Sunday, February 06, 2011

My Rights, My Responsibility (Constitution) Series

Constitution of Cambodia (Sept. 1993)


Article 55

Any treaty and agreement incompatible with the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, neutrality and national unity of the Kingdom of Cambodia shall be annulled.


Anonymous said...

Remember that Mr. Chea sophara build road to preah vihear in 2006, The thai used CPP party as a tools, stupide CPP he call on hundred of mob demonstration to burn down the thai embassy, the Yourn trick was worked very well by asking gov't to get rid of MR, Chea Sophara because Chea sophara was smart real patriot and Yourn worry that he would not allow Yourn to take Cambodia lands, and the road to preah vihear was stoped. don't you see Hun Sen he either spying for Yourn or he work very hard for our enemy Yourn, and he Hun Sen just allow Yourn to print new map that make Khemr loss a lot of land to Yourn, now you clearly see that Hun Sen is the real trator wasn't he?. Mike

Anonymous said...

Chapter IV:
Article 55.
The constitution of
Cambodia should be
So,Cambodia is part
of Vietnam land;she
is no longer Khmer state.It is a Viet-
nam territory.
Vietnam took Lao in
1975 and Cambodia in
1979.And she picked
Hun Sen as her governor of Khmer.
"If some Khmer citizens want to rise up as Tunisia
or Egypt,I will close the doors and
beat the dogs".Said Hun Sen.
Who are the doors?
Who are the dogs?
Pol Pot closed the
doors for foreign
countries to communicate with him,except China.
Hun Sen will do the
same as Pol Pot and
kill Khmer,but keep
Vietnam,his boss.
The dogs are Khmer
people;he compare Khmer citizens to dogs.He will beat
them up like dogs.
If Khmer people dare to die,they can survive.
If Khmer people want to die like
snakes or like frogs,it is up to
Khmer people.
Hun Sen and Viet will kill Khmer
little by little like they did in
Diamond Island bridge and other places in Cambodia.
Should Khmer rise
up or let them kill
little by little.
Hun Sen sold himself to Vietnam
just power and money;he does not care about Khmer land and Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

Ki-media should help Khmer to protect and save preach vihear rather than say bad thing and give people bad thinking and encourage the internal conflict.