Thursday, February 24, 2011

No Troop Withdrawal Despite Observers' Presence [-Another Thai ploy?]

BANGKOK, Feb 23 (Bernama) -- Thai troops stationed at the Thai-Cambodian border will not be withdrawn despite the presence of observers from Indonesia.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said troops would remain along the border, in protecting the country's sovereignty.

"Their (observers) presence is to make sure there is no clash in the area and they will know which side is responsible for the new clash if it happens," he told reporters here Wednesday.

He said details on when the observers would begin their task were being worked out and their duration would depend on the situation at the border.

The Asean Foreign Ministers Meeting in Jakarta Tuesday agreed to dispatch observers from Indonesia, the current Asean Chair, as requested by Bangkok and Phnom Penh.

The mandate of the observers is to assist and support the parties in respecting their commitment to avoid further armed clashes between them, by observing and reporting accurately, as well as impartially, on complaints of violations and submitting their findings to each party, through Indonesia.

The observers will not be placed in the disputed 4.6 sq km area but would be on both sides of the affected areas on the border.

The border dispute involved both nations' claims the area surrounding the 1,000-year-old Preah Vihear Hindu Temple as the area yet to be demarcated, including the access route to the temple.

The International Court of Justice ruled in 1962 that the temple was located in Cambodia, and it was listed as a world heritage site by Unesco in 2008.

The recent clashes occurred between Feb 4 and Feb 16 at the disputed area with both sides exchanging heavy weapons, including bombs, rockets and tanks, leaving 10 deaths reported on both sides.

Prior to this, three clashes were reported - July 15, 2008, October 2008 and April 3, 2009 - since the inscription of the temple on the world heritage list on July 8, 2008.

During the seven-day ceasefire recently, both nations reinforced their forces near the border with additional troops and heavy weapons.

Bangkok dispatched an additional 20,000 troops and dozens of tanks to the border while news reports from Phnom Penh also indicated the mobilisation of a similar size of additional troops.

At the height of the tension, Phnom Penh had requested the United Nations to send peacekeepers to the disputed area, following the recent clashes but it was turned down by the world body.

Both parties brought up the recent clashes to the United Nations Security Council on Feb 14, but the Security Council urged them to establish a permanent ceasefire, resolve the situation peacefully and through dialogue with Asean support.


Anonymous said...

Preah Vihear was built by thai king 100 years before Suryavarman II (Champ king)built Angkor Wat. That is the fact. Cambodian people you must except the true and fact.

Don't believe whatever Ms. Rattana Keo say because she is just a crazy khmer woman. Kos Trol! Kos Trol! Kos Trol! Khmer people are thieft steal Thai people land and Kos Trol is belong to Vietname since time begin! Ms. Rattana Keo crazy woman we ever heard before.

Rattana Keo go back to be a good house wife that is where you belong as well as all khmer women...

Cheers to Khmerization, In the name of Khmerization we true can silence Ms. Rattana Keo.. Cheers gangs

Anonymous said...

This is another lop lop man writting, the way he wrote is nonsenses.

Anonymous said...

To 1:49PM

Your Thai King still sit on his crown 100 years ago in Nanchoa and it would be impossible for him to build anything because the Mongol were about to kick his stupid arse from Nanchoa again!

Anonymous said...

Thai look like chinese

Anonymous said...

Khmer don't give a shit about Thai withrawal their chicken troops or not? Just making sure Thai-thief stay on Thailand side, and do not encroaching in 4.6km! Khmer will blast Thai-thief Up in Ashes...Stop threaten khmer with new plane, new tanks, new bullshit craps!! Khmer don't give a shit about new toys Thai has...

Anonymous said...

Stupid Thailand still claiming 4.6km? Starting war cambodian is bad thing to do...why? Khmer has been to many wars in the past, no foods, only fighting! We still survived today! I don't think Thai people can do like Khmer people...

Anonymous said...

Preah Vihear was built by Thai King? HAHA another stupid comment by a Thai. Where were Siam when the Temple was built? Khmer Empire went as far as Burma back then. Maybe your people were slaves helping to build the temple. That would make sense HAHAHA.

Anonymous said...

The whole Thailand today belonged to Khmer Empier lands! Khmer Empier King gave portion of lands for SIAMESE group(small tribe)to live and work for Khmer King like Slave yes...They learn khmer cultural, they act so gentle and soft speaking...but latter on they revolt against Khmer King!

Anonymous said...

Most of people throughout Thailand today are former khmer empier kingdom, but they forgotten their real history, because Thai Govts screwed up their brain, teaching them to hated khmer against khmer...flip flop history! Tha taught their kids that cambodia is the one stealing and robbing their land, their Pra viharn??????

Anonymous said...

correction=thailand taught their youngster to hated khmer, flip flop real history, telling the children that khmer stold their preah vihear and lands belonged to them??

Anonymous said...

I do believed most people in Thailand today still remember their real history, but they are just going along...whatever has already passed? I used have step mother in Norng Samith, she told me that all people here are khmers, they peak khmer everyday in the village, but when soldier came..'Tom Rout' or (Ta Han) they start to speak Thai languages...She said, everyday they talk khmer to each other in the village! They help me hide in the village when Ta Han screaming, yelling for Khmen! Khmen!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Making war with CAmbodia is a bad thing to do! Thailand will lost alot of thing...dumb! dumb! Viet gaining everything!

Anonymous said...