Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Security Council urges permanent ceasefire after recent Thai-Cambodia clashes

Source: UN News Centre

14 February 2011 – Voicing grave concern about the recent armed clashes between Cambodia and Thailand, the Security Council today urged the South-East Asian neighbours to establish a permanent ceasefire following closed-door talks on the situation.

“The members of the Security Council called on the two sides to display maximum restraint and avoid any action that may aggravate the situation,” Ambassador Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti of Brazil, which holds the monthly presidency of the 15-member body for February, said in a statement read out to the press after the meeting.

“The members of the Security Council further urged the parties to establish a permanent ceasefire and to implement it fully and resolve the situation peacefully and through effective dialogue,” the statement added.

Tensions first escalated between the two countries in July 2008 following the build-up of military forces near the Preah Vihear temple, which dates back to the 11th century and is located on the Cambodian side of the border. The Hindu temple was inscribed on the World Heritage List of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) that same month.

Clashes between the two neighbours resumed earlier this month, prompting calls for calm and restraint by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as well as UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova.

During its session today, the Council was briefed by Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs B. Lynn Pascoe and Marty Natalegawa, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia and Chair of the regional grouping known as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

It also heard from Hor Namhong, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia, and Kasit Piromya, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand.

The Council expressed support for ASEAN’s active efforts regarding the situation between Cambodia and Thailand, and encouraged the parties to continue to cooperate with the organization in this regard. The issue is expected to be discussed at the meeting of ASEAN foreign ministers on 22 February.


Anonymous said...

Thailand's rejection of United Nations' help is equivalent to allowing a grown up man to continue beating on a child he does not like. I think the UNITED NATION BODY is smarter and has much more depth than Thailand thinks.

Again, the bilateral talks got its turn for years and result was war. The question is: has Thailand got justice for Cambodia for bilateral talks??? The answer is resounding NO... Does ASEAN has mechanism to resolve issues of border dispute such as Cambodia and Thailand? The answer is still resounding NO... ONLY UNITED NATIONS is fair and resolute place for Cambodia and Thailand border solution whether Thailand like it or not. It is rather disappointing for Cambodia with the United nations' response.

Anonymous said...

If there are more people died in the future clashes, I don't blame Thailand, but i will blame YOU, Mrs. Ambassador Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti of Brazil.

Khmer Circle said...

Much ado about nothing from the UN as usual.

If regional initiatives by Asean offer any effective means to solving this intermittent conflict, then so many human lives would not have been lost since 2008.

Asean themselves are a mirror of local political culture in the region which is saturated with intrigues, corruption and subdivisions within its own ranks. Certainly, it is not an association of equals, and has a more than curious, questionable credential to match its pretention as peace-maker capable of emulating or carrying out the formal role of the UN.

The UN itself is powerless to do anything without the tacit approval by the US government who - as we all know - had gone to war in Iraq against the wishes of the UN. But, that's OK, at least a brutal regime was overthrown.

This was never a Plan A for Cambodia in the first place, but I applaud the Cambodian government for taking the issue to the SC, and it should be prepared to lodge relevant complaints there as many times as the Thais give it the cause for doing so.

The more Cambodia internationalises and publicises the conflict, the greater chance she could bring international pressure to bear on Bangkok.

Keep going!

Anonymous said...

UN must yrge only Thai to stop to agress Cambodia and everything will be normally. Another way, USA must stop immediately to help Thai military.

Anonymous said...

Just listen to this lady's responses to the press about the conflict. She has NO absolutely clue about the gravity of the situation. She walked away like I don't give a rat ass about this mini countries.

Anonymous said...

khmer do not need UN help and do not need to bow to ah thai/siem. Keep the fighting going until ah thai/siem back off.

Anonymous said...

I wish HE Hor could have said more about why Thai always insist for bilatoral meeting and Cambodia wants UN's help.

Anonymous said...

What the C-Gov has to think now is to continue working bilaterally. The next step is developing your country and insuring that the political nature will continue to be strong while economically improve for the next several years. The 3rd step is to strengthening the arm forces by sending them to learn from the UK/France/US. I mean in thousands, not hundreds. Getting more military supplies from all the 3 nations, including China. Buy some fighter jets that will allow you to defend yourself (need at least 300 jets different kind). More modern tanks from the US & UK. Better battle ships that what you have now, 1000% more.

Do this with your own money from the improve economic and taxation process. Just learn from Singapore.

Anonymous said...

What is UN the law for ??? when you use a prohibited weapons such as the cluster bombs and the UN did Shit all. So why stop the Iranian making the nuclear bomb when the UN could not even stop the cluster bomb from the Thai.

I think the UN should look at its roll again and make sure that the use of the band weapons such as cluster bombs should be responsible and charge with war crime. That is if the UN wants every countries to take it seriously, other wise there will be no respect for the UN .

Anonymous said...

UN is blind and can not see small country like Cambodia, may god bless you Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti of Brazil.

Anonymous said...

Cluster bombs user should be charge with war crime.

UN have the roll and responsibility to stop the use such lethal weapons.

UN should investigate and charge those who responsible for the use of such weapons.

Anonymous said...

The UN and US don't care, because there is not enough oil for them to fight over. I want to see ACTION from the UN not just voicing the concern. Need to see on paper and put it into ACTION and put an end to this greedy thiefs thais problem. Then after this put the viet away too.

Anonymous said...

If the Thai use band weapons Cambodian should use band weapon too such as toxic gas weapons that will show the UN if the Thai did it we will do it too.

Anonymous said...

8:30 AM
That is right aim one dirrectly at Bankkok that will do it.

Anonymous said...

Un is a joke, it take more than 8 lives for the world and the Un to take this more seriously. At this time, we can not depend on the Un or ASEAN to help us. It has to be more blood shed before anyone care.