Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thailand ready for ceasefire, peaceful solution for border dispute [-Thai perfidy on display by Kasit]

BANGKOK, Feb. 15 (Xinhua) -- Thailand never has ill intention against Cambodia and the country supports "permanent ceasefire" and peaceful means to tackle border issue with its neighbor, Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya said early Tuesday morning.

Kasit made the phone call to give an interview with National Broadcasting of Thailand (NBT) at 6.30 a.m. (11.30 p.m. GMT) after he finished closed meeting with the UN Security Council (UNSC) in New York where he addressed Thailand's stand on bilateral negotiation in dealing with the border dispute between Thailand and Cambodia.

Kasit said that Thailand would like to see development in Cambodia and the country has consistently invested in and traded with its neighboring country.

"Both Thailand and Cambodia are member countries of the Association of South East Asian Nation (ASEAN) who are bound to create ASEAN Community in 2015, so there is no reason to make problems between us," he said.

Thai FM also insisted that contentious encryption of the ancient Preah Vihear temple as the UNESCO's World Heritage Site as well as development plan of the surrounding area must be halted until negotiation on border demarcation between Thailand and Cambodia could reach agreement.

"The listing of Preah Vihear temple was seen as the source of fresh tension and had frequently led to cross-border clashes," Kasit said.

He said Thailand supports "permanent ceasefire" agreement and the country could implement it soon after defense ministers of both countries hold talks. Thailand is ready to go back to negotiating table which both countries solve problems bilaterally.

"Thailand has proposed to hold Joint Boundary Commission (JBC) meeting on Feb 27 and Cambodia should express her sincerity to solve border issue by joining the talks," Thai FM said.

The UNSC called Monday for a "permanent ceasefire" between Thailand and Cambodian and expressed that the members would like to see both countries resort to bilateral negotiation in handling border conflict.

Border clashes between Thailand and Cambodia erupting on Feb. 4 and lasting until Feb 7 left many soldiers and civilians on both sides dead and injured. Both claimed the other side started attacking first.

Cambodia last week submitted petitions to UNSC calling for international intervention in handling the issue. The two countries finally decided to address the issue with UNSC in New York on Monday.

The International Court of Justice ruled in 1962 that the temple belonged to Cambodia but the problem of ownership of the stretch of 4.6-square-kilometre (1.8-square-mile) surrounding land has never been solved.


Anonymous said...

What Kasit at UN is arrogant and ill

Anonymous said...

Fuck you ah dog Kashit piromya thai dog. How much more of bilateral talk.

Shut your ass and Cambodia will take you to international court if you still drag on the issue and don't accept the 1962 ruling.

E ha Mae mueng khonsu kashit and abishit

Anonymous said...

There be no development if Hun Sen is in charged

Anonymous said...

"The council ended its closed meeting with a statement calling for “maximum restraint” from both sides and implementation of a permanent ceasefire and pledging its support for bilateral and regional efforts to resolve the dispute."

=This is bad news for Cambodia! The UNSC is not interested in condemning Siem leaders for their naked aggression on Cambodia! The UNSC failed to condemn Siem leaders for their violation of international law and fail to condemn Siem military thugs for using chemical and cluster bombs on Cambodia! Now Cambodia are being pushed back into bilateral talk with the Siem thugs and the ASEAN. The ASEAN as a group is useless because the ASEAN never once condemn the Siem thuggish leaders for violating Cambodian territories and the use of chemical and cluster bombs on Cambodia.

If you are talking about “maximum restraint” then who will restraint Siem thuggish warmonger leaders from sending their military into Cambodian territory! Do you see Cambodian government send the Cambodian military into Thailand? Of course you don't!

Cambodia was victimized three times by the Siem thuggish warmonger leaders, the ASEAN, and now the UNSC! At this very moment the Siem leaders are sending more troops and more tanks and guns to Thai-Cambodian border! The Siem leaders are the Super Power of the world and they choose to do anything they want and the whole world must listen to them! Where is justice for Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

Exactly, Thai is the war initiator reason: Khmer Preah Vihear. They started war and the only to stop this war is to give Khmer Preah Vihar. Is that reasonable to anyone? So, if Cambodia adopted a bombing campagine in Bangkok, and the only reason to stop is to have Khmer run and control. Is that logic reason. Of-course not. But why Thai start the war with us? Because they can? Yes, indeed. What is Khmer has to do? Fellow Khmer: must be UNITED! Whatever we do, we must think about upholding Khmer. Khmer is a collective soul that all of us must protect. And in order to protect that Khmer soul, we must study/work for Khmer. We should look at South Korean and Japanese as an example. They are not smarter than us, but they have a collective working for a common good. They have a system to support and fostering young generation for a better of their future. All we have to do is to have sytem to create environment to grow and be strong. We must be strive for better education that creat job and better economic. Then a country like would not dare to pick the fight with us. My fellow Khmer, untill then, Thai will not let us live in peace. Therefore, what they have been doing to us, we should wake up, work hard, keep on improve of whatever you have been doing (except those who do bad deed must be stop), and play your role to make us togethere as a KHMER NATION strong.


Anonymous said...

"Kasit said that Thailand would like to see development in Cambodia and the country has consistently invested in and traded with its neighboring country."

= AH Kashit brag too much about Thailand want to see development in Cambodia? What AH Kashit is talking about is not investment but exploitation! If the AH Kashit claimed that Thailand is more interested in see development in Cambodia but why use Chemical weapons and Cluster bombs and mortars, tanks, and guns as diplomacy? AH Kashit words need to be verified and the Siem thuggish warmonger leaders conduct will be upheld according to international law!

In fact it is a fucken joke that the Siem thuggish leaders want to see any kind of development in Cambodian at all! If Cambodia to become fully develop country and Cambodia will post military threat to Thailand economically, militarily, and politically!

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen needs to fire his buddy Hor Nam Hong and replace him with somebody younger and smarter who can speak excellent Khmer or English.
A representative of Cambodia at the world stage should be able to speak good English or at least good Khmer and have the interpreter translate into English.

Anonymous said...

What the UN should said was "Thai must stop shooting at Khmer".

I totally agree with previous comment that Hor Nam Hong need to be replaced. He can be an adiser in forign affair matter, and let younger Khmer face off these Thai liers in the Internation Affair. There are many qualified young men and women who are ready to serve our country.

Anonymous said...

Kasit is a thai dog. How many Cambodian innocents have been killed by everyyear? UN do you have your eyes to see CAMBODIAN SUFFERING from Thai?

Thai violation into Cambodia but UN is unable to resolve this is biasnes is UN. Hun Sen has to kill Hor Nmahong not let him live anymore cos he could not solve the problem.

Anonymous said...

Kasit, areyou crazy?