Thursday, February 03, 2011

Landmine and unexploded ordnance casualty figures rise in 2010

MAG works in the most heavily mined areas of Cambodia.
02 Feb 2011
Source: member // MAG (Mines Advisory Group)

The number of landmine and unexploded ordnance casualties in Cambodia rose by 17 per cent to 286 last year, underlining the continued need for MAG’s lifesaving work in the country.

Figures from the Cambodian Mine/Explosive Remnants of War Victim Information System (CMVIS) show that 71 people died and 215 were injured as a result of 150 accidents, the same accident total as recorded in 2009.

MAG focuses not only on removing as many mines as possible but on removing those mines that pose the greatest threat to lives, livelihoods and development. MAG’s operations in Cambodia are focused in the areas with the greatest number of landmine casualties.

In 2010 landmines were the cause of 79 of the accidents recorded, whereas 71 involved explosive remnants of war − cluster bombs, air dropped bombs and unexploded ordnance (UXO), such as artillery projectiles, mortars and grenades.

Of the 530 casualties recorded by CMVIS from January 2009 to December 2010, 321 were men, 53 women and 156 children.

MAG will continue to prioritise high-impact clearance work in areas where the threat to lives and development is greatest.

For more on MAG's programme in Cambodia please visit

MAG thanks the following current donors to our Cambodia operations: Act for Peace; Actiefonds Minjnen Ruimen; Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Good Gifts; The Hurvis Foundation; Lutheran World Federation; QPSW (Quaker Peace & Social Witness); The Rowan Charitable Trust; The T.U.U.T Charitable Trust; UKaid (UK Department for International Development).

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