Source: Bora Touch Esq, "Nona chea mchas Prasath Preah Vihear", The Bulletin Metheavi(Lawyers)/ The Bulletin of the Bar Association of Cambodia N0.2 July-September 2009, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
The article is the Khmer version of the Who Owns the Preah Vihear Temple, published by The Journal of East Asia and Internaitonal Law, 2(1) Spring 2009.Typing mistakes in Khmer contain therein are regrettable. They are beyond my control.
The article is the Khmer version of the Who Owns the Preah Vihear Temple, published by The Journal of East Asia and Internaitonal Law, 2(1) Spring 2009.Typing mistakes in Khmer contain therein are regrettable. They are beyond my control.

Why not raise the case to international court of justic?
It's the best way to avoid the losses of life, property and espcially the damage of Preahvihear temple since the current practice doesn't work?
Khmer does not have a leader that khow how/what/when/and where!
U just read the letter that Hor Namhong's cronie wrote to UN/secretary general like a baby poop!
the siam has been jerking around to get khmer fall into their plan, then the siam would have evidence to show the international that khmer did it.
this is a good question! the owner of preah vihear definitely not siem, really! so, what makes them think they can dictate to cambodia and unesco that cambodia cannot manage our preah vihear without their consent? again, siem is using their own illegal map for sure! no doubt about that!
12:29 PM,
simply put, a dog that has it owner standing behind tends to bark a lot. It barks until the owner says stop.
That's what siam is all about. they think they have more allies that can help them win over the preah vihea temple from khmer. that's also what yuon has been doing the same to khmer.
Solution - if the leaders in phnom penh turn their heads to all Koun Khmer - khmer nation small but would be very strong!
12:28 PM
With your perfect knowledge, you should advise the Cambodian government, because you are the one, who knew everything and the world better, than other.
Cambodia sure needs someone like you.
No need to say anything furthers,you khmers will die under Mr.Hoon Xen unavoidable the thai know Hoon Xen breached the peace accord 1993 in Paris already why is not Thai?
Hoon Xen should be come clean because that peace agreement stated khmer land belong to khmers not youn and thai ,Hoon Xen gave away lands islands to youn and why is not Thai ,
this game won't be stopped at this point Thai need to invade khmers and share the land with youn unless We are getting new leader that is not get involved with Youn,\.
12:46 PM,
whether you mean it or not, I still appreciate your comment.
But please understand. My attitude is that, you may know how to cook rice and I don't. But I do know how to make good soup that goes with your rice. My point is, cooperation and collaboration in implenting the plan(s) has been proven effective. It does not matter how big, small, difficult, or easy the job is - cooperation, collaboration, understanding, sharing ideas, and respect one another points of view, is always get things done, and done it correctly!
I assume that you know how communists ideologies work, and people are afraid to have anything to do with that concepts. If the phnom penh leaders know how politic works - for the interest of the country and people, they should have been looking outside for resources to help them help the nation. But they don't! Why? Greed, power, corruption, and nepotism have been up in their heads, and it is a bit difficult to deal with them. Didn't you read the news lately that Hun Sen has been grooming his son for the next election? No matter what, I still truely believe that they still have a chance to turn around. To turn around and reach out to koun khmer like you and I and thousands more in the world to help rebuild our country.
thank you and good sharing our interests
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