Tuesday, February 22, 2011

RI [Indonesia] leads ASEAN in Thai-Cambodia row

Tue, 02/22/2011
Mustaqim Adamrah
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

As chair of ASEAN, Indonesia is set to roll out tough diplomacy with member states on border issues between Cambodia and Thailand at an informal ASEAN foreign ministers’ meeting today in Jakarta.

The meeting, a followup to a meeting at UN headquarters last week, is expected to result in Cambodia and Thailand’s commitments, among others, to adhering to ASEAN’s Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC).

“There are at least three issues we wish to focus on,” ASEAN chairman and Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa told The Jakarta Post on Monday.

“One is how do we reiterate, or how do we solidify the commitment by the two countries to renounce the use of force, to comply with the provisions of TAC with respect to non-use of force, which has been a commitment by ASEAN members all these years. We wish to be able to establish this tomorrow.”

He said both Cambodia and Thailand remained committed to solving their problems by peaceful means.

Foreign ministers from Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines and Vietnam will not attend the Jakarta meeting, he said.

As skirmishes on the Thailand-Cambodia border erupt, Marty said the Jakarta meeting was expected to bring stability to the existing cease-fire.

“[The cease-fire] has been an on-and-off affair. I’ve had discussions with both sides since [the] New York [meeting] on ways and means to make the situation more stable and on the possibility of involving a third party in certain modalities,” he said, citing communication or observers’ capacity on the ground as examples.

“Communication modality is the bare minimum. [For example] you don’t have anyone on the ground, but if something happens, they will give us a call and say, ‘something is going on. Can you please sort it out, find out what’s going on’,” Marty said.

“I don’t think we will get there in tomorrow’s meeting, but it would be ideal if we had some commitments by the two sides that they are ready to strengthen the cease-fire by engaging third parties in some kind of capacity.”

He added that a third party would not be necessary if the two countries could solve the problems bilaterally. “I’m more interested in the results.”

Marty added that it was important for ASEAN in the Jakarta meeting to emphasize the importance of creating conditions conducive for political negotiations but underlined that “it’s not a substitute for political negotiation itself”.

Singaporean Foreign Minister George Yeo confirmed his attendance, expressing support for Indonesia’s efforts.

“We look forward to a constructive and fruitful meeting in Jakarta that can help pave the way for the dispute to be resolved amicably in the broader interests of ASEAN,” he said in a statement.


Anonymous said...

Why do Kos Trol, sea and lands proximately over 10 000 km2 have been lost to Vietnam by who treaty? Why don’t Cambodia goverment transparencies explain to Cambodia army at front line and the whole nation about this? Why don't they include this into education system? Why?

Cambodian armies are fighting at front line for 4.6 km2 and what's about over 10 000km2 of Cambodia to Vietnam. Nobody dare to talk about it! Why? Cambodian armies you are decide the fate of your nation, Cambodian army as well as Cambodian people must rethink about this again and again. Is it fair?

Kos Trol, Sea and lands over 10 000km2 have been lost to Vietnam by who treaty at 1979 to 1985 treaty! Treaty! Cambodian army at front line as well as all Cambodian people must rethink again about these issues. Are Cambodian army fighting to protect the Cambodia Nation or protect a very small group that own big lands, big properties or only protecting a small group rather in the real name of protecting Khmer nation?

Cambodian army at front line suffer under rain, wind, bullets, bombs, lack of foods, lack of nutrition, their families have no health care help, no securities after they die but a very small group eat well, sleep well, sleep in first class hotel with air conditioning with young girls message, have super health care from oversea medical treatment, they are billionaires, millionaires who sell out the country to be rich and make Cambodian people suffer everyday as Cambodian people know already.

Who signed the treaty 1979-1985 that result lost over 10 000 km2 of Cambodia??? Why don't they transparency inform all Cambodian and Cambodian army at front line about these issues? Why don't include Kos Trol (Kos Trol size is bigger than the whole Phom Phen and bigger than Singapoor with heap of great natural resources) in education system in Cambodia.

Look at Hun Sen families, relatives; friends are billionaires, millionaires where do they get the money from if we all just get out of war with empty hands? Hun Sen always say in his speech Cambodia just get up from war, just get up from Zero with empty hands and how come they are billionaires, millionaires but 90% innocent Cambodian people are so poor struggling with living every day.

Smart Khmer girl Ms. Rattana Keo,

ជនពាល said...

តាមមើលទៅ ការសម្រុះសម្រួល
ពីអាស៊ាននេះ គឺបានត្រឹមតែនៅលើ
ក្រដាស់តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ !
ព្រោះថា ថៃ ពួកវាមិនដែលទទួលស្គាល់អង្គសាលក្រមឆ្នាំ១៩៦២ នៅក្រុងឡាអេនោះឡើយ ។
មែនទេនទៅ រឿងដែលកើតឡើងកន្លងមកនេះ គឺមកពី
ខ្មែរយើង តក់ក្រហល់ពេក ដែលបានដាក់បញ្ចូលប្រាសាទព្រះវិហារ
ទៅក្នុងបេតិកភ័ណ្ឌពិភពលោក ដោយមិនបានធ្វើការរៀបចំបង្គោលខណ្ឌសីមាព្រំដែនអោយយបានត្រឹមត្រូវជាមុន ។

Anonymous said...

Dear All KI-Media readers

I have simple question, do you think that PM Hun Xen and PM Abhisit Vejjajiva are stealthy talking to each other (intelligence)? I think they both are best friends; they got benefit from each other. Look, what happened in Thai-Muslim's boundary right now? Thai PM killed some of the Muslim there, but in order to move the attention of Thai people from this murder, Thai PM’s trying to play with Khmer territory.

The same as Khmer PM, he afraid that Khmer people will wake up and knock him down just like Egypt, Tunia and the others countries in Middle East-revolution. That why he moved all the Khmer people attention to the border conflict.

Khmer oery, it time for us to knock the dictatorial regime down by using our democratic voices. I am sure US is going to help us to claim the victory of real freedom for Khmer and to destroy the injustice, dictatorial regime Khmer spirit land.

Attention: When ever Khmer gets Freedom and when Viet pro is not holding Cambodia anymore, the new Cambodia leader will get Kos Trol and others territories back from Vietnam and Thai (No more border dispute).

Please don’t just say, you really need to implement, and you will see the result from Khmer democratic voice of fighting for FREEDOM.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

CHINA,Beijing will be like old RUSSIA,she is scared to death,when the Chinese protesters at McDonald restaurant in Beijing.
If the China would be down,Hun Sen would be down;where would Sihanouk go? Maybe,he would go to hell with Hun Sen and families.
You are getting the main point 4:58PM.
Thai took Khmer land by force in
Khmer people must take this piece of land back.
