Sunday, February 06, 2011

Pull out the troops, bring in the surveyors

Bangkok Post

It may never be known for certain who fired the first rounds on Friday afternoon and set off the hostilities between Thai and Cambodian troops along the border near the Preah Vihear temple that evening. Fighting flared up again yesterday morning, and before a ceasefire was agreed yesterday afternoon, at least three people were dead _ a Thai soldier, a Cambodian soldier and a Thai villager - several soldiers were injured on both sides and four Thai Rangers were captured, but later released.

Cambodian Information Minister Khieu Kanharith said the fighting began when Thai soldiers fired on Cambodian troops in response to warning shots fired into the air by the Cambodians side to keep the Thais from crossing into Cambodian territory.

Army spokesman Sansern Kaewkamnerd said the deadly skirmish started when Cambodia fired artillery rounds onto Thai territory. ''We had to return fire,'' said Col Sansern. Naturally we in Thailand tend to give the Thai military the benefit of the doubt and believe its version of events, but regardless of who fired first, it is the governments of both countries who are at fault for ordering their respective troops to mass at the border to protect claims to a 4.2 square kilometre tract of land surrounding an 11th-century temple. In such a situation, where all the preparations are for war, it is only a matter of time before the peace is destroyed and lives are lost.

Now rational people can only hope that the events of the last two days will serve as a call to reason rather than to war.

It's high time for the Thai government and the Cambodian government to begin the difficult but not life-threatening business of settling the territorial dispute. Then Preah Vihear can enjoy its rightful legacy as a World Heritage Site, something which will bring cultural and economic benefits to both countries.

A number of things will have to happen before this becomes a reality. First both governments should call their troops back from the border. Fortunately, a ceasefire has been arranged and hopefully it will hold. But a Thai army source has already reported that three battalions and heavy arms are being sent to reinforce the approximately 3,000 troops in the disputed area. Presumably, the same sort of build-up is taking place on the other side of the border. What can this possibly accomplish?

Prime Minister Abhisit could take the lead in providing a sane example for Prime Minister Hun Sen to follow and pull Thai troops well away from the border. Surely there is no real threat of a Cambodian invasion onto Thai soil at this time, or vice-versa. However, a mutual redeployment at the same time would probably be the best route, to allow both sides to save face.

Along with a troop pullback, both sides should immediately stop any construction in disputed areas. The Thai army reportedly is building a route and a bridge to give access to the Keo Sikha Kiri Savara pagoda and other disputed areas. At the same time, Cambodia allegedly is constructing an access road to Preah Vihear temple through land that is claimed by Thailand. All such work should be halted until a boundary agreement is reached.

Finally, the Thai-Cambodian Joint Border Committee (JBC), set up in 2000 under a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the two countries, should be allowed to get on with its work unimpeded by political considerations.

The MOU authorises the JBC to conduct surveys and demarcate the entire stretch of the boundary. According to Article 5 of the MOU, both sides have also agreed to refrain from undertaking any action that would change the environment of the area under the conflicting boundary claim.

Prime Minister Abhisit was right to reject the demand of the People's Alliance for Democracy to void the 2000 memorandum and the work of the JBC, but he has not been forceful in making the demarcation a priority. This is the only useful solution to the border problem, and the only way that Preah Vihear temple will be able to claim its legacy.

If, on the other hand, both countries continue to adopt a war posture, there is no telling where it might lead.


Anonymous said...

Fuck you Ah Thai, Thailand you fired first and dig road on Cambodia territories, that's why we fired back to your fucking ass Ah Thai soldier. Sandly, I am very upset two of my soldiers had died and a civilian died. We, Cambodia does not affraid your fucking Thai soldier ass. You must leave Cambodia alone. You fucking America is be willing to help you go to war with Cambodia. Amercia! I hate you.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit, there is not need for any agreement because Thailand is not interest in keeping their promises within the agreement. The idea resolution put forth by Bangkok Post is the repeat of what already discussed. It already proven ineffective because Thailand is not going to keep its promise. There will be another bullshit incident like this one again in the future. After the ICJ decision in 1962, Cambodia was being understanding toward Thailand. So Cambodia allowed Thailand to use Preah Vihear as an economic means, such as tourism, etc. Instead, Thailand exploited this by twisting the story around and made claim of that Preah Vihear is Thailand property. Thailand went on further in educating the Thai people. This is why it is necessary for Cambodia to stop making any agreement with Thailand. Cambodia cannot trust Thailand.

Don't try to exploit the territorial dispute issue. There sholdn't be any territorial dispute because according to Siem and France agreement since 1907, that dispute territory is Cambodia's land. Thailand needs to respect the agreement and hand over that 4.6km dispute territory to Cambodia. There shouldn't be any negotiation on that. Any negotiation will eventually lead to future war again.

Anonymous said...

Khmer general lack of negotiation skills and had no plan, rush to negotiat with the invaders. The negotiation that these general are so weak was:

1.Did not demand Thais troops withdraw from the area

2. Did not demand Thais troop not to build road into the territory.

3. Must not allowed P.O.W (prisoner of war)to go free without government make legal document or trail.

4. Any negotiation must be held by the government not the general.

5. Khmer general demand nothing from Thais except 5 non uniform soldier of Thais able to stay in Khmer territory at Som Bok Khmun and build house for those five in Cambodian territory (request by the prime minister..what the!)

There are reason for these points, if these point had not raised Thais troop still station there, they will build as usual, and confrontation are still stand and you name it.

There are alots of people complaint these general please listen to Radio Free Asia

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Please rude words for Khmers

Anonymous said...

These two chief soldier leaders are
liars.No one was telling the truth.
Each side kept secret not to tell
anyone,except the
spirits of death or
wounded people.
The three or four
years kids never lie
,but the adults lie
all the time.
Are the blogger liars?Yes,they are;
including me.
People should believe in themselves,not others because they
are liars.Don't trust them easily.