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The leaflet involved |
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The alleged distribution ring |
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The alleged distribution ring (All photos: CEN) |
Thursday, 03 February 2011
Phak Seangly
The Phnom Penh Post
Ministry of Interior officials announced at a National Police meeting yesterday that provincial courts had issued warrants for the arrest of four fugitives believed to be hiding in Thailand and suspected of ordering the distribution of hundreds of anti-government leaflets.
Major General Nov Leakhana, deputy director of the Internal Security Department at the Ministry of Interior, said yesterday that a national police investigation had revealed that six men arrested last week on suspicion of distributing anti-government leaflets are believed to be the fugitives’ subordinates.
Nov Leakhana said that three Khmer Krom ‘ringleaders’ and a female suspect accused of disinformation ordered six men to distribute leaflets in Phnom Penh, Takeo, Siem Reap, Battambang, and Preah Sihanouk provinces within the last few months.
Nov Leakhana said that one of the ringleaders was 35-year-old Khmer Krom Buddhist monk, Thach Kongphuong, who disguised himself in non-religious clothing and secretly distributed anti-government leaflets in Takeo province on January 7.
“The four are hiding themselves in Thailand, and among those is a monk,” he said.
Senior investigator for Licadho Am Sam Ath said the distribution of anti-government leaflets was popular in Cambodia lately and viewed leaflet distribution as freedom of speech.
“Our country has this kind of law [about criticising government leaders and inciting civil unrest] and it restricts the freedom of expression,” he said.
Stupid Khmer government...I would died for that CCP or Hun Sen. They didnt do shit for Khmer people. Only Favor VC fuck...this shit...why died or sent you kids to died for this government...??????
The political uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt and what they mean for the rest of the Dictators in world?
It seems the Tunisia "H1N1" is speading everywhere in the world; even Cambodia start to permeate
and very soon Cambodian will be push to the Maximum CHAOS!
The Revolt will sweep across the Khmer nation to oust viet dogs.
My Khmer Compatriots, Khmer must struggles for RENEWAL, CHANGE and FREEDOM.
You don't have other choice, but to organise an Armed Uprising right now to against these Hanoi's Puppet Hun Sen's families and it cronies.
All of you are in a loose-loose situation by Legal Means.
Freedom will never fall from the Sky. You have to fight to get that.
Hun Sen and Hanoi will continue to oppress you and confiscate your lands for their vietnamese bosses and their own interessts.
And how many Vietnamese illegal immigrants in Cambodia now ??? there are 6-7 million of them and over 100,000 in armed camoulfage.
The Hanoi's Vietnamisation is step by step and almost finished to their goal.
All of you will be Hanoi's slaves on your ancestors Lands very soon.
They cannot kill all of you in all Sroks and all Provinces, otherwise the whole world will step in to help liberate you from this mess of political CHAOS.
I called to Khmer compatriots to rise up with Axes, Swords, Sticks, Knives, Spears, Arrows, and possible grenades, B40-B41 hand Guns, shot guns to riot and kill THEM for your Freedom and liberate your country from the vietnamese yoke.
If you don't dare to die you won't survive.
*** Thanks KHMER NATIONALIST for the leaflet, we need you to write more and stronger messages to Khmer inner and Khmer outer around the world to be ready when time is coming...
To Topple Ah Hun Regime...!
If there is freedom of the press, which means the gov't taking criticism to better itself, there are no clandestine leaflets dropping.
កាលណាខ្ញុំបានឮ អំពីរឿងបាចខិតប័ណ្ណ ខ្ញុំបាននឹកឃើញ ទៅអតីតកាល គឺក្នុងឆ្នាំ១៩៦៦-៦៨។ កាលនោះក៏មានខិតប័ណ្ណបាចជាហូរហែរ ឥញ្ចឹងដែរ។ រដ្ឋាភិបាល ស្តេចតាមិនបានដោះ ស្រាយបញ្ហាដែលកើតមានឡើងទេ គឺគេប្រមាញ់តាមចាប់ ស្រាវរកអ្នកដែលប្រព្រឹត្តទាំងនោះ។ រឿងនោះ វាមិនបាត់ស្ងាត់ទេ វាកាន់តែរីកធំឡើងៗ។ រហូតដល់មានសង្គ្រាមឆ្នាំ១៩៧០។
រឿងបាចត្រាក់ គឺចេញអំពីរឿងឈឺចាប់មួយ ដែលរដ្ឋាភិបាលមិនអាច ដោះស្រាយឱ្យបាន។
Ah HUN SEN'S day is coming to an end and it will end very shortly which shame.
Once it ends with no more useful to Vietnam, the Vietcongs will finish Ah HUN SEN off by cutting his head off his body just like what they did to Comrad Chan Sy. Vietname today keeps HUN SEN alive only to use him to kill his own Khmer innocent people so the world does't see Vietnam as a ring leader of murder.
11:01 PM
I agree with you 100% and I still remember it too.
And who did it, mostly students.
That the fucking stupid laws of the the fucking communist and accepted by the fucking PhD from the fucking Hanoi!
May ligthing strike you motherfucker oppressors!
Where's Mike?
I remembered many times even riots at chinese merchant for higher prices.
Most of the Leaflets written by Teachers and Students do the acted.
That's good to sent the leaflets to Universities, Colleges, High Schools and junior high throughout
the country and mobilize people to topple the current garbage government.
Somedays Hun Sen regime will collapse.
Hun Sen you'll down...!
12:34 am,
Mike had his landcruiser flipped over in Norodom Boulevard this morning according to source in
Nom Benh.
នៅកម្ពុជា មានចារកម្មរបស់លោកហ៊ុនសែន
នៅគ្រប់កន្លែង ។ ពួកចារកម្មទាំងនេះ អាចបន្លំ
ចូលរួមធ្វើជាបោះខិតប័ណ្ណ គោលដៅ គឺដើម្បី
ចង់ស្វែងរក ជនដែលមានគោលបំណង
ដ៏ពិតប្រាកដ ។ ព្រោះថា ក្រុមលោកហ៊ុនសែន តែងតែប្រើក្បួន
យុទ្ធសាស្រ្តមួយ ដែលគេហៅថា លលកស្រុក ទៅទាក់លលកព្រៃ ។ក្បួននេះ
គឺមានប្រសិទ្ធភាពណាស់ ។ មកពីអចឹងហើយ បានជារៀងរាល់ដង នៅពេលដែលមានការប៉ុនប៉ងធ្វើសកម្មភាព
ប្រឆាំងថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំ គឺត្រូវបានក្រុមសមត្ថកិច្ច
ចាប់់ពួកប្រឆាំងទាំងនេះ បានដោយងាយ ។
ដូច្នេះ បងប្អូនដែលនៅកម្ពុជា សូមកុំឆោតល្ងង់ហើយត្រូវប្រុងប្រយ័ត្ណ អោយមែនទេន មិនត្រូវបណ្ដោយខ្លួនអោយជាប់អន្ទាក់របស់ពួកក្រុមចារកម្ម ហ៊ុនសែនទាំងនេះ ឡើយ។
យកល្អ បើមានជនណាញុះញុង់ បងប្អូនអោយធ្វើសកម្មភាពប្រឆាំងរដ្ឋាភិបាល គឺត្រូវដកខ្លួនអោយឆ្ងាយ ព្រោះថា ពេលវេលាមិនទាន់ហុចអោយនៅឡើយ។
it's a tough job for anyone! how are you suppose to prevent people from breaking the law, etc? you can't just let them break the law without repercussion, etc, you know! any better solution?
តើ នាក់ណាសម្លាប់ ជាវីជា នាក់ណាសម្លាប់ បាតុករ?
មេច រកមិនឃើញ សោះ? ឬ មិនរក ព្រោះចៅហ្វាយជា នាក់ ចេញបញ្ជា ? រដ្ថាពិបាល ភ្នំពេញ ចាប់ ខ្មែរ ស្លូតត្រង់ គ្រូបង្រាន និស្សីត លោកសង្ឃ នាក់កាសែត អ្នកស្នេហា ជាតិ លាបពណ៌ លាបមុខ ហើយ យកទៅឃុំឃាំង ។ ព្រោះត្រូវការ បំបិទមាត់ នាក់ទាំងនេះ ខ្លាចមានការ តវ៉ា បែប ទុយណេស៊ី នឹង អេ ជីប រាលដាល ដល់ ភ្នំពេញ ។ អស់ លោកខ្លាចណាស់ តែង ជួបណាស់ ហួលពេលហើយសម័យក្រាញ នឹងអំណាច ក្នុង ពិភពលោក នេះ។ ល្មមវិច មាស នឹងដុល្លា រត់ទៅ ទុក អោយប្រជាជនខ្មែរ រស់លើដីខ្មែរ ដោយសុខសាន្ត ផង ៕៕៚
Mike is at the top secret meeting with his master in Hanoi.
He' ll write some more when returns.
ក៏ព្រោះអំណាច បុណ្យសក្ដិ ។កាលនៅក្នុងអំណាច
គន្លងធម៌ ហើយអ្នកអស់នោះមិនទុកចិត្តខ្មែរខ្លួនឯង
ទេ ព្រោះគេជាអ្នកក្បត់ជាតិសាសន៍ឯង ម៉្លោះហើយ
ឲ្យតែលូតប៉ិច ក្ដិចច្រិបចោល ។ ជាពិសេស ច្រើន
តែពួកអាម៉ីអាថោងជាអ្នកឈឺឆ្អាលជាង ដូចមានរឿង
រ៉ាវជាច្រើនកន្លងមក តាំងពីសម័យសង្គមរាស្ត្រ
និយមរហូតមក នេះជាចរិតខ្មែរ ព្រោះអ្នកដឹកនាំ
មិនចោលគំនិតអញនិយម គ្រួសារនិយម បក្ស
ពួកនិយម ។ល។
kon kmeng naek srae
I saw the clandestine leaflets droppings in the past – 1966-68 to be exact.
It was the same as now.
Sihanouk’s did not try to correct the problems mentioned in the leaflets, but instead his government looked for and jailed the droppers. The droppings grew bolder until the wake of the civil war in early 1970.
The clandestine leaflets droppings come from the general unhappy of the population toward the misconduct of the government.
Dear Dr. Hun Sen and Ten Thousands stars Dr. Hun Manet,
Why do you and your relatives give Kos Trol, sea and lands to Vietnam? Why? and Why?
Why do you and all of your relatives involve a lot of murder cases in Cambodia? Why? Why?
Why do you murder Cambodian K5, 1997 events and so on and so on with lost count? Why?
If you are so good why do you and your families murder Cambodians? Why? And Why?
If you are so good, why do above 90% Cambodians are so poor but you and your relatives are billionaires and millionaires? Why? Why?
Why do you try to kill people from telling the true? Why? Why?
What is the difference from Khmer Rough and you, Sir?
If you are so good why do you block KI from Cambodians?
If you are so good, why do you steal all Cambodian life such as well being, health, cut down Cambodians life expectancy as well? But you and your small group are eat well, sleep well, exercise well, have oversea doctors and best medical treatment from high class private doctors from oversea. Most Cambodians that have no money, your healthcare system left Cambodians patients to die in front of your hospital. Why? Why?
If you are so good why more than 6 millions Vietnamese are living permanently in Cambodia, right now? Why, Dr. Hen Sen? And Why
Everywhere, I walk in Cambodia I see Vietnamese speak Vietnamese every where, why? Why?
Don't you and your families scare of hell for eternity?
When you die can you bring all of your power and money with you?
Dr. Hun Sen and Dr. Big ass lady and his beloved Dr. Hun Manet Please don't put us in jail or kill us for this! We want to live like you and your families do!
Khmers victim of 1997 and K5, Khmer Girl MS. Rattana Keo
If Dr. Hun Sen and Dr. Hun Manet remove the tablet it is show they are extremely coward and his star are just joy stars given by his daddy not by patriotism. Dr. Hun Manet is very coward as his daddy they only aim to kill innocent Cambodians that all. Dr. Hun SEn and Dr. ten stars Hun Manet are very great at bullying Cambodians and killing Cambodians but cowardly toward Thai and Viet.
CPP are not just corrupted, CPP are extremely corrupt. They are even sell the country such as Kos Trol, Seas, lands, Cambodian people, Cambodian health and well being, all resources in the Cambodia…with lost count. You name it!
Seriously where is the win win policy of Dr. Hun Sen represent? The country is getting smaller and smaller and shame by Dr. Hun Sen and Dr. Hun Manet and his families, his relatives and friends.
The uprising people are not just in
in Asia minor,in Africa,South America,they will spread in Southeast
Asia,and Asia.
China,North Korea,
even Vietnam will
rise up too.
Listen to the news
around the world,the people are unhappy with the dictatorship or
communist leadership.
Hun Sen will be next out of power and get killed by
the Khmer people.
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