Sunday, February 06, 2011

Phay Siphan: 3 dead for Cambodia; more than 30 dead for Thailand

05 Feb 2011
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Soy

The toll from the clashes between Cambodia and Thailand in the afternoon of Friday 04 February and Saturday 05 February is: 2 Cambodian soldiers died, 1 tourist in Cambodia died and about 20 injured. On the Thai side: more than 30 died and several injured.

These are the numbers advanced by Phay Siphan, mouthpiece of the Council of Ministers, in the evening of Saturday 05 Feb. He indicated that this is a preliminary number and not an official one.


Anonymous said...

it's not very professional to announce the dead like as if you're bragging. Dying is nothing to brag about Mr. Siphan.

Anonymous said...

Pad Thais have advocated war with Cambodia (cancellation of 2000 MUOS and 1907 treaty, and push Cambodian out of Preah Vihear and border areas). PAD Thais should now realized that a Thai-Khmer war did happen at the Peah Vihear border with dead and destruction on both sides on Friday and Saturday. Why don't these PAD Thai lunetics stop war frenzies and talk about Thai real issues such as corruption, democracy, and poverty intead.

Anonymous said...

មាននាក់កុហកទៀតហើយ មិនដឹងនាក់ណាទេ
ថៃគេថាខាងខ្មែរស្លាប់ ៥០នាក់​ហើយខាងខ្មែរថាថៃ
ស្លាប់៣៦នាក់ ដូច្នេះពិត​ជាមាននាក់កុហកហើយ

Anonymous said...

Thai don't acceptthe 2000 MUOS and 1907 treaty but Vietnam don't accept the peace agreement in Paris 1991 why we must respect the theaty 1907. We Thai will respect that as long the vietname respect the peace agreement in Paris 1991. The is our goals with Cambodia.

Thai nationalist

Anonymous said...

It's use for both sides to inflate the level of casulties. The important thing is to say the truth and to support our soldiers.

A PP resident.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I Mean: "It no use "

preahvohear clash said...

can you believe thai robbers? can they speak the truth? if they believe what they are doing is acceptable, why don't they prefer international mediation?

Above all, victims and robbers can never solve the problem without police or court but robbers never dare to go to the court.

Anonymous said...

Thai Nationalist 7:25, that is the most ridiculous statement I heard today!

So you want to out bully the bully in bullying a little kid on the playground? You listen to yourself hear how selfish and stupid that sound? When you see someone gets bullied and roughed up for a lunch money, you defend the weaker person out of sense of justice, of your dignity and character. You don't kick a down kid after he is bully to see what else he got left to give.

Your answers saids it all, everything about the type of person you are. The type of individual you are in real life. That is a pathetic heartless, soulless individual who is just an underdog bully, a low-life thief, who only comes to lick off the scraps of other thieves!

Pathetic really! You Thais who think this way and justify your ambition for invasion of Cambodia and claim of more Khmer ancestral land... are just simply PATHETIC! You don't belong to a club of nation or association of humanity like the U.N body, it puts the world to shame!

Anonymous said...

Phay Siphan, he never said Something true.

Anonymous said...

Phay Siphan is such a big liar . Only stupid people like CPP supporters will believe him.

Anonymous said...

7:25 AM

A bullet will be in your head by khmer soldier one day if you still dont look to history. just wait to see.

kaun khmer

Anonymous said...

a bullet would probably come from some wandering khmer beggers in a robbering attempt rather from soldiers, too many of them in bangkok these days.

Anonymous said...

I am too sad with my temple is seriously broken.

May All Khmer ancesters' soul help his/her generations win win win every battle field that fight with intruders

Kon Khmer