Friday, February 04, 2011

No intervention from third party in Cambodia-Thai border dispute: Thai FM

PHNOM PENH, Feb. 4 (Xinhua) -- Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya said on Friday there should not be any intervention from the third party over the recent clash over the border dispute at Preah Vihear Temple.

His comment was made after an almost-three-hour military clash between troops of the two countries at Beehive area nearby Preah Vihear temple on Friday afternoon and following Cambodian Foreign Minister Hor Namhong's declaration "to sue to the United Nations' Security Council about the invasion into Cambodian territory by Thai troops."

"There should not be any intervention or activity by the third party that would be detrimental to the cordial relationship of the two countries," said Kasit Piromya on Friday evening at Phnom Penh International Airport before leaving Cambodia for Thailand.

He said that the border situation particularly in and around Preah Vihear Temple is very sensitive from both sides, so both sides must use utmost restraint.

"I have talked to Cambodian authorities together with my ambassador and I called back to my Minister of Defense in Bangkok in order to defuse the situation and to bring the cease fire under control," he said.

The military clash between Cambodia and Thailand began at 3:00 p.m. and ended at 5:45 p.m. on Friday afternoon.

There is no immediate report about the deaths and damages yet, said Kasit.

The incident was the latest in a long-festering dispute over the cliff-top Preah Vihear temple on the Cambodian side.

The incident happened coincided with the visit of Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya in Cambodia to join the 7th meeting of the Joint Commission for bilateral cooperation.

Cambodia's Preah Vihear temple was enlisted as World Heritage Site on July 7, 2008. Just a week after the enlistment, Cambodia and Thailand have had border conflict due to Thai claim of the ownership of 1.8 square miles (4.6 sq km) of scrub next to the temple, triggering a military build-up along the border, and periodic clashes between Cambodian and Thai soldiers have resulted in the deaths of troops on both sides.


Anonymous said...

Best news I have heard in awhile...this is probably the best thing for Cambodia's freedom from the f*cking Viets. Viet's soldiers are blending in with the Cambodian soldiers, the international communities know that...but if they get caught red-handed, Vietnam gonna be in trouble. War is necessary at this time.

Anonymous said...

This all about VietNam heading toward Thailand.

Its not about khmer and thai!
Thailand just finally know the issue is heading toward them.

They should have helped laos and cambodia during the 70's. Now, it vietcong is catching up on them.

Anonymous said...

Viet is not stupid to help Cambodia over thai. it is a silly idea that viet involve dispute between Cam&Thai.

Anonymous said...

Just like a typical Thai, Kasit is a great liar. If there is cordial relation between the two countries like Kasit claimed, they why is there a shoot out?

Manipulation is within all Thai blood. You cannot trust them.

Anonymous said...

"Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya said on Friday there should not be any intervention from the third party over the recent clash over the border dispute at Preah Vihear Temple."

=The intervention of the third parties are inevitable because Cambodia need more weapon and more missiles! Why the third party needs to listen to AH Kashit Piromya old fool because they have so much investments in Cambodia! The third parties will protect their investments by giving Cambodia more advance weapon to deter the Siem naked aggression!

Anonymous said...

ធម្មតាអ្នកខ្សោយ ត្រូវតែរកអ្នកទី៣ជួយ
ឫមួយហ៊ុនសែន មិនត្រូវការអ្នកទី៣ទេ?

Anonymous said...

of course, that's how siem like to see that cambodia will not call upon the UN securithy council to put a stop to siem aggression once and for all by helping to settle the unsettling border demarcation once and for all so in the future siem cannot try to steal from cambodia again, really! cambodia should call upon the UN security council in name of law to put a stop to siem's aggression, invasion, provocation, stealing, etc! stop play siem stupid game and stop catering to siem's illegal demand, really! siem cannot win with the law, they will resort to violence by using the size do their country, population, etc on cambodia, so, cambodia must do whatever we see fit to counter siem's illegal intention on our country, etc! stop waiting any longer, cambodia, use the UN now. siem will lose big time with the UN security council involvement and so forth! we already exhausted every ways with them so, this last exchange of fire is the last resort already. the UN must be called upon! be smart about it, cambodia!

Anonymous said...

siem want aggression, the law is on cambodia side. so use the UN!

Anonymous said...

that's exactly how siem want it to be, no third party intervention so they can go back to the law of the jungle like during the dark ages era! go figure!

Anonymous said...

in order to expedite the settlement, cambodia must use the UN body! or this issue will go on unsettling forever if it's up to siem pad thugs illegal demand, really!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

siem say that because they know they can never win with the law, you know! cambodia should do the oposite of what siem pad thugs are saying, really!

Anonymous said...

To the people who support foreigner such as Thais or Viet to invade our motherland are traitors. These people have no place in Cambodia or elsewhere, what they said it just pro invader Thais or Viet and accuse Khmer for everything so Khmer became the scapegoat of these traitors.

Anonymous said...

Thais destroyed Preah Vihear Temple. Form now on all Thais citizen will not allow to visit the temple forever.