Sunday, February 06, 2011

Petition ‘On Peace not War between Thailand and Cambodia’

Dear Readers, (From Khmerization)

Dr. Charnvit Kasetsri, former rector of Thammasat University, and Supala Kanjanakhundee, one of the most objective journalists for the Thai Nation newspaper, along with other prominent Thai academics, have joined force to seek supports for their petition calling for a peaceful resolution to the Cambodian-Thai border dispute. Please support them by signing the petition below:

Requesting your signature for The Santi-prachatham Announcement ‘On Peace not War between Thailand and Cambodia’ (see English tr. below)

English translation:

The Santi-prachatham Announcement on Peace not War between Thailand and Cambodia

5 February 2011

The Santi-prachatham group, consisting of professors, academics, and members of the public, who have a strong commitment to democracy and peace for Southeast Asia and the ASEAN Community, urgently request all parties involved to bear in mind the following considerations.

1. We urge the armed forces on both sides immediately to exercise patience and restraint, to preserve the lives and property of the people and the armed forces on both sides.

2. We urge the mutual withdrawal of armed forces from disputed areas as quickly as possible, in order to diminish tension and confrontations between those responsible for both countries' border security.

3. We urge both sides to cease the movement of armed forces into other areas under dispute, in order to prevent the spread of clashes elsewhere along the border.

4. We urge that the border disputes, especially those related to the Preah Vihear and its surroundings, be solved by bilateral negotiations, through the Joint Boundary Commission set up by the terms of the MOU of June 14, 2000.

5. We urge all sides to stand firm on the principle of ahimsa: non-violence, and to stop using the border problem for domestic and international political purposes, since this path will increasingly lead to a war that will be difficult to bring to an end.


ชาญวิทย์ เกษตรศิริ (Charnvit Kasetsiri) อดีตอธิการบดีธรรมศาสตร์ (Former Rector, Thammasat U.)

พวงทอง ภวัครพันธุ์ (Puangthong Pawakapan) รัฐศาสตร์ จุฬาฯ

ยุกติ มุกดาวิจิตร (Yukti Mukdawichitr) สังคมวิทยาและมานุษยวิทยา ม.ธรรมศาสตร์

สุภลักษณ์ กาญจนขุนดี (Supalak K.) The Nation

Charnvit Kasetsiri, Ph.D.
Help Rescuing Siam- click:
Thammasat University
Bangkok 10200, Siam (not Thailand),;
662-424-5768, fax. 662-433-8713


(5 กุมภาพันธ์ 2554)

จาก สถานการณ์การสู้รบตามแนวชายแดนไทย-กัมพูชา ด้านจังหวัดศรีสะเกษ บริเวณปราสาทพระวิหารและพื้นที่ใกล้เคียง จนก่อให้เกิดความสูญเสียทางทหารและพลเรือนตามแนวชายแดนของทั้งสองฝ่ายเมื่อ วันที่ 4-5 กุมภาพันธ์ 2554 ที่ผ่านมานั้น

ทางกลุ่มสันติประชาธรรม ซึ่งเป็นกลุ่มคณาจารย์ นักวิชาการ และบุคคลทั่วไป ผู้มีความปรารถนาดีต่อประเทศชาติและสันติสุขของภูมิภาคอุษาคเนย์และอาเซียน ใคร่ขอวิงวอนให้ทุกฝ่ายที่เกี่ยวข้องได้พิจารณาข้อเสนอดังต่อไปนี้

1. ขอให้กองกำลังของทั้งสองประเทศใช้ขันติธรรม และความอดกลั้น ยุติการสู้รบโดยทันที ทั้งนี้เพื่อรักษาไว้ซึ่งชีวิตและทรัพย์สินของประชาชนและกองทัพตามชายแดนของ ทั้งสองฝ่าย

2. ขอให้ถอนกำลังทหารของทั้งสองฝ่ายออกจากพื้นที่พิพาทอย่างเร่งด่วน เพื่อลดการเผชิญหน้าทางทหารตามชายแดนระหว่างกัน

3. ขอให้ยุติเคลื่อนกำลังทหารเข้าไปยังจุดพิพาทอื่นๆ ที่ยังคงเป็นปัญหากันอยู่ เพื่อหลีกเลี่ยงการปะทะมิให้ขยายตัวออกไปยังจุดอื่นๆตามแนวชายแดน

4. ขอให้เร่งรัดการแก้ไขปัญหาพิพาทเรื่องเขตแดน โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งในพื้นที่พิพาทบริเวณปราสาทพระวิหาร โดยผ่านกลไกการเจรจาทวิภาคีซึ่งมีอยู่แล้ว อันได้แก่คณะกรรมาธิการเขตแดนร่วมซึ่งได้จัดตั้งตามบันทึกความเข้าใจแห่งราช อาณาจักรไทยกับรัฐบาลแห่งราชอาณาจักรกัมพูชา ลงวันที่ 14 มิถุนายน 2543

5. ขอให้ทุกฝ่ายยึดมั่นในหลักการแห่งอหิงสา ยุติการนำประเด็นความขัดแย้งเรื่องเขตแดนมาแสวงหาประโยชน์ทางการเมือง ไม่ว่าการเมืองภายในประเทศ หรือการเมืองระหว่างประเทศ อันจะทำให้ปัญหาบานปลายกลายเป็นชนวนสงครามที่ยากจะหาทางยุติลงได้


Anonymous said...

no need to file any petition. both sides are playing with their toys and they are doing to do this on and off for a while. just pay attention to the other side.

preah vihea temple belongs to khmer, nothing more and nothing less. if thais believe that they think that preah vihear temple is belonging to them why would they keep telling khmer not to seek intervention from un and international community.

common' men

Anonymous said...

i hope one day china will drop bombs on hanoi, like the US dropped bombs on japan.

korea, back then was freed from japan because of the a-bomb.

Anonymous said...

the bomb already in Khmer hands ready to release at bangcok wheneve the blind say so.

Anonymous said...

Only Multinational talk can solve this invasion issue. Bilateral talk can not work.

Anonymous said...

One good idea why don't we have a petition To do public execution whoever break laws.

Anonymous said...

I encourage war between Thailand and Cambodia once and for all. At the end we shall see who will reap all the benefits. For me, I careless of what happen in the world, because world politicians care of nothing but wealth of this world. They care about POWER, WEALTH and PUSSIES. While honest and innocent lives are fighting each other, these politicians are driking red wine, champagne and fucking women behind closed door. Where the fuck is justice? Human has and never will find peace as long as there are wealth to be reaped or to be made from many industrialized nations. I say to you now...Fuck religions, Fuck these politicians, and FUCK WORLD LEADERS. I know your fucking GAMES. If I have my ways, I WILL HANG ALL OF YOU AND CHOP ALL OF YOU AND MAKE THEM INTO SOUP AND GIVE THEM TO CHILDREN OF AFRICA.

Because of religions and politicians this FUCKING WORLD has never found peace. There is no logic for all mankind.



Anonymous said...

murphy law. siam want war, khmer never want war khmer been there. khmer should give to siam the war she want.

Anonymous said...

Bilateral meaning Siam bullying Khmer and Bisexual meaning Siam get screw in ass big time.

Anonymous said...

I AM FULLY SUPPORT 9:47am IDEA. The Siam is till palying the game. How many years that the bilateral have been negotoated ? Many..many... but Siam is still want to invade the Preah Vihear.

Now, Siam must obey the followings:
- The International Court of Lahaye in 1961.
- Genevea Conference on 1954.
- 1907 treaty Khmer-Thai.
- Paris Agreement in October 1991.

If the Thai do not obey those treaties, let make the WAR. So khmer can get the entire Thailand back. Ha...Ha..stupide the PHD.

Anonymous said...

These two sides are
playing with fire and
guns,they are burning
their bodies and put-
ting themselves to
Hun Sen needs power
to stay in his post,
so does Abhisit.
Thais must bring his prime minister
down and Khmer must do the same because they are evil men.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr. Charvit:
there is no disputed area around Preah Vihear.

To have peaceful solution, Thai troops must withdraw from the temple area. Then there will be no violence.

Short and simple. Or Cambodia has to share with Thailand of 4.6km2 land in order find peaceful solution for the cost of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Charnvit Kasetsiri went to the wrong school. He should went to school at University of Prey Sor..

Anonymous said...

Our Khmers brains are so stupid that is why we lost our lands to Youns and Siems long time ago. Now our brains still dumb, so we lost some more lands to Youns and Siems. This kind of war is bullshit because there is UN but our idiot leaders did not want to go for help. They just want fucking talk, talk and talk shit.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Dr. Charnvit Kasetsri and his team member to petition on peace between Cambodia-Thai. I love peace. I support peace.

Anonymous said...

UN is US and US is Thai so why we go to UN for?

Anonymous said...

I need a hard copy so I can sign it with my dick for you PAD people. Respect the ICJ decission and stop bulldozing our natural forest. Otherwise we will continue to shoot you ass all the way to Bang cock.

Anonymous said...

To 10:06AM

Our dear leader Hun Sen did go to the United Nations regarding the border dispute but the United Nations never want to listen to Cambodian government and the United Nations even push Cambodian government into bilateral talk with the thuggish Siem government to solve the border dispute!

Right now the United Nations may not want to listen to Cambodia but once Cambodia acquires A-bomb to defend its sovereignty and the United Nations should have no saying in that too!

Anonymous said...

as a khmer person, i'm also for peace, stability and prosperity in the region to include cambodia, of course. however, i ask siem stop disrespecting the international law, and stop wanting to steal preah vihear and adjacent accessway from cambodia. in accordance to the international treatyof 1907, the adjacet area in dispute belongs to cambodia. the watershed that as stipulated as the actual borderlines have some exception to it i.e. preah vihear temple itself and the surrounding areas and so forth. if what siem demand is to watershe, why did the borderline deviated toward the seaboard, instead of following the dangrak mountain range all the way to sra keo and so forth! siem pad people need to understand and respect the icj verdict, the international treaty, etc because we cambodia love our country, too, you know! siem had enough of ancient khmer temple in isaan area that was formerly part of the khmer empire and so forth, so stop wanting to illegal demand more khmer land from cambodia! and the emphasis is to use the internatinally recognized map from the treaty in 1907, not siem unilateral map, ok! the fact that the map was drawn over a century ago still relevant and siem people like pad extremist must respect and understand that! if not, the issue or problem with us khmer people and cambodia won't go away any time soon, really! and your siem gov't must be able to control and say no to the pad illegal demand and trouble-making and street politics, etc! stop use the border issue to wip up support for your political agenda and so forth, ok! by the way, for your information, cambodia today is not like in the 1980s when we just awakened from the difficult life under communist KR regime and killing fields. so, do keep in mind the difference between then and now of cambodia, ok! cambodia has changed a lot since, both socio-economically and politically, etc... so, stop looking down on us and stop be biased with cambodia and khmer people, ok! mutual respect goes both ways, you know! it is up to siem to direct which route they want to take because cambodia and our people are tired of playing flip-flop game of siem, ok! that all!

Anonymous said...

To all my beloved Khmer people, please do not sign this petition. If you do sign, that means you give Siam the permission to share & joint our Khmer precious Preah Vihear Temple. Everybody knows, that Preah Vihear only belongs to Cambodian. If Siam wants peace, they need to withdraw their troops and leave us Cambodian alone. Enough is enough!!! These thugs, Siam has been bullying us Cambodian so many times. Siam needs to focus on its own people.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen said,"if some
Khmer groups want to
rise like the Tunisia
and Egypt,he will close the door and
beat the dogs".
Who are the dogs?
Maybe,he meant all
Khmer people are dogs
or animals.
How a Khmer leader
compare his citizens
to dogs!
Khmer must dare to
die because Hun Sen
compare his people to dogs.
The Vietnam people
are the angels.Because he got power by Vietnam govt.
Khmer people must
bring Hun Sen down
as fast as you can.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Charnvit Kasetsri may want peace but Siam Government never want with Khmer people. Siam killed so many Khmer. Now, it is you call want peace Dr.Charnvit Kasetsri??????

Anonymous said...

as a doctor with phd, dr. charnvit ought to education your people, especially pad thugs extremist to stop disrespecting the internationla law and stop making enemies with khmer peole and so forth. and stop looking down on cambodia and khmer people, that's the start, you know!

Anonymous said...

Don't sign the fucken Siem made petition of peace do good mother fucker! If these fucken Siem bastards want peace and all they have to do is to withdraw their fucken troop out of Cambodian territories!

Cambodian sovereignty is non-negotiable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

and stop pretend to be khmer people on this blog site because your comments sounds too fake and show no love, no care, no interest in united khmer people, but instead sounds so cynic, narcissistic and all about siem this or siem that. don't forget khmer people loves our country, too, ok!

Anonymous said...

Show them what war is. Show them the hard way. We don't need bilateral shit anymore. They were the one who asked for it first, we just respect their decision.

Anonymous said...


Blog By Khmer said...

No signing needed.This petition is solely to benefit Thailand. When bilateral talk doesn't go anywhere that's why a third party (UN) needs to intervene.As a rational human being why can't any Thai understand that? As far as the boundary, there is no such thing as disputed area. The land around Preah Vihear belongs to Cambodia. Thai concocted the 'disputed' scheme to occupy Cambodia frontier. Invader Thais must unconditionally withdraw their troops from Cambodia soil.

T Vannak
Phnom Penh

Anonymous said...

and make sure to start using the correct, officially, internatiionally recognized map, not siem unilateral map for steal and demarcating borders with cambodia, ok! otherwise, the problem is still there! siem must understand your siem unilateral map is the real issue here in regards to demarcating the borderlines, etc. as for cambodia's preah vihear temple and surrounding areas, the icj had already settled the issue long ago, so stop the contempt of court also, ok!

and if you want to talk bilateral with cambodia, first off leave cambodia's preah vihear out of it, and cooperate with cambodia or forget about any bilateral talks, etc, ok!

Anonymous said...

that's ought for them to ask khmer to petition for peace! dr. charnvit should ask this siem people because siem people like pad thugs are the one that push their gov't to invade cambodia and steal from cambodia lands, territories, temples, etc, really! and they kept on using their own map without shame, etc, you know!

Anonymous said...

khmer people don't trust siem, after all, they show us their true color everyday!

Anonymous said...

Man this PH.D. guy got slam big time, any how what is PHD stand for DR.Charnvit??

Anonymous said...

Siem must withraw her weapons from disputed areas cos there belong to Cambodia.

Who has released his/ her comments look down upon Khmer, those are yuon hanoi or Siem who rise from shit'sdick of his/ her parents.


Anonymous said...

នរណ ក៏គេចង់បានការដោះស្រាយតាមសន្តិវិធី
ដែរ​ តែវាមិនស្រួលដូចសេចក្ដីប៉ងប្រាថ្នាឡើយ ។
មែនទេនទៅ ការផ្ទុះអាវុធដាក់គ្នា ដូចពេលកន្លងទៅ
នេះ ក៏ម្យ៉ាងដែរ ព្រោះថាព្រឹត្តិការណ៍ ក៏ដូច
ជាការឧិកាសមួយដែលអនុញ្ញាត កងទ័ពទាំងពីរប្រទេសធ្វើសមយុទ្ធហ្វឹកហ្វើននៅលើសមរភូមិដោយជាក់ស្ដែង​មួយផ្នែកផងដែរ ។ ​
មួយវិញទៀត ការផ្ទុះអាវុធនេះសោតទៀត
គឺធ្វើអោយ ទាំងទាហានខ្មែរ ទាំងទាហានសៀម មានសេចក្ដីរំភើបរំជើប
រំជួល ភ័យផងអរផងឥតឧបមា ពោល It is very excited .គឺដូចជាការប្ដូរបរិយាកាសបន្តិចដែរ ដោយសារថា អ្នកដែលមានសព្វាវុធនៅនិងខ្លួន គឺពូកគេ

តែងតែប្រាថ្នាអោយតែមានការបាញ់គ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក ដើម្បីកុំអោយអផ្សុកខ្លាំងពេក ៕ លើសពីនេះទៅទៀត ព្រឹត្តិការណ៍នេះ
ក៏បានធ្វើអោយអ្នកសារព័ត៌មាន ក្រុមពេទ្យ ក្រុមអាជ្ញាធរ ក្រសួងមានសមត្ថកិច្ច​។ល។ ទាំងពីរប្រទេសដែលនៅជិតព្រំដែន មានការងារក្រៅម៉ោងធ្វើបន្ថែមជាច្រើនម៉ោងថែមទៀត ដែលពួកគេនឹងអាចទទួលបានកម្រៃបានច្រើន។
ដូច្នេះ ការផ្ទុះអាវុធនេះ គឺដូចជា ការអភិវឌ្ឍន៍មួយផ្នែកផងដែរ ៕

Anonymous said...

there's a huge difference between siem's unilateral map and the international treaty map of 1907! cambodia cannot and will not accept siem illegal map for demarcating our borderlines, etc!

Anonymous said...

The petition is useless if the real work don't produce real outcomes. You are missing one condition and that is (Thai must stop the invasion of Khmer land once and for all. Until then the petition is baseless and useless to Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Stupid siam, if you arestrong, you don't ned to find peopl to sign on your petition because you are the ones who started the war. Stop being stupi and silly, siam animalชาญวิทย์ เกษตรศิริ (Charnvit Kasetsiri) .

Anonymous said...

The person who initiate the petition should target the Thai Pad and convince them all to sign the petition first before inviting others to sign it.

Anonymous said...

To raise the issue to international court of justic could avoid the losses of both sides.

Anonymous said...

what's SIAM need the petition for?
Preah Vihear is belong to Khmer. during that time there was no SIAM.

Read the History SIAM.

Ancient history
"Temple of Preah Vihear*
Plan of Prasat Preah Vihear.Construction of the first temple on the site began in the early 9th century; both then and in the following centuries it was dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva in his manifestations as the mountain gods Sikharesvara and Bhadresvara. The earliest surviving parts of the temple, however, date from the Koh Ker period in the early 10th century, when the empire's capital was at the city of that name. Today, elements of the Banteay Srei style of the late 10th century can be seen, but most of the temple was constructed during the reigns of the Khmer kings Suryavarman I (1002 -1050) and Suryavarman II (1113 -1150). An inscription found at the temple provides a detailed account of Suryavarman II studying sacred rituals, celebrating religious festivals and making gifts, including white parasols, golden bowls and elephants, to his spiritual advisor, the aged Brahman Divakarapandita. The Brahman himself took an interest in the temple, according to the inscription, donating to it a golden statue of a dancing Shiva.[citation needed] In the wake of the decline of Hinduism in the region the site was converted to use by Buddhists.

Anonymous said...

Remember that Mr. Chea sophara build road to preah vihear in 2006, The thai used rainsy party as a tools, stupide Rainsy he call on hundred of mob demonstration to burn down the thai embassy, the thai trick was worked very well by asking gov't to get rid of MR, Chea Sophara, and the road to preah vihear was stoped. don't you see rainsy he either spying for thai or he work very hard for our enemy thai, and he rainsy just make another calle for people power last week to divide our khmer, durring the thai prepared for war, now you clearly see that Rainsy is the real trator wasn't he?. Mike

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

11:21 AM
There is definitely something wrong with this guy. War is exciting??? war for entrainment ?? Please tell me you are not taking drugs.

People are dying and you think that is exciting?? Oh please.
I hope you have a heart..

Anonymous said...


12:49 PM

You are working for YOUNS

Anonymous said...
