Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Surakiart calls for more forward-thinking approach

Amornrat Mahitthirook and King-Oua Laohong
Bangkok Post
The [Thai] government also must ensure that the conflict is not taken to the United Nations or international tribunals such as the International Court of Justice.
Former foreign minister Surakiart Sathirathai is calling on the government to increase its diplomatic efforts to end the border conflict with Cambodia and to be more forward-thinking in its political strategies.

Mr Surakiart said yesterday the government must try to understand Cambodia's plan and anticipate its moves in order to take pre-emptive action.

"We need to have a firm grasp of what Cambodia thinks and how they will move so we can plan every possible course of action," he said.

The former minister in the Thaksin government said the government must send envoys to explain its position to the leaders of other Asean states and the UN Security Council. It also should try to restart bilateral peace talks with Cambodia.

Thai authorities are handling the border dispute on two fronts, he said.

The military is doing its duty of protecting the country's sovereignty and it needs full support, while the government, through the Foreign Affairs Ministry, is attempting to renew bilateral peace talks with Cambodia.

Mr Surakiart said it was time the leaders of the two countries met for talks to find a solution.

He also said the situation might require special mechanisms and informal negotiations. People who have cordial ties with Cambodian authorities must be called in to broker talks.

The government also must ensure that the conflict is not taken to the United Nations or international tribunals such as the International Court of Justice.

Although these bodies' rulings are not legally binding, they will impact on international relations, he said.

Phummarat Thaksadipong, a former director of the National Intelligence Agency, said Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen wanted to exploit the border row for political gain.

The Cambodian premier wants to deflect attention from Cambodia's internal problems, such as its severe economic difficulties and, more importantly, the loss of vast areas of its northeastern territory to Vietnam, he said.

Mr Phummarat added that the Thai government had not made preparations to deal with critical border situations, whereas Cambodia had spent a long time thoroughly working out plans to achieve its aims.

He did not think it was possible for the United Nations to intervene in the border dispute at Cambodia's request unless the conflict escalated into a large-scale war. The clashes along the border were still limited and had no impact on peace in the wider region.

Second Army chief Thawatchai Samutsakhon brushed aside calls for intervention by the UN.

"There is no need for the UN to step in to help," he said.

"The UN is overloaded with work."

Lt Gen Thawatchai yesterday visited residents who had fled their villages to escape fighting in Kantharalak district.

He said he had met senior Cambodian authorities for talks on easing tensions. He also confirmed there would be no more fighting between Thai and Cambodian troops.


Anonymous said...

Siem has no legal grounds in the international arena against Cambodia...because they are the aggressors...that's why they keep on insisting bilateral...which is just a stalling tactic by evil Siem...stop your evil ambitions, just pack and move back to Nanchao or in the your fable Altai mountains of Mongolia!

Suvarnabhumi--'golden land' belongs to Mon-Khmer!

Anonymous said...

สุรเกียรติ์ = นักสู้น่าเกลียด!
surakiat = ugly warrior!

Anonymous said...

Thailand will lost more province back to cambodia, if the real truth reveal, i urge our Govts to take Thailand back to International court again, cuz Thailand has nothing to show...prove!

Anonymous said...

"The Cambodian premier wants to deflect attention from Cambodia's internal problems, such as its severe economic difficulties and, more importantly, the loss of vast areas of its northeastern territory to Vietnam, he said".

I told you so Mr. HUN SEN...
Many Nationalist Khmers around the globe have known that since day one Hun Sen backed in power by youn to comply Vietnamization of Cambodia.
Also many Nationalist Khmers abroad that are no different as people living inside Srok Khmer who dearly love motherland, Cambodia they have nothing to kiss butt for Monery $$$$ and power would like again and again to appeal to HUN SEN, please use Paris agreement 1991.
Use bilateral talks means nothing for the long term conflicts, let the world knew that you've been using La Hague 1962, the Preah Vihear was granted to Cambodia..
use tool what we started then you continued on...that the way the International avenue will be...

Many Compatriots care about country
would like to have mutual respect with our neighbors LAO, THAI & YOUN: (DO NOT PLAY BULLY)
Cambodia, Neutrality, Prosperity, Integrity, liberty and like to live peacefully..

Sarath said...

Stop bilateral talk, it will produce nothing.

Anonymous said...

How desperate they are!

Anonymous said...

thailand starts to show desparation now that they are aware of cambodia's plan! of course, they are against cambodia since from day one and so on..., so, cambodia got to do what cambodia got to do, i.e. serving the best interest of cambodia, not thailand, really! cambodia should always do the opposite of what thailand said! thailand will defend themselves in court, however, only the evidence of law violation, etc, will count in court, forget thailand's called for bilateral talks, etc! it's like put the cart before the horse, in the old way saying, makes no sense to us, really! thailand's weakness is the UN security council, the international law, the international diplomacy, etc, etc... hit them where it hurts the most, cambodia! we want all of our old khmer provinces back from thailand, they have no rights stealing our khmer ancestral lands, territories, seas, temples, etc, etc, really! we tell them to go back to nanchoa province of china as refugees, china is waiting for them!

Anonymous said...

Thai must admit that
she is wrongdoing.
Thai was/is greedy to
the wrong time.
Thai was/is against
the intl. laws on
Preah Vihear temple.
The 4.6 square miles,
Thai should use
French map in 1904
and solve problem
among Khmer Thai
peacefully without
fighting each other.