Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Veera gets eight years in prison

Veera Somkwamkid
Ratree Pipatanapaiboon
Bangkok Post

A Cambodian court on Tuesday evening sentenced yellow-shirt activist Veera Somkwamkid to eight years in prison without probation and his secretary Ratree Pipatanapaiboon six years without probation on charges of trespassing and espionage.

Mr Veera was fined 1.8 million riel (about 13,000 baht) and Mrs Ratree 1.2 million riel (about 10,000 baht).

They later returned to Prey Sar prison in Phnom Penh.

The court gave them one month to file an appeal.

Mr Veera and Mrs Ratree, along with five other Thais, were arrested by Cambodian soldiers and charged with illegally entering Cambodia on Dec 29.


Anonymous said...

i want them sleep in jail 8 years just know themself ,good khmer not shoot ,if thai maybe shoot death all,they are stupid misshistory

Anonymous said...

do deed accept good ,do bed fall in hell ,ame ta phou ครับ

Anonymous said...

Are you okey ?i ...hope so ,Are you happy i .....hope so ,in this lesson i want to ask you why are come in

Anonymous said...

Ah kwack ah Choymaray motherfucker why you oppress people like that!?

to speak against you motherfucker is not a crime !to write and distribution leaflet also! you our freedome of expression!

You mother fucker's sons are leaning something from USA or England! or motherfuckers paid for diploma

Anonymous said...

100 years better

Anonymous said...

I am glad to see that those two Thai will be locked up in jail for 8 years . Its a signal for other PAD to see and respect the law of other Countries.

Anonymous said...

2:22 AM .You are posting a message in the wrong room.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen wants to stay
in power until he will be 90 years.
Say what you want to
say,but Khmer people will decide that you
stay or out of power.
If two or three million Khmer people
rise up just few days,you will get
killed or out of
The more you treat
them bad,the more they treat you back
pretty bad too.
Hun Sen is not afraid of Thai.Yes,you're not.
Why?Because you are Vietnam general or not a Khmer leader.
Who are in the jungle now?
200,000 Vietnamese soldiers are in the near by Khmer-Thai border.
I went to Cambodia every two years.
You never lie to me.
The truth is the truth,it doesn't escape from the truth.
The Khmer people will judge you soon.
Thai,don't be stupid.
The Red Shirts Thai are so happy to see Thai fight with Vietnam,not Khmer because Khmer is new Vietnam territory.

Anonymous said...
