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Unesco special envoy Koichiro Matsuura meets Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva at Government House yesterday to discuss the border tensions between Thailand and Cambodia. CHANAT KATANYA |
Thanida Tansubhapol and Piyaporn Wongruang
Bangkok Post
Unesco says it will be difficult to consider Cambodia's proposed world heritage management plan for the Preah Vihear temple given the current tense situation, the Thai Foreign Ministry says.
The Unesco special envoy on the Preah Vihear issue, Koichiro Matsuura, who is also a former Unesco director-general, yesterday met Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya at Government House to hear about the problems between Thailand and Cambodia.
Thailand was his first leg before he heads to Cambodia tomorrow.
Thani Thongphakdee, Foreign Ministry spokesman, said Mr Matsuura understood that the problems over the Preah Vihear temple stemmed from its listing as a world heritage site given that the border's demarcation was still pending. Mr Matsuura was quoted as saying that he also admitted that in the current situation, it was difficult to move forward with the Preah Vihear management plan proposed by Cambodia.
He would review what Unesco should do next in order to ease tensions, said Mr Thani, adding that any decision making will depend on the World Heritage Committee (WHC).
The management plan is scheduled to be placed for WHC consideration at its annual meeting in Bahrain in June.
Thailand is trying to explain to Unesco that as long as the border demarcation dispute has not been solved through the Joint Boundary Committee (JBC), the organisation should delay considering the matter.
Mr Kasit also explained the progress of mechanisms which would help resolve the border problems including the JBC, General Border Committee and Regional Border Committee.
"We also told the special envoy about our progress there and that Thailand stands ready to tackle all the pending problems with Cambodia," said the spokesman. The minister also told Mr Matsuura about the history of the Preah Vihear problem that stems from both countries using different maps. Thailand has stuck to an international principle of using a watershed as a border line but Cambodia has relied on a map made by France.
Mr Matsuura was quoted as saying that he understood what was happening as he had read Mr Kasit's statement delivered to the UN Security Council on Feb 14 as well as what happened at the meeting of Asean foreign ministers in Jakarta earlier this week, which will lead to observers from the Indonesian military being stationed at the Thai-Cambodian border.
"We also emphasised the matter that Cambodian soldiers used the temple as a military base," said Mr Thani, confirming that Mr Matsuura has no plans to visit the Preah Vihear temple as earlier indicated by Cambodia.
"Unesco also supported the Thai proposal to review the history [regarding the border issues] as this led to the conflict in the region because it involved too much from the colonial era," he said.
Mr Abhisit said after the talk with the Unesco special envoy that the organisation was likely to support the use of bilateral mechanisms to resolve the conflict. "The Unesco envoy expressed his intention that he doesn't want to build up more problems in a situation of tension," said Mr Abhisit. He said he would like to tackle the border problems before consideration of the management plan.
Unesco also supported Thailand's plan to invite Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Sok An to talk about the Preah Vihear world heritage problem.
This BKK Post article is really pushing its luck.....
1) the problems(clashes)over the Preah Vihear temple stemmed from its listing as a world heritage site.
2)UNESCO also supported Thailand's plan to invite Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Sok An to talk about the Preah Vihear world heritage problem.
According to the bizarre statements above, Thai gov't as well as its journalists seem to confuse the world that the Preah Vihear temple has not been solved yet. YOU-MOTHER-FUCKERS can only lie to your own THAI people, but not Cambodians and the WORLD. The Preah Vihear temple already adjudicated by the ICJ judges at Hague since 6/15/1962. The international judges voted 9 to 3 in favor of Cambodia. Since then the Preah Vihear temple belong to Cambodia. The UNESCO has nothing to deal with the surrounding land at Preah Vihear, but it concerns about Thai soldiers using the heavy weapons to destroy it. Thailand will later pay the great price due to the destruction of the temple.--MOTHER-FUCKER-THAILAND-CAMBODIA WILL SOON FEED YOU WITH SHIT.
so what if Ah Bushit Siamese doesn't agree with unesco, even if Ah Bushit Siamese convinced unesco to unlist or not go ahead with management plan, Cambodia can still managed and develop the area by itself, obviously it's Cambodia's temple.
We can also ask our brothers in culture, the Hindus Indians, to help preserve and restore our beloved Khmer-Hindu temple to restore our ancient links, which Siamese Bulshit so jealous to fabricate for itself.
Hindus and Khmer unite, to preserve our heritage, don't let the greedy fakesters destroy our culture and disfigure our gods.
That is a smele of new Hitler of Asia as Abhisit.
That is a smile of new Hitler of Asia as Abhisit.
ថ្មព្រះវិហារ ស្រែកសួររកគ្នា
តើយើងខុសអ្វី បានជាពួកសៀម
ចោរទមិឡចង្រៃ បានគ្មានប្រណី
ថ្មខឹងខ្លាំងណាស់ ដ្បិតអាយុចាស់ រាប់ពាន់ឆ្នាំហើយ មនុស្សម្នាស្រឡាញ់
អង្អែលមិនស្បើយ មិនដែលមានឡើយ
ថ្មឫទ្ធិថ្លៃថ្លា ថ្មស្រែកផ្តន្ទា
បណ្តាសាសៀម អោយវាមានទុក្ខ
កលិយុគវិនាស បាងកកព្រាត់ប្រាស
អោយយន្តហោះវា ហោះឆ្ពោះបុកគ្នា
ឆេះរាលរថក្រោះ អាវុធចំបាំង
ក្លាយទៅជាផេះ ដើម្បីអោយចេះ
Dear all Khmer natives in Thailand,
Your great grandparents, grandparents your parents are Khmers. All Khmers in Srok Khmer and Khmers around the world are our brothers and sisters. We must wake up and unite. Siem has taken our land and water and controlled up to this day. We must get our land back to Cambodia.
Million Khmer natives in Thailand hold a high position in Thai government. Don’t support Abhisit, Yellow shirt group and Thai army. They are the aggressors against our troops, brothers and sisters along border.
Thailand is good in find the way to instigated and bad mouth about Cambodian...Thailand is the only one PERFECT???????????
9:58 PM
Who's are the benefactors of Preah Vihear when the war is over?
What about those innocent and naive and poor soldiers who scarified their lives so the CPP elite can live prosperously?
And what about these soldiers' families who are unjustly evicted by the CPP elite, does the CPP care?
Why bleeding for these bastards?
In the end, the only benefactors are the CPP elite.
Cambodia must be well prepared for long tearm strategy with Thailand, there will be no solution anytime soon...Cambodian troops must be well prepared with modern weapons, just incase!!
Did Thai gov. mention about the meeting minutes that have not been approved by Parliament since 2008 ?????????
Cambodian Gov. has been waiting for these minutes to be approved in the last two years !!!!!!
And continue waitting !!!!!!
There was no progress on this issue !!!!!!
Bangkok Post woke up from the sleep and wrote the article based on his or her dream.
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