Hun Xen said that he heard the complaints raised by government workers in a number of ministries that are involved with this problem, and he compared the situation to the old proverbs whereby the husband would be a captain, the wife a major, and their children colonels. This reason stems from the fact that ministers’ wives meddle in their husbands’ state affairs.
Hun Xen asked his ministers to tell their wives to just sleep at home because the government workers really hate their husbands due to their wives and children who rule over them. Hun Xen said that some ministries have turned into the ministers’ wives organization.
Bandit Bunny' s face is way whiter than this cartoon.
Looks like she wears 1/2 a tone of powder on her face.
Will Hun Sen's bark make any difference?
Kuoy Pichet
Long Pichet
This article says Hun Sen is powerless and so are most of his ministers. Where's the iron fist? Maybe he's sitting on it. Bun Rany's face is painted white so that she can't show emotion. Did you see her after the bridge deaths? Like a robot programmed to look emotional. Good thing all those TV cameras were there or we would have missed this rare occurrence ;-)
If he is really Khmeng Wat he should knew this problem a long time ago.Now he is 1st PM maybe he forget his past all ready.
Khmeng wat doch knear
PM! just stated the fact! HE is doing the same thing as his ministers!
Mothrfuckers think they own Cambodia One day soon motherfuckers will have no time to say sorry!
stop medlling, not stop to meddle.
"stop to meddle" means stop doing somethind and start to meddle. Is that what you want to mean?
11:14, the cartoonist is not dumb. He is after all hired by the opposition. He is overseas because he fears for his life in Cambodia. Mind you, he even post his picture on KI and let everyone enjoy his old ugly face too.
The cartoonist wants to say that he thinks Hun Sen should ask the Ministers' wives to be involved in their husbands' business because he wants Cambodia to look bad and corrupt. He wants to portray Hun Sen as being stupid and surrounded by failures like himself, who can only manage to attract work from SRP Media... ooops I mean KI Media.
He is also racist as well, look at all the inuendo and hatred towards Vietnamese. What is happening here? I thought SRP Media would not engage in such low life tactic to attract the hard core of its supporter.
Look, Hun Sen is a good leader because he is in touch with his people. He is more in touch than any leader Cambodia has had since Sihanouk. He is the best that Cambodia can afford right now. Don't change anything if it is not broken.
To the cartoonist, Mr. Old Fag Ung Bun Heang: Time to retire. You are a shadow of your former shelf. You run away because you can't stand here and can't make headway. That's why you run and now you work for SRP Media. Stop your wishful thinking that one day you can oust the current Khmer regime. It won't happen, at least in your life.
Now, Old Fag Ung Bun Heang, go home, sleep and retire. Your resignation is long overdue!
From Khmer Phnom Penh Penh Panha
He is doing the same thing as his ministers. Father and kids are robbers as the same and they understand each other. The kids have a special mission and must do it every single time. Whenever, after robbing something from Khmers (not Yuon because they are siblings) they have to drop some in their robber father's pocket.
Later the robber father pretends that he looking to arrest the robbers by opening his stinky mouth and asks a question “Do anybody see any robber?” If someone believe and tell him the true, he/she will die soon by his robber kids.
change should start now, stop the bad tradition of family member meddling with state affair of the spouse, etc, ok! you are only hurting our country, you know! respect the rule of law, no more meddling is allowed again!
that said, spouses have to live by the rule of law; this is not some kind of family business or private business at the expense of our country, ok! enough already, set good example for the future generation, ok! they say two wrongs don't make it right, so true, really!
Hun Sen is barking like dog.His wife
holds his tail up,not to woof too much.
Hun Sen talked so much,his wife got bored.So she needs to tug his tail up.
When he slipped his tongue,he called
Khmer people "DOGS".Cambodians got
mad,they also talked back and called him "DOG".
i think it is ok for spouses to consult with each other, especially those with the same level of education, etc...; however, must be within the framework of the law allowed, though. it shouldn't be all about corruption all the time, you now! there are many state affairs that both can help; just leave rampant corruption out of it, though! it doesn't necessarily have to be corruption all the time, you know!
How about Hun Sen ,He has 5 stars,his wife Bunary has 6 stars,and his sons 7 stars?
សុទ្ធតែពួកអាសំដាចម៍ក្បត់ជាតិចុយម្រ៉ាយខូច "សតិអារម្មណ៍"
តើគ្រាប់ភ្នែកពួកអាហ្អែងខ្វាក់ទេឬអ្វី ???
បានជាមើលមិនឃើញរដ្ឋាភិបាលអាហ៊ុនសែនកំពុងតែបន្តកាត់ដីខ្មែរអោយយួន នៅតាមព្រំដែនខ្មែរ-យួន ???
ពួកអាសំដាចម៍ងាប់តែហោងអោយអស់ទៅ អោយរាស្ត្រខ្មែរស្ងប់អារម្មណ៍ ...!
អាហ៊ុនសែនពិតជាបានស្រែកក្តែងៗពភ្លើថា ៖
កុំចង់យកគំរូ តាមប្រទេសទុយនេហ្ស៊ី អេហ្ស៊ីប ស្អី "បើខ្ញុំមិនរត់ចោលស្រុក ចោលពួកអារណែបរណបទេ ខ្ញុំថ្វាយបង្គំជូន ព្រោះអំណាចពលរដ្ឋខ្លាំងណាស់ ខ្ញុំមិនអាចទប់ឈ្នះទេ"
អាពួកអែបអបអាហ៊ុនសែន ប្រយត្ន័ងាប់ខ្លួនទៅ....ពួកអាភ្លើងាប់ ...!
បរាជ័យ! ពួកអាដឹកនាំខ្មែរក្បត់ជាតិកាត់ដីអោយយួន!
បរាជ័យ! ពួកអាដឹកនាំខ្មែរឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន !
បរាជ័យ! ពួកអាខ្មែរកញ្ជះកណ្តួយយួន!
ពីអាញជា ក្នុយ
ចេញក្បាលអាល្ងង់ជា សារុន
ប្រធានវង់អាប៉ោងដើរទាត់ខ្យល់ នៅឡូវែល ម៉ាស្ស ស.រ.អ.
សូមបន្ថែម៖ អស់លោកអ្នកអើយ កុំប្រកាន់អាល្ងង់ជាសារុនកូនខ្ញុំអី។ វានៅសហរដ្ឋនេះជាងម្ភៃឆ្នាំហើយ ប៉ុន្តែវានៅតែរៀនមិនចេះអក្សរអង់គ្លេស សូម្បីមួយតួ ព្រោះម្ងៃៗវានៅតែវង់អាប៉ោងហ្នឹងឯង។ នៅឡូវ៉ែល អ្នកណាមិនស្គាល់វាថា ជាមនុស្សប៉ោឡែអត់ការធ្វើដើរតែទាត់ខ្យល់នោះ។
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