Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Thailand suspects internal spying

08 Feb 2011
Translated from Khmer by Soch

Source from the Thai army indicated that right now, the situation around Preah Vihear temple cannot be trusted because during two past clashes, it believed that there could spies inside Thailand or it could be Cambodian army accomplices who disguised as laborers working in rubber plantations located next to Thai army barracks. Therefore, there could be internal spies or Cambodian accomplices who provided information about Thai heavy artillery support locations because according to captured radio messages, Cambodia seems to know all the Thai activities, as well as the location of Thai heavy artilleries.

The Thai army source indicated that during the 04 February clash, when Cambodia was shelling into Thai territories, it can be heard over the radio the following two sentences: “You hit it! Shoot again, shoot again!” Without an insider job in Thailand, how could the Cambodian army knows so clearly? The source added that, for example, in the case of the school in Phoum Sral village and the commune office which were hit by Cambodian artillery shelling, these are not normal issues, and there must be hidden intelligence or internal spies who sent out the location information. Military analysts indicated that if such thing did occur, then the Thai army is the worst in the world for allowing enemy forces to hide within its own heart.


Anonymous said...

It's the work of Hun Manet, graduate of the elite West Points and PHD. You can make joke about it. But to me, these battles are pretty well orchestrated by our Khmer soldiers. It's so different from past battles. Now it's a new military leadership with western battle plan.

To be sucessful in life, you need a plan. No different in preparing to fight the enemy, you need a good plan. The Siem thieves got repelled so many times that it surprised them. They thought they're fight an army of flip flop and rusty aks. But What they got was the wrath of modern tanks and a rain of terror from BM-21 missiles. Nice work Hun Manet. We got our selves a real general.

Anonymous said...

That good news for Khmer, hoped will do it again Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! down to ah thieves Siamese why don't we fights and try to get our province back from the thieve and tell the U.N. that those land it used to belong to Khmer before.

Anonymous said...

Dear Thai,
Do you want to know who is the spies? your own solders who did not want to invade Khmer and some of your generals who want money from Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

HaHa! now that you know about the Khmer military experiences, just one person graduated from West Point you looked down but you did not realise that 30 years war experience may add to that accuracy. Khmer learn how to shoot for generation and she tested with two super power 1970 USA, and 1979 China back Pot Pot and Pot Pot against bigest neightbour VN, now Khmer are all one so these experiences that Thais could never dream of. We graduated from military school around the world not just from US, the experience and military tactic are different, one attact other counter attack, Siam knew only attack but lack of counter attack their for Thais suffered greatly. We hear artillery we can estimate that where were you already we donot not need F16 or spy plane.

Becareful next time do not mess with Khmer, if you want to shoot and shoot it don't talk. Learn from your master USA 'The good, The bad and The ugly' Cling Eastwood.

Anonymous said...

Of course there are eyes and ears everywhere who work for the benefit of Cambodia. Thank god for the Red Shirt revolution and those who are fighting the good fight. The Thai military has abused its neighbors long enough, its time they be destroyed from the inside out. You will never find them because they are everyone.

Anonymous said...

I am a spy who inform all Thai millitary location coordinate. I send digital signal through satellite phone that cost only $4000 could win over your satilite,f16 and your shit thai spy plane as toy. I capture all the pictures with digital gsp coordination send to khmer military network system.

I look normal as Thai people, I also speak thai cause I used to stay at thai border for ten years.

More than ten thousand Cambodian spies in Thailand you name it! They are in every thai department and specailly in thai military system.

We are not scare to die for our cambodia nation! because you Thai killed million of khmer life in the past until today. We sacrify our life for protecting Cambodia and Cambodian nation.

Khmer spies,

Anonymous said...

I agree with 4:29PM, we khmer army don't need fency clothes or bot as your Thai toy army. We only have rusty AK can defeat thai army with US modern weapon easily. We don't have much food to eat but our heart is very strong to defeat thai army.

We can defeat US war at 1970 Their weapon modern than your thai toy army use ten thousand time, why don't you thai think we can't defeated you? If there is no international law we cambodian army take over your city bankok in just 8 hours. You lucky there is internation law protect and we are khmer civilize nation not as barbarien nation as thai killed unarm khmer people for fun.

Anonymous said...

Time is getting close. Khmer should be ready to reunited with our brothers and sisters that currently live in the 12 provinces such as Surin which Thai took by force not too long ago. It is the wishes of our Khmer blood want to be with all Khmer. Time is near, destiny has called for it. We have to be ready.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe this is true because it doesn't say who wrote it and where it's coming from . They can make up alot of things just to make you think it's true . I hope it was not Hun Sen's idea doing this.

Anonymous said...

I am sure there are Thai spies all over in Cambodia as well, but they are kind of not so smart just like Thai politician, otherwise how can you want to steal Khmer Preah Vihear, which is not going to get, and at the same time lose all economic to Vietnamese. Cambodia is a perfect market for Thai busines, and yet all these idiot Thai can not see it.

Anonymous said...

Thai should start learning Vietnamese now if you keep up with current political/military advanture with Khmer.

Anonymous said...

6:15 PM
I didn't know there was a war between Cambodia and the United States in 1970 and I never heard of the United States lost the war to any country in the world. They witdrew forces from Vietnam in the early 70s and there was no win or loss situation there . I hope you are not saying it to make Cambodia look good . By the way , I am khmer and I have been reading Khmer hidtory too.

Anonymous said...

Hey, maybe that guy is Thai spy trying to discredit Cambodia with some untrue facts. Appearently, he suck at his intelligent gathering. Anyway, you know there are plenty of Khmer speaking Thai living in Thailand. Also, there are a lot of Khmer people flocking into Thailand seeking works. It's could be that a few of those Khmer seeking works in Thailand are spies for Cambodia. Thailand is playing dirty, so can Cambodia. When fighting with an enemy like Thailand, it's necessary for Cambodia to play by Thailand's rules. That's fair isn't it. Honest fighting will not work in this case. This tactics probably learned from Vietnam. Remember back in Vietnam War, America can't seem to tell who are the true Viet Congs, just like Thai military can't tell who are the rubber plantation workers or Khmer spies. Haaaaaa

Anonymous said...

6:28 PM

I understand but if US run away from warit is mean simple lost war. US had used chemical warfare in vietnam and cambodia. US murdered 100 thousand of innocent cambodians lifes including babies, young kids, women, pregnan women, men, elderly... during at that period by B 52, chemical warfare,...but US must face war crime against humanitary and human right, if there is a real justice system is have.

Please America find justice for cambodians people that US army murdered at that time. Where is human right group, United nation for that ??

Anonymous said...

I understand but if US run away from war it is mean simple lost war. US had used chemical warfare in Vietnam and Cambodia. US murdered 1000 thousands of innocent Cambodians life’s including babies, young kids, women, pregnant women, men, elderly... during at that period by B 52, chemical warfare. US must be a world lead who must take fully responsible for war crime against humanitarians and human right, if there is a real justice system is have.

Please America find justice for Cambodians people that US army murdered at that time. Where are human right group, united nation, and world court for that??

Anonymous said...

you siames crock simply a sore looser and trying to play the internal spying game OR an excuse to prosecute inocent cambodian. or our khmer troop just to good for you.next time think twise befor visiting cambodia or you might get a BM21 on your head!!

Anonymous said...

The Cambodian government did not need to spy the Thai military force.
The border separated us from each other, but we never forget, where and who we are. We always hope one day, we Khmer able to live in peace together, because we don't want to be someone else.
Therefore the young generation of Khmer descent around the world have the responsibility throughout Cambodia and have to protect our Khmer Identity. We have our Khmer brother & sisters all-over the places, also inside Thailand.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian and have to protect our Khmer Identity. what a bunch of crap! I wouldnt died for this HUN Sen or CCP government. They took my many generation land from my family and give it to the Chinese Youns to farm on.. why should I died for this so called Khmer love Khmer. Let CCP sent theirs Children to fights

Anonymous said...

ម៉ែកូនអើយ អាសត្វសៀមខំលាក់ ការណ៍ អីលូវ វាជុះអាចម៍តាមមាត់វាហើយ ហាស ហាស។ ក្រែងវាថា ខ្មែរបាញ់គ្រាប់អេតចាយ មិនចំគោលដៅទេ គ្មានការខូចខាតទេ ចុះម៉េចពេលនេះពួកអាឆ្កែ សៀម ធ្លាយអាចម៍តាមមាត់វាចឹង??????
ជ័យោ ជ័យោ ជ័យោ កងទ័ពខ្មែរ អស់លោកពូកែមែន អង់អាចក្លាហាន មានបទពិសោធខ្ពស់!!!!!!
អាសៀម បង្ហើបការពិតដោយភ្លេចខ្លួនវា ហាស ហាស។

Anonymous said...

Cambodia Town
Long Beach, California

Maybe one day, We Cambodian soldiers can hit Thais Palace Royal in Bangkok.

New Phally

Anonymous said...

ប្រសិនមានលើកក្រោយទៀត យើងគួរតែព្រមានថៃ ឱ្យចាស់ដៃម្តង។

Anonymous said...

To tell the true Cambodian spies are well within Thai Govt. Wtin red and yellow shirt and also in Thai military even Thai gen And especially within royal palace

As I used to tell we will burn bkk or retake our territory as our planned scenario

We never forget taking back ours beloved land like bkk and others provinces

Anonymous said...

យើងជាខ្មែរ យើងមិនទាន់ភ្លេចទេ អំពើឃោរឃៅព្រៃផ្សៃរបស់សៀម ដែលបានដឹកជនភៀសខ្លួនខ្មែរ យកទៅចាក់ចោលនៅភ្នំដងរែក បាញ់រះពីលើ ឱ្យខ្មែរចុះដើរកាត់គ្រាប់មីន ស្លាប់ពេញតែព្រៃ។
នេះឫជនជាតិដែលមានសីលធម៌ និងអារ្យធម៌នោះ?

Anonymous said...

There is no Cambodian spie in the area. First Siam must be realized that beyond the conflicting borderpoint to Obonrathany, to Sisaket, Surin and Boriram are Kmer's loyality especially in Kantharalak it self, the people most faithful and sentiment connection toward Khmer and Khmer military, they don't want Siamese Govt bring war into their villages, daily lives. Therefore for this reason the source of Khmer inteligent don't have to instal spie activity, the Khmer people over there who are providing us the informations, jirk!!

Anonymous said...

Look to me like those sure loosing generals are trying to find a blaim to cover up their losing aszz. the best shot for them is to blaim on khmers inside Thailand for their lost. They hopefully still can keep their stars on their shoulders. what're usless stars.

If I were the PM of Thailand, I would take away their stars and make them shut up so that they won asking question like "Without an insider job in Thailand, how could the Cambodian army knows so clearly?".

if this question really come from Thai generals, they are very stupid.

Anonymous said...

that's bully shit siem accusation! we all know they will accuse cambodia of anything like childish attitude, really! the focus is preah vihear, everything else is secondary to it, really! also, nowadays the modern weaponries used is sophisticated on cambodia side as well with telescopes, radar, etc, so what is siem thugs talking about "khmer spies"? it's siem way to make excuse to want to invade cambodia. we cannot trust siem thugs, you know!

Anonymous said...

this is a good case or good example of siem looking down or insulting khmer. they still think cambodia is a backward country, poor and lack of everthing, even sophisticated weaponries, etc... hey, it's siem's ploy to make trouble with cambodia. don't buy into their rankling, etc, really!

Anonymous said...

I told you my men every where.
I know what your king had for dinner last night.

My men with Sam Raing sy' s, Kem Sokha's , Ranna Rith's, noodle shops and even Thai royal palace not only Thai army.

Anonymous said...

Why are people saying Khmer beat US in 1970? Learn history, you uninformed ignoramuses. US won the Lon Nol coup in 1970. Khmer lost to all the US bombings. Khmer did win the US-Lon Nol in 1975, when the KHMER KRAHAROM won.

Khmer lose to Champa, French, Vietnam, US bombings, and now will lose to Thai spy plane.

Anonymous said...

I really need to know "The Khmer spies and many their supporter" are human being or not.

You hate Siem. You are fighting with millitary force, but you told your boss or your people" Jayo Jayo Jayo" We can destroy Primary school. Jayo Jayo Jayo many of house in Phum Srol and Dol Awo were bombed by Khmer very Api Moha Hero.

I also have question when I read Khmer history when they fight they enjoy to kill. That are reason why Pol Pot and his team can killed million of Khmer people only 5 years!!!???

War is real good tool for the "Dictator".

Anonymous said...

Abhisit Vejjajiva (Bangkok)
I am a spy. Why should I care about Thais? I am a Britist citizen and I am a business man. Whoever could offer me good money and good position, I accepted all. Stupit PAD offered me a good job and now, they wanted to scew me up. I am not going to resign easily. I will make them suffer BIG loss.