Thursday, February 03, 2011

Hue's secret history

How Thai friendship and hospitality helped create a Vietnamese royal treasure

Bangkok Post
During Minh Mang's reign, which coincided with that of King Rama III , competition in asserting political influence over Cambodia resulted in a 14-year war between Siam and Vietnam. The expensive conflict ended in peace talks in which both sides agreed that Siam maintained the right to elect Cambodian kings and that Cambodia must send tribute to Vietnam every three years.
Look at the map and you'll see that Bangkok and Hue, the former capital of Vietnam, aren't so far apart. But if you peep into history, you might find that the two cities were once even closer than the map suggests.

In 1785, just three years after King Rama I established Bangkok as the new Thai capital, Nguyen Anh, the dethroned feudal ruler of what is now southern Vietnam was given asylum in the Siamese royal court.

He was fleeing from his political enemies: the Trinh lords of Thang Long (known these days as Hanoi) that controlled the north, and the Tay Son revolution army which was a rising power threatening both Nguyen and the Trinhs.

Like the displaced princes and princesses of Cambodia who also took refuge in Bangkok at the time, Nguyen Anh, known by Thais as "Ong Chiang Sue", and his troops were kindly welcomed by King Rama I.

After spending two years in Siam, Nguyen Anh realised that the Thais were too busy with their wars with Burma to help him regain his power back home. He then saw the opportunity to resume the fight for his goal as the Tay Son army began their expansion to the Trinh-controlled areas in the north, thus leaving behind fewer troops in the south, his former stronghold.

Nguyen Anh returned to Gia Dinh (Saigon, or later Ho Chi Minh City) and sought help from a French missionary Pigneau de Behaine, who managed to gather for him modern firearms and other foreign aid as well as mercenaries and volunteers from France. And thanks to the knowledge in ship-building and naval warfare that these European men brought along, Nguyen Anh's armed forces became more organised and powerful enough to take on with the Tay Son, which by that time had become the dominant power.

To make a long story short, over the next two decades, Nguyen Anh and his troops fought their way to victory and finally in 1802 gained control of the entire of Vietnam.

The triumphant Nguyen Anh proclaimed himself Emperor Gia Long. The new name is said to be a symbol of the country's unification - the ''Gia'' from Gia Dinh (Saigon) in the south and the ''Long'' from Thang Long (Hanoi) in the north.

Unlike the previous Vietnamese imperial dynasties, Gia Long did not use Thang Long as the country's capital. Instead, in 1802 he chose Hue, which is located in the central part, as the political centre of his newly founded Nguyen Dynasty.

Not surprisingly, there was a good relationship between the courts of Vietnam and Siam during the times of Gia Long. However, things turned sour after his son Minh Mang took to the throne.

During Minh Mang's reign, which coincided with that of King Rama III , competition in asserting political influence over Cambodia resulted in a 14-year war between Siam and Vietnam. The expensive conflict ended in peace talks in which both sides agreed that Siam maintained the right to elect Cambodian kings and that Cambodia must send tribute to Vietnam every three years.

Under the Nguyen Dynasty, the city of Hue prospered both economically and culturally. Elaborate monuments popped up within the palace walls and outside along the Song Houng River (better known as Perfume River) which winds through the capital.

However, Vietnam later fell under the influence of France, one of the colonial powers in this part of the world. And as is already well known, the country has suffered many wars in recent times, both a civil war and with foreign forces, namely those of France, Japan and the United States of America.

During the notorious Vietnam War (1955-1975), Hue was the scene of one of the war's fiercest battles. Despite heavy damage, the remaining legacy of Nguyen Anh and the dynasty he established has been enough to earn the city's historical areas a place on Unesco's list of World Heritage sites.

These days, Hue welcomes thousands of tourists from around the world each year. The Thai hospitality, which gave Nguyen Anh a crucial timeout until he saw the chance to fight back and make all this happen, remains invisible to visitors to his imperial palace.

But now you know.


Anonymous said...

cambodia and khmer people should learn from everybody in the world e.g. the historical enemies, friends and foes alike, family, strangers, acquaintaince, teachers, professors, scholars, educators, philosophers, etc, etc..., ok! it's interesting to learn and know and understand history as well. god bless cambodia.

ពន្លឺ said...

ត្រូវហើយ បើស្អប់សត្រូវ ត្រូវយកវាមកធ្វើជាគ្រូ!

សិក្សាពីគេ ហេតុអីគេពីដីតូច ទន់ខ្សោយ ក្លាយជាដីធំ ហើយខ្លាំង?

កុំស្អប់គេហើយ គឹតតែពីជេរ គុំគួន គ្មានការអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ខ្លួនឯងនោះ មិនល្អទេ។

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr. Hun Sen and Ten Thousands stars Dr. Hun Manet,

Why do you and your relatives give Kos Trol, sea and lands to Vietnam? Why? and Why?

Why do you and all of your relatives involve a lot of murder cases in Cambodia? Why? Why?

Why do you murder Cambodian K5, 1997 events and so on and so on with lost count? Why?

If you are so good why do you and your families murder Cambodians? Why? And Why?

If you are so good, why do above 90% Cambodians are so poor but you and your relatives are billionaires and millionaires? Why? Why?

Why do you try to kill people from telling the true? Why? Why?

What is the difference from Khmer Rough and you, Sir?

If you are so good why do you block KI from Cambodians?

If you are so good, why do you steal all Cambodian life such as well being, health, cut down Cambodians life expectancy as well? But you and your small group are eat well, sleep well, exercise well, have oversea doctors and best medical treatment from high class private doctors from oversea. Most Cambodians that have no money, your healthcare system left Cambodians patients to die in front of your hospital. Why? Why?

If you are so good why more than 6 millions Vietnamese are living permanently in Cambodia, right now? Why, Dr. Hen Sen? And Why

Everywhere, I walk in Cambodia I see Vietnamese speak Vietnamese every where, why? Why?

Don't you and your families scare of hell for eternity?

When you die can you bring all of your power and money with you?

Dr. Hun Sen and Dr. Big ass lady and his beloved Dr. Hun Manet Please don't put us in jail or kill us for this! We want to live like you and your families do!

Khmers victim of 1997 and K5, Rattana Keo


If Dr. Hun Sen and Dr. Hun Manet remove the tablet it is show they are extremely coward and his star are just joy stars given by his daddy not by patriotism. Dr. Hun Manet is very coward as his daddy they only aim to kill innocent Cambodians that all. Dr. Hun SEn and Dr. ten stars Hun Manet are very great at bullying Cambodians and killing Cambodians but cowardly toward Thai and Viet.

CPP are not just corrupted, CPP are extremely corrupt. They are even sell the country such as Kos Trol, Seas, lands, Cambodian people, Cambodian health and well being, all resources in the Cambodia…with lost count. You name it!

Seriously where is the win win policy of Dr. Hun Sen represent? The country is getting smaller and smaller and shame by Dr. Hun Sen and Dr. Hun Manet and his families, his relatives and friends.

Anonymous said...

Indochina federation including Thailand and Burma as well.

Anonymous said...

4:48 PM

Keep it up with your blah blah...motherfucker.

Anonymous said...

Vietnam already control LAO, CAMBODIA, vietnam is so dangerous and a powerful beast!..Thailand should team up with CAMBODIA, if they are smart....

Anonymous said...

Know what someone
knows,the one not
someone does not
know he should learn
to know.
"No one knows everything.
No one knows nothing.
Everyone knows something.
Someone knows and learn something from
teacher,from self
interest,from co-
from blogger,and from self experience.
But don't believe
someone before you
believe in yourself.

Anonymous said...

គំនិតពន្លឺត្រឹមត្រូវណាស់ ខ្ញុំយល់ស្រប

Anonymous said...

Bangcock is correct on this little secret history.

Anonymous said...

they all tried to conquer cambodia at the time, but failed miserably always! khmer people will always fight back somehow, some way, you know! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...







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