Sunday, February 06, 2011

[Thai] PM chairs meeting on border clash

Bangkok Post

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva called an urgent meeting of heads of security and foreign affairs agencies at 1pm Saturday at Government House to discuss the border clash, acting government spokesman Panitan Wattanayakorn said.

Mr Panitan said after the meeting, the prime minister will hold a press conference to provide information of the military clash between Thai and Cambodia troops on Friday afternoon and this morning.

It was reported that Mr Abhisit was resting at his Bangkok residence amid tight security.


Anonymous said...

Meeting...Meeting...Meeting..never stop meeting. Ah fucking Thailand! then create trouble with Khmer.

Anonymous said...

8:03 AM

khmer news
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Anonymous said...

do not expect thai stop fighting back .following secret source said ,thai troops with tanks move closer to the areas clash .may be tonight or tomorrow strike back .

Anonymous said...

The last two days of fighting between Cambodia-Thailand just a small piece of cake as can't compare to the next one. There will be another big war is coming very soon in the nearest future. Despite the negotiation of Thailand and Cambodia at ANLONG VENG is just a tactic of Thais to mobilize its military forces by using different types of military equipment such as tanks, aging F-16s, and warship aircraft carriers. Cambodia must prepare the real war with Thailand in the forthcoming future. Cambodia must use all its military sophisticated weapons such as DF-21D to destroy Thailand's warship aircraft carriers; and conventional DF-21D-medium range missiles to destroy BANGKOK if the Thai's F-16s apparently violate Cambodia's airspace. Mr. Hun Sen, this is good time for you to sacrifice your talent for our king, Sihamoni to quell Thailand. CAMBODIA MUST PREPARE THE NEXT FIERCE WAR WITH THAILAND. THIS TIME THE THAI KING HAS ORDERED ALL THAI TROOPS AS WELL AS NAVY AND AIR FORCES TO FIGHT AGAINST THE KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA.