Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sansern: No cluster munitions used [by Thailand]

Bangkok Post

Thai troops did not use cluster munitions during the clashes with Cambodian troops, as claimed by Cambodian leader Hun Sen, army spokesman Sansern Kaewkamnerd said on Thursday.

Col Sansern then accused the Cambodian army of using cluster munitions against Thailand.

Sgt Thanakorn Poonperm sustained shrapnel injuries to his head and later died in hospital. The shrapnel was from a cluster bomb, the spokesman said.

The Cambodian army claimed that cluster munitions found along the disputed border area were fired from the Thai side.

Amnesty International earlier said firing cluster munitions into residential areas is a violation of international human rights standards.


Anonymous said...

If someone if no, we must to proof it on the spot. Decline is not enough, now we are living in 21th century, please don't talk like children.

Anonymous said...

I think Thai needs medical check up and candies. When they have candy inside their mouth, they surely know that they acted like children.

Anonymous said...

The article is sponsored by Bangcock Post quoting the same Siem leader denying anywrong doing by Thailand!

Who should the world believe if Bangcock Post and Thai army spokesman Sansern Kaewkamnerd is in the same country! Bangcock Post is collaborating with Thai army spokesman to produce evident to fool the world!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ki media

i have never seen you released damages of thailand, at right now the country is dangours situation, why you want kill Khmer more.

Are you vietnamese to be tricked to kill Khmer more. You criricise Hun Sen and vietnam but youhave an intention to kill Khmer. never seen the picture of damages of thailand.

You answer me quickly!

Anonymous said...


youre a cry baby. and stupid. you dont know what youre saying.

wait until it gets available. Be thankful because KI MEDIA gives you the information you are reading right now.and the right for you to say anything and express yourself.

you cant do this to other online news in cambodia.

how really stupid you are, you are more interested to see what happened to the enemy's side, rather than see how your own people is doing.

Anonymous said...

yes sir 3:37pm
like to know ki kill khmer by not showing damage of thailand?
Can I kill thai by not showing damage of Khmer land?
have to be quicker!

Anonymous said...

I would like to appeal to all our compatriot Khmer bloggers, pro-government, opposition and neutral alike. While it is understandable that some of the fiery comments and insults/accusation expressed by some of you are the results of frustration/anger against Thailand (I should say Thai government) aggression. Some are also frustrated by the way CPP-led government is handling the situation. However, this is time to unite (the joint visit by National Assembly members with all parties represented and Hun Sen thanking all parties and civil society for their support are already a good start). It is also the time when we need the support of international community and should show that Khmers area civilised and not barbarian or sub-category people as some arrogant people in neighbouring countries want to label us. Because of latest events, more and more people in Asia, including in Thailand, and around the world will be looking in the different web forums for information about this conflict.
Please try to avoid being vulgar and trade insults. It would beneficial to all if objective comments, constructive suggestions/criticisms area made. The different forums play essential role to share and cross-check information and counter Thai government propaganda. Keep in mind that not all Thai and Vietnamese (see, I refrain to say “yourn”) people are bad. I dare hope that many of them want to live in peace with mutual respect. We are condemned to be neighbours indefinitely and cannot treat each other as enemy for ever. We should distinguish in our comments to point at the criminal warmonger and politicians and not attack/insult general population or races. They are victims on both sides of the borders. Instigating general hatred among Khmer, Thai and Vietnamese population is for the benefit of none.
If you check the Thai media, there is a lot of disinformation and manipulation. Fortunately, you can see also some comments by Thai citizens questioning Thai actions and condemning this non-sense aggression.
KI media, while I appreciate your forum, some of your sarcastic comments are too subjective, childish and one-sided. It doe not bid well for an objective and constructive opposition. But good job quand même for stimulating the debate. Sorry for my poor English. Best wishes to all

Anonymous said...

Cambodians shouldn´t bekieve that all Thai people hate Cambodia.

Many Thai people feel ashamed about their own government, they know it is a dictatorship.

The conflict is NOT between Thai and Cambodia, but between dictators from both sides.

They both believe to play the "nationalistic card" will let them win the coming elections.

Anonymous said...

Instead of admitting that they used cluster bombs, now they are accusing cambodia used it.
What's a pathetic !

Anonymous said...

It is no doubt that Thai troops did use cluster munitions during the clashes with Cambodian.

THai troops used sluster bombin the past during Vietnam war.

THai ia lier.

Anonymous said...

This is war...stop the Bullshit people. If you are not near the board live! you wouldnt know anything. Media war...Khmer soldier take action when is right now! Thais amy is planing the Khmer weak spot so there

Anonymous said...

if the investigators found evidence of them using cluster bomb, does could they still deny it?