Thursday, March 17, 2011

Toxins in Cambodian food: report

Thursday, March 17, 2011
Australia Network News

Cambodia's consumers are being urged to develop a union to represent their interests.

A specialist in chemistry and food from the Royal Academy of Cambodia, Chek Sothahas, has found between 41 and 80 per cent of food products in Cambodia contain dangerous substances.

The Cambodian Centre for Study and Development in Agriculture says a union would enable consumers to demand better quality assurance measures for food products.

Yang Saing Koma, director of the centre, says consumers should call on producers and businesses to take responsibility for the health of Cambodia.

Research by Ms Sothahas has indicated borax and formalin, a substance made of formaldehyde and water, was found in products such as sausage, dry fish, seafood, noodles and meat balls.


Anonymous said...

I told you so!!!! Cambodia needs more specialist in chemistry and food! Hunt down these bad Companies for putting these dangerous chemical in food and slap hefty fine and if not comply shut them out of business!

Sarath said...

We need to educate our local business owners or vendors to understand how dangerous of those chemical to people health as well as their health.

At meantime education people to understand those dangerous chemical when they eat it impact to their body and not buying any products which good looking from outside, such fresh...

Anonymous said...

it's good that they someone educated said something or demand change on it. usually, the sellers don't care how they made it, so, it is the consumers or the customers that are concerned about their health, etc! i think consumer affairs should regulate the method of food production in cambodia. imported food stuff is should be applied the same regulation, etc, really!
that is if they want to promote their food products, etc, or eventually people will stop eating or buying it, sooner or later if they don't care to correct it sooner!