Here goes another spin by a Bankcock post reader. As always, the problem lies in either the World Heritage Committee or Cambodia. "If only WHC did not accept that Preah Vihear belongs to Cambodia; if only WHC can undo the 1962 ICJ verdict; if only WHC can restore Thailand to it's prideful imperial size -- everything would all be fine. If only, Cambodia wasn't a sovereign nation with it's own mind, without a military, intent on protecting its own rights and heritage...Thailand would never have move a muscle. I mean how could we? After all, IF ONLY, these were true, Thailand should be rightful owner of "Prah Viharn".
But now, look what they did! Oh WHC, they did it! Look what they made us do! They made us shell Preah Vihear!"
This is a classic psychotic person argument. After breaking the dishes he blames the home owner for making him do it--maybe the owner didn't provide enough wine? And of course, from these very same psychotic minds we have the school shootouts, the public rampage, the serial sprees and a whole hosts of other acts of violence perpetrated against "deserving" victims and bystanders, who in this case are [the WHC and Cambodia], who you guessed it, "brought it upon themselves!"
Fortunately, in society because such acts can be traced to a single individual, the spastic itch of rampage could be put to stop and controlled--though not before some casualties have been inflicted. However, in the case of Thailand, where over half of the country's population [The PAD Thai or Yellow Shirt as they call themselves] are foaming with war rabies and a group of senators and army stars all too willing to please the raving zombie mobs, it could be a case harder than any law and order can ever hope to extinguish.
Aditya's commentary, is unrealistic. Just another typical, self-righteous, Thai stance. And for that, I say down with Abishit! Down with the PAD noodle heads; And I think we can all safely assumed that after making this post, I am never going to order a PAD THAI to go, ever! And neither should you!
Unite Khmer, and send your letter of protests to the U.N, don't just wait on Hor Nam Hong and Hun Sen. The world must know how Cambodians feel and the misery we have to endured by the whims of these Yellow PADS and the bullying Abishit.
Keo Cham
Keo Cham
the real color of siem! i'm sure most educated people knew this and can tell you more about thailand's greed, rankling, robbing of cambodia lands, territories, temples, etc, etc! i say don't let siem thieves get away again! this is definitely not the dark ages when they stole a lot from cambodia as the dark ages had no UN security council, no international law, no law, etc; only jungle law, that was why siem thieves were so good at stealing from cambodia then, you know! and they try to do that again in the 21st century, and cambodia and the world won't ever let them steal from cambodia again without retaliation, punishment, penalty, etc...! so, don't be so evil clever again, ok, siem pad thugs and your chimpanzee leaders! cambodia may be a late developing nation, but we are definitely not stupid like siem pad thugs think we are, really!
Bravo Keo Cham!!!
KI fan
CAmbodia needs to modernized its its military soon to prevent the Thai from walking all over it.
Each eruption in fighting Cambodia needs to give a punch, a bloody, so a section of Thai people will wake up from living in the 19th century.
Some Thais are just too arrogance, too self-serving to talk/reason with.
CAmbodia just need to hit back like this time, and continue to do it in the future so the Thais would become sober from being intoxicated with pride.
All Khmers outside of Cambodia should unite and file a complaint with their congress rep, UN, and protest against thailand in front of their embassy. I haven't been to thais restaurant or eat thais products for many years now.
12:10 PM,
You are thinking the same way I'm thinking.
Hit Thailand where it hurts most, in the pocket. Stop buying anything in the US made in Thailand.
i know, thailand had import monopoly with the US for a long time. that's an example of siem exploiting and taking advantage of cambodia, etc! we all can see most everything in asian supermarket in america seemed to come from thailand. go figure! like they say, nothing good will last forever, karma will catch up with them, the evil clever nation of siem pad thugs! there will be more competiton from cambodia, vietnam, china, etc sooner or later, so siem products can't be the only one found in most asian supermarket or ethnic stores in america, you know! we all should boycott any food stuff made in thailand if they kept bullying cambodia and wanting to steal and invasion cambodia, etc! hey, there are a lot of khmer/america with khmer origin, etc that are the consumers of thai made products, etc, so by thinking to boycott thai stuff will definitely effect thailand's economy for sure. so, think about it! yes, hit them back where it hurts the most, i agree totally!
Great rebuttal!!!!!!!! I love it. No matter how much I hate the Cambodian government. I will not tolerate any aggression from any countries against our motherland. We should just demand for Khmer Surin!!!
The US is standing by Thailand because Thailand is an old ally.
During the Cold-War era, Vietnam War, Thailand provided a base for the US.
However, we are living in the 21st century. Thailand has violated human rights, including dealing with refugees, and its handling of separatist insurgents.
The US should not turn a blind eye while Thailand continue to commit crimes against humanity like the killing of its own people in May of 2010 where 91 people died.
Abhisit government illegitimately came to power, unelected, by the help of the military. The US supposed to be the champion of democracy.
Thailand can potentially turned into another Egypt.
everybody can all help to make a difference! don't just wait for the our leaders to do it, take part and be proactive by engaging in positive changes, positive result, etc for our beloved cambodia. god bless all.
Thanks Keo Cham, I support you. I will not buy anything else from Thai.
My advise for Aditya, when you get mad at your pet, go kick your wife. If it wouldn't be her feeding your pet, your pet should have died already and it wouldn't have made you mad.
Aditya, are you another person educated by the British that's why you have lefty mentality?
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