Wednesday, February 09, 2011

On Thai - Cambodia, UN Moves for Monday Council Meeting, With ASEAN

UN's Ban & Marty Natalegawa: UN replacement?
By Matthew Russell Lee
Inner City Press

UNITED NATIONS, February 8 -- A day after the UN Security Council did not act on Cambodia's request for a Council meeting, late Tuesday agreement emerged to hold the requested meeting on Monday, February 14.

To make clear that the UN is deferring to the regional group ASEAN, its mediator between Thailand and Cambodia Marty Natalegawa will be invited to come and speak.

Meanwhile Secretary General Ban Ki-moon told the Press on Tuesday that he had spoken with the prime ministers of Thailand and Cambodia. Some wonder why Ban isn't mediating, or even asked to mediate, under UN Charter Article 99.

Natalegawa was previously Indonesia's Permanent Representative to the UN, and some now mentioned him for higher, even the highest, UN position.

Footnote: also in Council consultations Tuesday, discussion was had of a Council trip to the Middle East. Watch this site.


Anonymous said...

United nations should be moved out of thus fucking America

Anonymous said...

I think it will come out nothing
It just talk without any decision
at all they will let it go because Hun Sen never listen to un any way
and he going to kick U N human right out very soon.Make him please UN right now other way let thai teach him a lesson to the strong Man Dek cho

Anonymous said...

hun doesn't count on UN but call UN for what? Stop playing old dirty trick from yourn telling you what to do. You are old enought to understand and you will die soon the hun dynasty.

Anonymous said...

All about power. When Thai and Cambodian war in full scale, Thai gonna be part of Indochina and Indonesia, Burma, Malaysia etc. They're using Preah Vihear to provoke war. I can't wait until Thai become refugee to neighboring county. I'll go Asia take kick their ass for abusing and murder Cambodian, Lao, Mhong, Vietnamese, Cham, and Chinese when we search refuge in their country.

Anonymous said...

I mainly focus on my temple only I dont focus on political reason. look Now how we can do sth for this temple? UN and UNESCO should look the real problem happened to temple and take all instruments to avoid more and more damage. Both countries are member of UN and UNESCO so they have to respect the law like all the countries around the world to protect and conservation heritage. 21 th century all the problems are being solved on table both regional and international body. At last, International court. UN and UNESCO u have to be independent and look into serious damage on temple. I have never looked this temple even one time. Glory temple had been recorded into world heritage so international community have an obligation to protect and conservation not only this temple but also many places were recorded to be protected. Border conflicts is one story but dont take this temple as their enemy. Many century no one remind or think about glory this temple but it become world heritage it also wounded all body and died. This temple cry and cry for helping. Now who are influence to protect this temple? or all of you look this collapsed and fall down to land without recognized body. Please Please help this temple as humankind and world property.

Khmer Israel said...

How do I know that UN UNESCO didn't create this site for the purpose of creating conflict between the two countries to bring progress into Indochina Federation? Soon the UN will step in with their solution to solve the problem and to accomplish of uniting Thailand with Cambodia.

Or the UN will ask the two parties to hand certain reigns to more of UN control. This is the foremost goal of UN.

Anonymous said...

As Khmer is oldest in the Indochina Peninsula than Thailand, at least as a political state, it is like Cambodia is Greece and Thailand is Italy. Cambodia is first and it is impossible to deny it. Thailand has been built over the Cambodian territory, history and culture. it is an invader, Thai people should recognize it in humilitation

The Thai leaders should wake to lucidity, suspend any agression and sit down and say sorry to brother Khmer brothers, as they are, to build peace and common development for their peoples.

Anonymous said...

Incase you don't know. UN are controlled by US. UN Office is in NY. If US tell UN to make Cambodia look bad, Then Thailand still their favorite pussy. Thai can do anything what they want and the UN will turn a blind eye on Cambodia. Remember the Irag war, Collin Powell reign because he don't want to feel guilty. Weapon of mass destruction still didn't find till today. All about oil. And Hun Sen threaten to close the UN office down in Pnom Penh, I don't think they care much about his CCP regime anymore. That's why they're playing dumb with him now and let Thai do anything they want.

Anonymous said...

This guy from indonesia has no ideas what is going on by tell hun sen to do bilateral talk with ah thai. It's a waste of times. Hun xen a smart man known that. Don't listen to this indonesia guy. He on ah thai side and want khmer to give lands to ah thai.

Anonymous said...

Khmouch meah ah HUNSEN rude...!!! to UN is now UN don't like ah ngob hunsen... that's make ALL KHMER suffers because ah ngob hunsen...!!!

ALL THESE tragerty YOUN oders ah ngob hunsen do like these...ect

all youn profit...

Anonymous said...

Mr Ban Ki Moon came to Cambodia and met his Hun sen last time, and end being threaten by the mafia Hun sen, that's why Ban Kim Moon avoid the thug (Hun Sen)by not mediating in this matter, because he got so much headache from the thugs Hun sen.

Anonymous said...

mr. marty and mr. ki moon, thailand's bilateal approach means nothing to cambodia right now as our focus is to stop thailand from dreaming to steal our preah vihear temple and blocking our accessway by disrespecting the icj verdict of 1962 and the international treaty map of 1907! forget their bilateral talk with us now, it's not going to work with us, really!

Anonymous said...

we don't have problem with bilateral trade, we have problem with siem stealing our preah vihear and accessway!