But what at stake for thailand is not about stones and land. It's about keeping mastering and enslaving other people and neighbors from raising up the power hierarchy. AFTER ALL THE KINGDOM OF THAILAND IS SUSTAINED ON SLAVE LABOR FROM NEIGHBORING COUNTRIES AND OTHER ETHNIC MINORITIES.



Anonymous said...

Thanks Mr. Rajan for the concern! But I think you may have been misreported about the demarcation of the border as you wrote that"...which has reportedly not been clearly demarcated, has been a source of tension for generations..." The demarcation of the border was already clear enought for the Siem not to touch the area. This is the issue of invasion not about the demarcation of the border.

And if the management of the Khmer temple is given to the UN, how will you ensure that the Thai will stop invading the Camodian territory? Thai already officially aknowleged the Cambodian ownership of the temple, but they just want to swollow the clashed area. Moreover, the Thai Government (Abashit) want need to asnwer to the demand of the Yellow shirts.

Therefore, if you really want to care for the temple from further damage by Siem, I would like to suggest that you help stabalize Thai internal political affair, then all the probroblem will be over.

Anonymous said...

The world included Thailand recognised Prasat Preah Vihear was belong to Khmer (Abishit also said), now Thais army destroyed world herigate Prasat Preah Vihear temple, UNESCO and UN should condemn Thais military action which was violated the Combodia and UNESCO sovereignty.

The disagreement with 4.6 quare km had nothing to do with the temple so the fighting broke out Thais must not shoot the temple. Khmer protect the temple and Thais shot the temple so UN and UNESCO must condemn Thailand.

Refere to the the article, Thais national must not allow to visit the temple forever because of God Shiva will. The temple was builded by Khmer king for God Shiva, Thais did not exist when the temple was being builded.

Hindus around the world should support Cambodia because bigest Hindus religion side in the world builded by the Khmer (Cambodian) are being threated by Thailand.

Anonymous said...

Siem military thugs are the Taliban of Southeast Asia and they are desecrating the Khmer-Hindu temple and have no respect for Hindu religion!

Death to all Siem!

Anonymous said...

UN know Sokkong Viet Hun Sen boss will benefit on preah vihear as Ankor wat as well not Cambodia nor Cambodians,so the reasonable requested should be done at one.

Anonymous said...

i think if the entire world don't intervene to stop this, it won't stop anytime soon! the aggressors will not stop. the aggressors are the one who violated the international law, international treaty of 1907, contempt of icj court verdict, the one who kept on rankling about the law, etc! we know who they are!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Kingdom of Cambodia couldn't own
herself as a free
kingdom,how come she
wants to own Surin?
Yes,it is the kingdom
of Cambodia,but the
territory Khmer is
owning by Vietnam.
Cambodia is a fake or a ghost state.
Hun Sen is one of
Vietnam governor
who is in charge
Please,don't try to
be a blind and deaf
The wind of change
is coming in Tunisia
and in Egypt.
Rise up against Hun Sen and Vietnam in
Money lost can be
regained,but time lost is lost forever.