Monday, February 07, 2011

Thailand-Cambodia border clashes resume, kill 5 soldiers3 soldiers and 2 civilians

February 6, 2011
Reporter: Windsor Genova
Source: (AHN)

Cambodian and Thai soldiers exchanged artillery, mortar and rocket fire around a disputed border territory on Sunday, a day after the two sides called for a ceasefire. The exchange left five troops and civilians dead.

Two Cambodian soldiers and two civilians, one from each side, were killed in Friday’s clashes in Preah Vihear near a disputed Hindu temple. A Thai soldier was killed the following day before a ceasefire was declared by both sides.

On Sunday, fighting resumed damaging part of an 11th-century temple, which was declared a United Nations World Heritage site in 2008.

Both sides accused each other of restarting the fighting.

The media in Cambodia and Thailand reported that as many as 64 Cambodian soldiers were killed while 30 Thai troops died.

The clashes forced villagers near the border to evacuate.


Anonymous said...

ចង់ចរចាទ្វេភាគីទៀតទេ​ ???????

គេអោនយើងញញឹម គេរំលោភ យើងច្រលោត!

ពេលក្តៅ គេប្រើចង្កើះ ពេលត្រជាក់គេចាប់នឹងដៃ!

ឈប់ស្រមៃរឿងទ្វេភាគីជាមួយថៃទៀតទៅ​ !!!

Anonymous said...

9:19 AM!
Mother Fucker