Sunday, February 20, 2011

"Paro Para Panhaha Khmer Siem" a Poem in Khmer by Ung Thavary


Anonymous said...

Why do Kos Trol, sea and lands proximately over 10 000 km2 have been lost to Vietnam by who treaty? Why don’t Cambodia goverment transparencies explain to Cambodia army at front line and the whole nation about this? Why don't they include this into education system? Why?

Cambodian armies are fighting at front line for 4.6 km2 and what's about over 10 000km2 of Cambodia to Vietnam. Nobody dare to talk about it! Why? Cambodian armies you are decide the fate of your nation, Cambodian army as well as Cambodian people must rethink about this again and again. Is it fair?

Kos Trol, Sea and lands over 10 000km2 have been lost to Vietnam by who treaty at 1979 to 1985 treaty! Treaty! Cambodian army at front line as well as all Cambodian people must rethink again about these issues. Are Cambodian army fighting to protect the Cambodia Nation or protect a very small group that own big lands, big properties or only protecting a small group rather in the real name of protecting Khmer nation?

Cambodian army at front line suffer under rain, wind, bullets, bombs, lack of foods, lack of nutrition, their families have no health care help, no securities after they die but a very small group eat well, sleep well, sleep in first class hotel with air conditioning with young girls message, have super health care from oversea medical treatment, they are billionaires, millionaires who sell out the country to be rich and make Cambodian people suffer everyday as Cambodian people know already.

Who signed the treaty 1979-1985 that result lost over 10 000 km2 of Cambodia??? Why don't they transparency inform all Cambodian and Cambodian army at front line about these issues? Why don't include Kos Trol (Kos Trol size is bigger than the whole Phom Phen with heap of great natural resources) in education system in Cambodia.

Look at Hun Sen families, relatives; friends are billionaires, millionaires where do they get the money from if we all just get out of war with empty hands? Hun Sen always say in his speech Cambodia just get up from war, just get up from Zero with empty hands and how come they are billionaires, millionaires but 90% innocent Cambodian people are so poor struggling with living every day.

Khmer girl Ms. Rattana Keo,

Anonymous said...

Khmer leaders are soooo stupid and dumb, that is why Youns and Siems swallowed their lands easily.

Anonymous said...

this is called well done

Anonymous said...

Khmer leaders they only care about their families,relatives and their power and money. They don't care about the whole nation or Cambodia country at all. They rather lost lands than lost their power and money!

Anonymous said...

How smart you are 8:25AM!.Did you take
smart pills?
How Hun Sen has got
power?Who are supporting Hun Sen?
Without Vietnam,Hun
Sen becomes a dog.
Hun Sen needs money
and power only.
Ou Virak said," Hun
Sen has billion dollars,but Someone
said,"Mubarak has $40 to $70billion dollars in 30 years
as president in Egypt.
How about 26 years
of Hun Sen?Hun Sen
has tons of gold.
He sold everything,
he wanted.He wants
gas and oil companies to get thing done in 2012.
How hungry money he
Hun Sen is a billionaire.
Hun Sen forgot when he was a poor farmer
in Kompong Cham.
Am I jealous of Hun Sen?No.
and JUSTICE.I love
dearly Cambodia.
Wake up! Stand up!
Rise up!Speak up! against Hun Sen and CPP;specially Viet
in Cambodia.