Tuesday, February 15, 2011

UN takes up Thai-Cambodian border dispute

February 14 2011
By Harvey Morris at the United Nations
Financial Times

Thailand and Cambodia have taken their border dispute to the UN Security Council, but it showed no inclination to take up Phnom Penh’s request for a contingent of peacekeepers.

The 15-member council met on Monday, at Cambodia’s request, to hear from both sides on a conflict that centres on the ancient Khmer temple ruins of Preah Vihear. Recent clashes there have left 11 dead.

The council ended its closed meeting with a statement calling for “maximum restraint” from both sides and implementation of a permanent ceasefire and pledging its support for bilateral and regional efforts to resolve the dispute.

The Security Council has deferred to mediation by the Association of South East Asian Nations, to which both countries belong. Foreign ministers Kasit Piromya of Thailand and Hor Namhong of Cambodia both addressed the closed council meeting, which also heard a situation report from Lynn Pascoe, the UN’s political affairs chief.

The two ministers presented maps to illustrate the situation on the ground and to underline their rival claims.

Thailand had rejected a proposal by Cambodia that UN peacekeepers should be posted on the disputed border. The Cambodia minister, however, cast doubt on the bilateral process by saying it had not worked in the past. He welcomed UN support for Asean’s third-party role.

Mr Kasit said after the meeting the issue would be resolved bilaterally and that there was no need for further UN involvement. He said the issue of deploying UN peacekeepers was not raised at the Security Council. Referring to the neighbours’ “common future”, he said Thailand hoped for more development and prosperity in Cambodia.

He did not confirm any plans to have bilateral talks with his Cambodia counterpart while the two men were in New York.

Mr Hor Namhong said his country was the victim of “Thai aggression in which they used cluster munitions forbidden by the world community”.

Marty Natalegwa, Indonesian foreign minister and chief Asean mediator, said he was much more optimistic about a settlement than before the meeting and had no reason to doubt the commitment of both sides.


Anonymous said...

I Think this news has some bias.. I just listen both of them in this web? Kasit say quite reasonable Live together in long term. But 5hong said like children.

Anonymous said...

អាស៊ានគ្មានបានការ បើមិនដូច្នោះ មិនមែនរត់រកUN ទាំងអស់គ្នានោះទេ។ មកដល់UN ក៏អត់បានអ្វីជាដុំកំភួនដែរ ព្រោះការទូតខ្មែរខ្សោយពេក នេះហើយលទ្ធផលនៃការបិទសេរីភាព។ អាត្មាបារម្ភ ខ្លាចខ្មេរអ្នកជំនាន់ថ្មីមិនដឹងប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តខ្លួន ដល់ពេលនោះ សៀមយកព្រះវិហារបានមិនខាន។

Anonymous said...

អ្នកការទូតយើងមិនមាំសោះមើលទៅ និយាយ​អាតាក់អាតុប ដូចគ្មានព្រៀងអីសោះ ។ អានេះ​ជាវេទិកាលោក និងជាអាយុជីវិតជាតិ ។ គេជាចោរ​គេដូចជាស្វាហាប់ជាង ឯងយើងតត្រាក់​តទ្រើតដូចអា​ម៉េចទេ ។ នេះហើយជាគុណភាព ធ្វើមិនស្រួលខាង​យូអិនមិនដឹង ខាងចោរគេពូកែច្រៀងជាង ។

ខាងយូអិនក៏ដូចជាមិនរវីរវល់អីដែរ គេហាក់នៅទាម​ទារ​ឲ្យមានទ្វេរភាគីដដែលតែមានអាស៊ានជាភាគីទីបី ។ អាយូអិនគួរតែសាកមកអង្កេតការបន្តិចទៅ ដើម្បីកាត់បន្ថយជីវិតរាស្រ្តរងគ្រោះ ។ យីអាចោរយូអិន ។
The UNSC should not close their eyes on long term Khmer and Thai dispute. If the dispute is soon ended, innocent people's lives will not at deaths. Bilateral talk have brought many lives. Now UNSC wants more lives death in coming days of disputed. UNSC has no willing to save people's lives. I don't trust on such a organisation.

Anonymous said...

UN's ignore for the concern of Cambodia will drop this country in more serious situation. UN ask us to live together as Thailand and UN have Lived longer and happier with Thailand. Please UN and Its hands Asean look closer to deal with the dispute fairly. I hope UN, I dont hope Asean.

ជនពាល said...

លោកបាន់គិមមូនបានរអ៊ូដាក់ខ្ញុំថា ឥឡូវនេះ លោកអផ្សុកខ្លាំងណាស់ លោកបន់អោយតែមានសង្គ្រាមបាញ់គ្នា ដូចនៅ
ប្រទេសអៀរ៉ាក ឬនៅអាវហ្កានិស្តង់ ជាដើម ទើបលោកពេញចិត្ត ​។ លោកបានបន្ទោស ភាគីថៃថា មេចបានជាកំសាកញីម្លេះ មេចក៏មិនចូលលុកលុយដីខ្មែរអោយបានជ្រៅជាងហ្និងបន្តិច ព្រោះថា ការផ្ទុះអាវុធមុននេះ ​វាមិនបាន
ធ្វើអោយកន្រ្តាក់អារម្មណ៍បន្តិចសោះ បើមានទាហាន ​រាប់ម៉ឺននាក់ប្រយុទ្ធគ្នា រត់ក្រោះរាប់រយ មានកាំភ្លើងធំ ឬមិស៊ីលបាញ់ផ្លោងដាក់គ្នាអោយខ្ទេចខ្ទី ហើយបើមានយន្ដហោះទម្លាក់គ្រាប់បែកទៀត
នោះ ទើបវាល្អ ​។ លោកបាន់គិមមូន ថែមទាំងបន្ទោស លោកហោណាំហុងផងដែរថា
លើកក្រោយ ហាមដាច់ខាត កុំអោយយករឿង
កំប៉ិកកំប៉ុករបៀបនេះ មករំខានគេឯង
ត្រូវចាំថា ចាំដល់ការវាយគ្នានេះ​វាមានមនុស្សស្លាប់បាត់បង់ជីវិតគរជើងគ្នាសិន
សឹមមកប្ដឹងយូអិន ឮទេ ! !

Anonymous said...

UN is still UN...

If Khmer want to win, Khmer should move stronger

Buth Angkor

Anonymous said...

"The council ended its closed meeting with a statement calling for “maximum restraint” from both sides and implementation of a permanent ceasefire and pledging its support for bilateral and regional efforts to resolve the dispute."

=This is bad news for Cambodia! The UNSC is not interested in condemning Siem leaders for their naked aggression on Cambodia! The UNSC failed to condemn Siem leaders for their violation of international law and fail to condemn Siem military thugs for using chemical and cluster bombs on Cambodia! Now Cambodia are being pushed back into bilateral talk with the Siem thugs and the ASEAN. The ASEAN as a group is useless because the ASEAN never once condemn the Siem thuggish leaders for violating Cambodian territories and the use of chemical and cluster bombs on Cambodia.

If you are talking about “maximum restraint” then who will restraint Siem thuggish warmonger leaders from sending their military into Cambodian territory! Do you see Cambodian government send the Cambodian military into Thailand? Of course you don't!

Cambodia was victimized three times by the Siem thuggish warmonger leaders, the ASEAN, and now the UNSC! At this very moment the Siem leaders are sending more troops and more tanks and guns to Thai-Cambodian border! The Siem leaders are the Super Power of the world and they choose to do anything they want and the whole world must listen to them! Where is justice for Cambodia!