Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Thai flag also flown in disputed area [-Abhisit backtracking on demand to remove Wat Keo Sekha Kiri Svarak?]

Bangkok Post

A Thai flag has also been hoisted in a disputed area near the Phreah Vihear ruins, where the flying of a Cambodian flag has raised tensions, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Tuesday.

Mr Abhisit said this information was included in a situation report made by Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwon.

"We have never said that the Keo Sikha Kiri Svara pagoda should be demolished. We said only that the Cambodian flag flying over the temple should be removed.

"But, meanwhile, we have also flown our flag there," the prime minister said, but did not elaborate.

The Keo Sikha Kiri Svara temple is located in the 4.6 square-kilometre disputed area adjoining the Phreah Vihear temple.

The prime minister admitted that Thai and Camboldian military forces were confronting each other along the border.

Hosever, there should be no problems if both sides observe the 2000 memorandum of understanding, and this is the best way of solving the Thai-Cambodian dispute, he said.

Mr Abhisit said Thai and Cambodian authorities have been in contact to ease the tension and prevent possible border infringements by either side.

Army chief Prayuth Chan-ocha also said earlier today that a Thai flag had been planted in the 4.6 square-kilometre disputed area where both countries claim ownership.

"We have done that acting on orders," Gen Prayuth said.


Anonymous said...

Disappointed to see the 4:56 comment posted again and again. I wish KI remove comments that repeat itself many times.

Anonymous said...

4:56 PM is brainless with no other view than the one posted repeatedly.

Anonymous said...

The Thai gov't has misplaced priority. In Thai Southern provinces Thai soldiers, teachers, and people die on a weekly basis at the hand of separatist insurgents. But the Thai chooses to make an issue on 4.6km with Cambodia instead.

This misplaced priority is the consequence of a confused political climate in Thailand. The country is ruled by gangs of different colors, Yellow and Red.

Thailand is no longer a land of smile as advertised, but a land rule by gangsters.

Anonymous said...

To 5:16PM and 5:03PM If you are ful of brain why don't you help khmer? Cambodians need help right now actually! Help Cambodia become a better place. Please don't be up set with me, I just speak what are occuring at Cambodia right now?

Cheers up smart people.

Anonymous said...

To 5:16PM and 5:03PM, Why don't you sick of Dr. Hun Sen and his regime murder ten thosand of cambodians at K5, 1997 events and so on. I know you ful of brain, please help and do something about it.


Anonymous said...

Cambodia should just executed the two PAD idiots in Prey Sar Prison for spying then the border tension will stop.

These PAD idiots about to set off two members of ASEAN nations to be at war with one another.

Anonymous said...

To 5:16Pm and 5:03PM I know you are very smart, Can you please get Kos Trol, Seas and lands back to Cambodia?

I know you are very smart, You can do it.


Anonymous said...

Khmer people in the border area die very often at the hands of the Thais accused for cutting trees.

These Thais so called coward rangers murder Khmer people all the time.

Let these Thais so called rangers get a taste of what it feels like to have someone shoot back at them.

Anonymous said...

5:33 PM,

You comments and questions in no way whatsoever relate to the article.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia will never be able to establish stable relation with Thailand as long as Thailand is ruled by mob of gangs called the PAD, with Abhisit being their patron.

The gang leader is Sondhi. This unemployed guy should be locked up just like the two PAD idiots in Prey Sar Prison.

Anonymous said...

To 5:40 PM, Thanks I know but the point is what I ask and questions are happened at Cambodia and noone can find justice for them yet?

Can you please help?

Anonymous said...

5:54PM - I don't question what you wrote and maybe your are right. The point is Cambodia at the brink of war with idiot Thais and Hun Xen is the point man standing up to the Thai. Let reserves other issues with HX at another time, important though they maybe. Lets not have a diversion or division in time of crisis.


Anonymous said...

Cambodia the land of temples:


Anonymous said...

5:26 PM and 5:29 PM are brainwashed . They have no idea what they were saying .

Anonymous said...

United Nation where Dr. Hun Sen must call for help. Thai can't stand again United Nation at all. Dr. Hun Sen must goes and beg United Nation for help.

I don't believe that, the war is going to happen. It is just a show to both side countries to gain votes for the next election only.

They just make afew armys die to help them regain popularity for the next coming election. Tha's all.

Anonymous said...

6:09 PM
You have been repeating that too many times , don't you think thats enough of it ? If you have any brain , think about it .

Anonymous said...

To 6:23PM You are so smart can you please help khmer get back Kos Trol, sea and lands back???

I know you can, because you have ideas of everythings.

Anonymous said...

To be honest, talk in here can't help any cambodians at all.

Anonymous said...

Among many educated leaders in the world, Abhishit is the irresponsible leader i have ever seen. His word is never mean any damn shit. it keeps changing all the time.

Anonymous said...

Soon or later sure the Khmer descents in Thailand will have to take the responsible by themselves and they will do the same as the Yala group already did again the Thai Government in Southern part.

We all Khmer born around the world will support you.

Anonymous said...

The border problem with Thailand is very easy to resole, only talk with UN and turn to the contract during France protector 1863. But AH HUN SEN under Ah VIET advisors he want raise this to be trouble, in order to manipulate from border with Viet taking Khmer land every day because he think that the people are very stupid, give more starts, posts and dollars then they will stay calm as long the water still not raise on their nose, then they sleep harmony further. That is the Khmer people, wake up, look a round what the people are doing, please not further.

Anonymous said...

ahbullshit is one of siem pad thugs, really! and he's a prime minister of thailand, how stupid for him to act in illegal demand like this without respect to the international law, etc... ahbullshit is so stupid like the pad thugs ignorant people, really! what a jerk and an asshole ahbullshit really is! go figure!

Anonymous said...


T.I.T = This Is Thailand

Anonymous said...


T.I.T = Tom In Thailand