Sunday, February 06, 2011

[Thai] PM calls for unity in border disputes [with Cambodia]

Sunday, February 06, 2011
The Nation

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva Sunday called for unity while the country is engaging in border disputes with Cambodia, which saw two days of clashes.

During his live TV program on NBT, Abhisit was reacting to the resolution of the People's Alliance for Democracy to oust him from office.

Abhisit said he wondered why the PAD would intensify the protests to force him out of office when he shares the same stand with the PAD regarding to the border disputes.

Abhisit explained that his government was the first government that was opposed to Cambodia's unilateral registration of Preah Vihear Temple as a world heritage site.

He said he was also against the use of the 1:200,000 map cited by Cambodia to carry out border demarcations.

"PAD, this is the first government which is clearly opposed to the [1:200,000] map and registration of Preah Vihear as heritage site so I am surprised why you came out to demand the government's ouster," Abhisit said.

"My government shares the same stand with you so I wonder for what you are making your campaign."

The prime minister also urged the public to listen to information of all sides instead of listening only to the PAD leaders.

He said his government could not comply with the PAD's demand to withdraw Thailand from the Unesco World Heritage committee.

Abhisit said if Thailand pulled out from the committee, the committee would listen only to the Cambodia's side and Cambodia might be allowed by go in to manage the part of the land that belongs to Thailand.

"And I cannot tolerate that," Abhisit said.

Abhisit also noted that keeping the memorandum of understanding with Cambodia on border disputes would benefit Thailand more than annulling it as demanded by the PAD.

Abhisit said the MOU, which was signed in 2000, helped return calm to the disputed border area after two days of clashes.

Abhisit said without the MOU, troops of the two countries could have clashed everyday.

To criticisms that MOU could not have prevented the clashed on Friday and Saturday, Abhisit replied: "I'll say the calm has returned partly because of the MOU".

He also insisted that Thailand has not lost its territory to Cambodia as alleged by the PAD.

"I have no interests in exchange for giving away our land to foreigners," Abhisit said during his live TV program on NBT.

"Had I done it, it should not only be removed as the prime minister but I should also be expelled from the country," Abhisit said.


Anonymous said...

Ah Dick! Ahbisit Vechha! silly boy. It is sure that your political weakness and the internal problem in your country makes us as Cambodia ann our people suffer from damn shit ugly Thailand.

Cambodia always has the unity and solidarity for any country in the region and in the world.

You have to unite your internal first before unite with other neighbor countries. One your internal issue is solved than the border issue with Cambodia can be immediately addressed. The world see your issue clearly...and that adhere to us as innocent Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bora Touch
As far as Thai royal palace continues to believe that their ancestors signed the wrong treaties with the French (representing Cambodia), there will be no peace between the two countries. Thai royal palace is an absolute master of the military and of the majority of Thai people, who is taught to be ultra nationalist and to nurture hatred towards all neighboring people.
Never this people can be trusted to honor promises deriving from “bilateral” talk or negotiation.
As Khmer and to help people in the current Cambodian government to deal with this national issue, I really think that we should come back again to the International Court of Justice. Therefore, Cambodia needs the “CASE”.
Preah Vihear and ipso facto the map 1:200 000 are “chose jugée” meaning that the judge has ruled, thing cannot be discussed further. The Thai is contesting the said map which is also deposited at the United Nations. On the other hand Thailand has also recognized the sovereignty of Cambodia in signing the 23 October 1991 Paris Accord.
You are an eminent lawyer, how to build the CASE to convince the judges that the map is valid and should be applied for boundary demarcation? We need peace for our next generation and for the sake of development of our country.
From Good Morning freedom of speech in Cambodia

Anonymous said...

The Political game
was over with Hun Sen.Both of them won
the game.
Thai and Khmer soldiers were dead.
They destroyed somethings to gain
politic game.
Behind Hun Sen in the east,Vietnamese
immigrants sneak in
and live happily;
Khmer inside are lacking of jobs,
and much, much more.
Khmer workers went
out abroad,they work
as slaves and get killed by their masters or raped by
The next Generation
Me must rise up and
protest to get freedom.
Can Khmer Generation
Me feel the wind of
change in Tunisia
and in Egypt?
Are you still sleeping?
Wake up! Rise up!
Time is on your side.
Lost time,you'll be
lost forever.

Anonymous said...

abishit is an ultra thai to be included. He us stubborn and that behaviour is called an invasion