Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Thailand defends renewed border demands

February 1, 2011
ABC Radio Australia

Thailand says it is committed to a peaceful resolution of its border dispute with Cambodia, but it has fended off the idea of maintaining the area around the Preah Vihear temple as a jointly administered zone. The comments come a day after the Thai government renewed a demand that Cambodia remove a flag on a temple in the disputed area and also pull down the temple itself. Both Thailand and Cambodia have agreed that nothing would be built while a joint boundary commission surveyed the disputed land. Thailand insists the Cambodian temple was erected after the memorandum of understanding was signed in 2000.

Presenter: Zulfikar Abbany
Speaker: Thani Thongpakdi, spokesman, Thai foreign ministry, Bangkok


Anonymous said...

We should pay more attention to the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. It is very crucial for rehabilitation of Cambodian society that is still haunted by the killing field that is the worst nightmare in modern history.


Anonymous said...

How many times that MOTHER-FUCKER THAILAND has barked on Cambodia to jointly administered zone at the vicinity of Preah Vihear. This bark has happened since the previous MOTHER-FUCKER THAI GOV'T during SAMAK. Cambodia is firmly considered the surrounding region and including WAT SOKHA KEO KIRI SWARAK as a solely land of her country. According to SIAM-FRANCO TREATY OF 1904-1907 TREATY, THE MOTHER-FUCKER THAILAND and MOTHER-FUCKER FRENCH had signed the pact of the borderline. And this disputed has been solved a century ago. Why is MOTHER-FUCKER THAILAND is still insisted on the Cambodian land at Preah Vihear. Your MOTHER-FUCKER THAI ABBHISIT' gov't must not fuck with Cambodia to avert the domestic attention. A couple days ago, your MOTHER-FUCKER THAILAND wanted to wage a war with Cambodia by showing your MOTHER-FUCKER forces. As a response from Cambodia, the CPP gov't wanted also to bully your MOTHER-FUCKER THAILAND. Why YOUR MOTHER-FUCKER JUST fuck up with Cambodia? Your MOTHER-FUCKER THAI negotiation will never work out. REMEMBER YOU MOTHER-FUCKER THAILAND: Don't disseminate your MOTHER-FUCKER internal chaos politics to Cambodia. If you MOTHER-FUCKER THAILAND wants to engage a war with Cambodia, why not right now? Do not bark behind my ass because my fart is not malodorous.

Anonymous said...

the bottom line is siem pad thugs makes illegal claim to cambodian lands and territories they wanted to steal from. the 1907 map doesn't lie, only siem lied, really!

Anonymous said...

ម៉េចក៏ហ៊ុនសែន មិនបង្កើតកន្លែងជម្លោះ តទល់នឹងសៀមផងទៅ? ខ្វះណាស់ទៅឫ?
ខេត្តសុរិន ស៊ីសាកេត បូរីរម្យ ជាដីរបស់ខ្មែរ

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen’s day is numbered when the war starts. He is not worried about the Thai and the Viet, but he is fearful about his own people turning against him.
He should take the advice of the opposition to get the UN involved, but no, and now he is in a deep shit. This is the right time to bark, but we don’t hear any barking from the fake strongman.

Anonymous said...

Ah kwack ah Choymaray motherfucker why you oppress people like that!?

to speak against you motherfucker is not a crime !to write and distribution leaflet also! you our freedome of expression!

You mother fucker's sons are leaning something from USA or England! or motherfuckers paid for diploma

Anonymous said...

United Nation where Dr. Hun Sen must call for help. Thai can't stand again United Nation at all. Dr. Hun Sen must goes and beg United Nation for help.

I don't believe that, the war is going to happen. It is just a show to both side countries to gain votes for the next election only.

They just make afew armys die to help them regain popularity for the next coming election. Tha's all.

Anonymous said...

I am totally agreeing
with 11:51PM.Time is
in Khmer citizens.
The Hun Sen evil deed
is coming soon.
Pack your belongings,
and run away to abroad.
Vietnam must pull out your troops as soon as possible.You are Khmer invader.
Khmer people will kill Hun Sen regime and Vietnamese in Cambodia.
Wake up Khmer people and kill them.