Monday, March 14, 2011

Explosion (of 2nd reactor building) at Japan nuclear plant

A screen grab taken from live news footage by Japanese public broadcaster NHK on March 14, 2011 shows a collasped building (CR) at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power station number three reactor after a hydrogen explosion. Photograph: -/AFP/Getty Images
A second reactor building at the Fukushima Daiichi atomic power plant has exploded but officials say there is a "low possibility" of a dangerous radiation leak

Monday 14 March 2011
Justin McCurry in Tokyo

Japan's nuclear crisis has deepened after a second reactor building at the Fukushima Daiichi atomic power plant exploded on Monday morning. Officials said there was a low possibility that the blast had released radioactive material into the air.

The wall of the building housing the No. 3 reactor collapsed in the explosion, which occurred at 11:01am local time.

Tokyo Electric Power Company said three workers have been injured and seven are missing. Television footage showed a brief red flash followed by a large plume of white smoke.

The blast came two days after a similar explosion at the No. 1 reactor, which occurred after hydrogen ignited when it mixed with oxygen.

Officials had said that coolant levels were lower than usual in the reactor and pressure was higher than normal at the time of the explosion.

The government's top spokesman, Yukio Edano, said there was a "low possibility" of a dangerous radiation leak, adding that water was still being pumped into the reactor to cool it down. The Dainiichi plant and neighbouring Fukushima Daini plants have suffered multiple failures if cooling systems after Friday's earthquake and tsunami on Japan's north-east coast.

There were no immediate reports of a rise in radiation levels around the plant, but Edano said the government was still collecting information.

He told reporters that the head of the plant had told him the reactor and its container vessel were both still intact.

About 600 people still living within a 20 km radius of the plant, 150 miles north of Tokyo, have been ordered to remain indoors.

A spokesman for Japan's nuclear and industrial safety agency spokesman said a worst-case scenario had been avoided. But he added that residents inside the 20km exclusion zone had been ordered to stay indoors and close all windows.

The explosion coincided with tsunami warning for the coasts of Fukushima and Iwate prefectures. But the meteorological agency later said there was no indication that a tsunami was about to arrive.


Elli Davis said...

These events just support the idea of wider and closer approach to the nuclear power plants emergency testings. For example, they are not tested for energy blackouts as these events are very unlike to happen. Hopefully the authorities are persuaded now!

barricas said...

malas noticias, esperemos que tengan suerte

Anonymous said...

is anyone asking the important questions? like what is HAARP ? and why have 900,000 + people have died in the last 10 years from earthquakes... this number is not right... maybe there is something else making the world unstable.. again.. WHAT IS HAARP? if you dont know.. you may want to do some research and determine for yourself... its very interesting to say the least. Leave it to the american government to build a fucking death ray. there still is hope. educate the public. spread awareness. ask questions. action. one love. one race. one planet. lets start acting like a family or we will distroy ourselfs. i know i went a bit off topic there but trust. its from the heart. i only care on leaving my children with a better world then i was brought into. and if anyone gets a chance please take a look at my song i wrote for japan on march 11th when i woke up and saw the news. its from the bottom of my heart. keep an open mind and show some love. thank you for your time. and if you have read all of this then your better then most. i think its 2 seconds the modern day attention span. but the ones that still have 2 brain cells to rub together are the ones im looking for. we need to pull alot of weight guys. there are some heavy people draggin us down. goodluck to all. one.

heres my link to my song for Japan -