The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.
- Theodore M. Hesburgh
Dedicated to publishing sensitive information about Cambodia
The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.
- Theodore M. Hesburgh
Remember that Mr. Chea sophara build road to preah vihear in 2006, The thai used CPP party as a tools, stupide CPP he call on hundred of mob demonstration to burn down the thai embassy, the Yourn trick was worked very well by asking gov't to get rid of MR, Chea Sophara because Chea sophara was smart real patriot and Yourn worry that he would not allow Yourn to take Cambodia lands, and the road to preah vihear was stoped. don't you see Hun Sen he either spying for Yourn or he work very hard for our enemy Yourn, and he Hun Sen just allow Yourn to print new map that make Khemr loss a lot of land to Yourn, now you clearly see that Hun Sen is the real trator wasn't he?. Mike
Love motherland or
Love fatherland.
Khmer love to listen
each other;love one
another to find peace
in minds;they love to
care among Khmer to
improve loving kindness for their
people and country.
They also respect
their great-grandparents,grandparents,parents,and
other Khmer people.
Have love,have peace
in mind.Love is so
No way! This is women lib, they don't need man affection.
Which one is the father and which one is the mother? I mean nowaday we have two males as husband and husband's wife. Something in their wiring screwed.
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