Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Whad'Ya Know?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't help but to think of how "intellectual" their conversation must have been. lol

2:03 PM

Prof. Surya Subedi, Kerry Kennedy, Madam MU Sochua, John Heffernan, Theary Seng

Well, to answer Anonymous, let’s look at a slice of their educational credentials to engage their level of intellectual exchange, touching briefly only on their extensive global experiences where the world is their classroom:

Professor Surya P. Subedi, O.B.E.
  • Doctorate of Philosophy (Oxford University, one of the best universities in the world); Barrister (Middle Temple); Professor of International Law
  • UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Cambodia
  • Editor, Asian Journal of International Law (Cambridge University Press)
  • School of Law, University of Leeds, United Kingdom

Kerry Kennedy
  • President of Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights
  • Juris Doctor (JD, or Doctor of Law), having been educated in private institutions beginning with the best boarding schools etc., growing up with a family of 11 lawyers, her father was the Attorney General (Minister of Justice) and her uncle the President of the United States; traveled the world extensively engaging with the world’s best minds, etc.

John Heffernan, the director of RKF Center’s Speak Truth To Power, Juris Doctor.
  • Heffernan is a graduate of Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs and a former Coro Fellow. The former Director of the Genocide Prevention Initiative of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Committee on Conscience (COC).

Madam Mu Sochua, former Minister of Women’s Affairs for 10 years, SRP Member of Parliament; graduate of University of California at Berkeley, fluent in Khmer French and English; counts Abigail Disney, Hillary Clinton as colleagues and friends; the subject of countless films.

Theary C. Seng. Graduated from Georgetown University where her classmates were the Prince of Spain (next in line to being the King) and other political/social elites from Europe, the Middle East and the US East Coast. Juris Doctor from University of Michigan Law School, ranked always in the top 10 law schools, 4th when she attended; probably the first Cambodian-American to pass the New York bar exam, where she simply goes by Ms. rather than the amusing Dr. title which everyone throws around with his/her name.


Anonymous said...

Theary, you are so very pathetic and you don’t even realize it.

Academic credentials or not, the whole event and its presentation here on KI Media are disgusting, talking about your fucking lovely residences and how ‘high’ society you are. Anything came out of this event, except for you hypocrites clapping each other’s shoulders ensuring yourselves how great and relevant you are.

Who is this supposed to serve except yourselves and your careers? What about speaking truth to power? Diner invitations at Topaz from the dictator’s poodle. And you don’t even realize how disgusting you are, how you are betraying your supposedly ‘fellow’ Khmers who are so much less fortunate than you, although not a bit less, probably much more, deserving.

Also, Theary, please stop pretending you have a PhD. That ‘doctorate’ of yours is a bachelor-equivalent practical degree. Nothing to boast about. Its not a PhD, a research degree. You have not published a single academic paper. You are just good at pretending you have academic credentials. And what does it tell about your intellectual capacity that you graduated along the prince of Spain? All it means is that you were not the only one who was there because of privileged backgrounds rather than own achievements. Please stop boasting about it. You got nothing to throw around with your name yet you use anything in reach, even the poor Khmer Rouge victims.

I would like to propose that Theary Seng uses the comment function on KI Media, like everyone else. If she has nothing interesting to say except posting photos of supposed members of ‘high’ society then her voice should not be privileged in this way. It’s been this way now for far too long. Please get real.

Anonymous said...

thank you, 4:30. you are speaking truly truth to power.

Anonymous said...

here, once again, we can see what Theary is all about: not justice, reconciliation, citizenship but self-promotion, high-society and pretention. There is nothing democratic or liberal about any of this. You guys apparently prefer living in a feudal society. You are so yesterday and worth, totally useless to bring about any meaningful change in Cambodia. Its you and people like you who are standing in the way of change, not least by legitimizing the dictatorial regime.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Theary is totally useless.

Anonymous said...

Theary, how pathetic of you to respond to questions about the credibility of this event with pointing out the privileges of those who attended.

so you studied with the prince of spain? What an accomplishment!

And you care so much for your modest degree that you write a blog post to point out once more that you have one and proceed to claiming you don't care about it. Yeah, you must be really intelectual!

hahaha, pathetic! go on. Its entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Theary, please stop fooling people about your intentions and about your degree. You know, you can fool some people sometimes but you can't fool all the people all the time.

Anonymous said...

what a knee-jerk reaction from Theary. She really has no clue what she is talking about. Instead of anything of substance, just highlight your degrees and not even thruthfully.

how embarrasing

Anonymous said...

How about Bun Rany?

Anonymous said...

To defend well human rights, it is necessary to educate people.
when people are well educated people know themselves defending their rights.
Educated people do not need NGO’s to help them to defend their rights.
Stop using human rights for to ” bork pras” the people.

Anonymous said...

so, Theary, you want us to be impressed by your degree and things like your school's ranking when you attended. At the same time you tell us that you don't really care about your degree.

I think this post reveals the truth. You do want us to think that you have an academic title. This is why you wrote this post. Yet at the same time you want us to believe that you don't care about the title, so this is what you write in your post.

This is pathetic but all the more so given that you don't even have a PhD. So at the same time you pretend to have a relevant degree, which is not the case and you want us to believe that you don't care about having one, which is also not the case. I think this is all very obvious from your post.

Thank you and please remain the great entertainer you are.

Anonymous said...

juris doctor or jd is actually a master degree of law at best. so iI laugh my ass off at theary seng. she is one mental case. sad, she does not even know it.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like there are a lot of people jelous of Ms. Theary Seng on the above comments. This is what happen when you are being brain washed by the CPP.

Anonymous said...


People talk is people talk more than that is a fool!

Beleive in yourself boy! Even got can not make all people beleive in him!

Anonymous said...

Agrees with 10:06! These uneducated morons are laughable calling someone who compete against the best intellectual in THE WORLD and won her spot at University of Michigan Law School. Stop degrading someone who have a creditable degree, from a creditable university. University of Ho Chi Minh dont count!

Anonymous said...

Could someone post something about Theary's accomplishments in Cambodia other than her self-promoting articles?


Anonymous said...

Why in the Lon Nol‘s Khmer Republic 1970-1975, there was never U.S. NGOs come in Cambodia to talk and discuss human rights, democracy, while the situation human rights and democracy were catastrophic? Why?
When the U.S. came bombed Cambodia in 1969-1970, the U.S. has never asked if Cambodian have human rights or not!

U.S.A go home! We do not want your lesson of democracy and human rights.

Anonymous said...

Agree with 10:22. There is all these trivial post from and about Theary and there often are a few commenting what great achievements she has but people, please do mention what exactly these achievements are because no one seems to know.

Anonymous said...

Theary pretends she does not throw around her title along with her name.

but first of all, she does not even have a title to through around.

Secondly, the point of the post is, evidently, to throw her title around.

Lastly, even if she does not throw around her title, she does throw around her name, for the pure and simple sake of self-promotion. No one else here does that.

Please try to be a little more mature.

Anonymous said...

10:14, you are getting it wrong, because you are brain washed.

It is actually Theary who is trying to brainwash people, by inviting the dictator's lackey's to this event and trying to make people believe this is about speaking truth to justice. Its exactly the opposite.

Please try to make a meaningful contribution, preferably some sort of points.

you also are getting it wrong by suggesting that meaningful debate is a matter of competition. Its you the moron.

Agrees with 10:06! These uneducated morons are laughable calling someone who compete against the best intellectual in THE WORLD and won her spot at University of Michigan Law School. Stop degrading someone who have a creditable degree, from a creditable university. University of Ho Chi Minh dont count!

10:14 PM

Anonymous said...

There is no superman! School is scholl if you talk shit you are shit!

Ever hurth about stupid, drugist, achohol super rich and from super school! like The Kenedy make a fool out of themselves?????

Go read more no need to have scholl or people tell you so!

Khmer Republic said...

10.29, You should ask Sihanouk.

Anonymous said...

The U.S. and the liberalism like to show their commitment and attachment to human rights, but in reality simply the rights and particularly the rights of the strongest, the rights of the most powerful that interest them more than human and man.

What irony to come in Cambodia to speak about human rights while the American congress has just refused to vote the law for the Social Security , the law for health care for the all poor Americans.
Ms. Kennedy Kerry and USA Go home .

Your speech on human rights is a political hypocrisy!

Anonymous said...

Keep on hating people who are educated, you morons are nothing but a leech. Sucking on poor people blood.
Human Rights is not just an American's policies, this is a world-wide Viets moron can go and suck on the communism sh!ts all you want. Cambodia will walk the path that will free her one day from Vietnamization. THE WORLD IS PAYING ATTENTIONS will continues to increase the exposure. The CPP AND Vietnam is walking a thin day, your world will come crashing.

Anonymous said...

It looks like a lot of people are not happy with Theary Seng.

I truly have no idea why so many people have chosen to attack a woman who is trying to do her job.

Is it a jealousy toward her achievement?

Perhaps it is, considering that Cambodian society seems not to be able to acknowledge a successful individual if that individual happens to come out of the same well with them. This is indeed a very tragic characteristic of the Cambodian society, especially among the so-called educated folks.

If you don't like her story, just don't read it. It is your choice and for that reason there is no need to get down to personal attacks which serve no purpose, but to indicate a complete jalousy on the part of the writers.

Pol Pot did the most terrible things in Cambodia and he probably gets much less criticism than Ms Theary Seng.

I feel so sorry for Ms. Theary Seng for having tried to work so hard for the Cambodian society and yet she has received such uncalled-for personal attacks and unjustified criticism from those who have done nothing concrete for their own country, but of course they pretend that they are the only ones that are reasonable and full of love with their poor compatriots. It is too bad they have done nothing yet for Cambodia except sitting in the comfort of their own home behind their computer screen attacking the real workers on the field.

That is indeed "Charet Khmer"!

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

3:09AM! are you a fool! when you post it in public people will talk and give idear, that call freedome of speach and opinion!

Send a letter to your friends and parent who care about you!

learn about public posting and publishing fool! and use your braine!!!!!!

If you want to be the googway of your stop reading our comment, fool!

Anonymous said...

3:09AM! maybe she stroke the dog in a wrong way!!!!!!

She should leurn course 101 act of massage!

Anonymous said...

At united states, Republicans won the midterm elections on Mr.Obama Democrats because Republicans have campaigned against the law on social security for poor Americans proposed by Mr. Obama.
Even in the USA, the American poor have fewer rights than the richest Americans.

Anonymous said...

3:09, its always the same, Theary posts her self-promoting material, someone criticises it and then someone like you will come along to claim people criticise Theary Seng because they are jealous, because she is a women or because Khmer supposedly cannot accept other Khmer being successful.

I am not Khmer and I hate her self-serving, ignorant, selfish acts and attitudes. Not because she is a women, Khmer, successful or not, all does not matter. The point that upsets people, I think, is really just her self-promotion. Its been pointed out many times.

So stop whining and repeating your unrelated points about jealousy, supposed personal attacks or post them somewhere else.

If she is posting her private photo albums in public then she cannot be surprised that they are critized in public. If she stops putting all her private shit in the public space then many people will be much happier and fewer people will criticise her.

get used to it.

Anonymous said...

4:42 AM,

Oh come on, your style of writing comments in English points clearly to the fact that you are Khmer all the way to your shit inside your large bowel so be proud of your heritage and race and don't try to claim to be what you are absolutely not!

Anonymous said...

What happens if KI Media just loves Theary's works and post news on her here?

It is KI Media's right to do so; after all, this is their site.

All of you big boys out there who happen to not like her do not have to read any news about her in this site; just move on to another news article.

You can attack her, I can also defend her for the sake of being fair.

So what if she is promoting herself? Just don't read anything that she writes if you don't like her in the same manner as you don't watch a certain movie when you don't like one of the actors or actresses. There is no need to accuse her with your baseless accusations.

Anonymous said...

hahaha, 6:06 I take it as a complement that you think I am Khmer though clearly you don't seem to think it is a compliment.

Just out of curiosity, please do highlight what aspects of my English make you think I am Khmer.

In the bigger picture, I don't see what difference it makes whether I am Khmer or not for the question at hand. What matters is the quality of the argument, not who is making it.

Talking of which, I guess you were trying to make a point but I fail to understand what your point actually is.

Anonymous said...

Go Theary go!

It seems like you have become a controversial star in the volatile Cambodian society.

Anonymous said...

6:16 AM,

My point is you try to pretend to be of another race when you were definitely born and raised in the Cambodian home.

Just the way you try to respond to me also indicates that you are Khmer all the way to your soul. You may claim to be a Chinese or whatever, but the fact is you have lived in a Cambodian society and have got into yourself a Cambodian character which you continue to deny of having.

Go back and reread all your posts here about Theary and you will realize that unless you have been brought up in
a Cambodian society, you would have not written your message the way you did.

I am glad you take what I say about you being a Cambodian to be a compliment.

You may have considered yourself to belong to another country, but for me you are a Cambodian having interests in Cambodia, her society and your style and the way you think and write are not much different from Cambodians.

If you are in Cambodia where I am now and we need to draft more people into the army to fight the Thais, you will for sure be drafted no matter what you look. You have enough Cambodian characteristics and interests to serve in our army.

Anonymous said...

My former boss is a JD, and an employee of mine is also a JD, none of them ever called themselves any 'dokteur.'

Anonymous said...

It is a good thing that these ladies are taking advantage of the Khmer Rouge tragedy and history to make themselves 'important,' elite 'women causes' heroes.

Plenty a JDs and Social Workers here in the US are struglling to find or keep employment. If Mme Mu and Mlle Seng were still in the States, I am sure they would also be counted among the high number of unemployed Americans.

The saying goes: "being in the right place, at the right time"

Anonymous said...

On the other hand, Somaly Mam and many other unsung heroes 'talked the talked, and walked the walk."

Substance vs. asthetics

Anonymous said...

6:40 AM, thanks again, I like the idea of being Cambodian, though I don't yet speak much Khmer. But I do have to tell you that neither of my parents is ethnically Khmer, I were not born and did not grow up in Cambodia but I have lived there a few years.

If this makes me Cambodian, all the better. Maybe I like Cambodia and Cambodians because I have a 'Cambodian character', as you put it.

Thanks again.

6:15, what 'baseless accusations? The fact of the matter is that Theary posts all her crap here so people respond to it. Most comments are constructive.

What tends to be baseless are the comments of those defending Theary, because they always fail to mention any significant accomplishment of Theary.

Instead they just go on accusing critics of being sexist, jealous and so on. Please do try to make a point once in a while and things get better.

Better yet, stop posting Theary's private and self-promoting stuff. If she has good ideas, post them here, but not this crap.

Anonymous said...

6.40am stop arguing .Want to prove you not khmer Just post your photo so we can see you are not khmer. You sound like you failed dismally to picked her up in bars when you lived in cambodia.

Anonymous said...

4:02, how come that the people who criticise Theary always make good points and those who try to defend her never seem to have any, such as you?

I have no need to prove I am Khmer or not because it does not matter. No need to argue about it. If you think I am Khmer, fine, if you think I am not, great, too.

Actually I am gay so I don't really care much for picking Theary up.

Anonymous said...

Theary Seng is great! She is a human being. I like her and she did a good job. Her parents and siblings were murdered in the Killing Fields. I feel sorry for her. Theary, please don't worry about the whole bunch of CPP morons degrading you because they are trying to convince people who don't even know you. I hope to meet you one of these days.

Anonymous said...

Guys! I am one of those dudes that believe Hun Sen recently has done quite an amazing job for Srok Khmer! Sure it is not enough-we can keep on whine and wail about it, but, who can do it better? Ranariddh? What a corrupted individual? Sam Rainy? Everytime, there's a problem he ran! Run Forest (SamRainy) Run!

Theary I know her as well! A nice young lady. Sure she doesn't use her well-deserved educational title behind or in front of her name....hmm, but that's how you are when you a lawyer. You just don't put JD behind your name or in front it, it looks SILLY and stupid. I've been working with American lawyers for the past 15 years NEVER have I seen anyone of those clowns put JD behind thier names. Only PhDs do that!

Anonymous said...

11:57PM! your 15 years with American is a wast!! Why you are looking for supper leader instead of laws and democracy!''!!!!

Would your wife and children die too if you choke with hot dog????

Give freedome , education, and experience to your wife stupid before she dump you soon before Cambodian dump ah Kwack!

Anonymous said...

are you a fool! when you post it in public people will talk and give idear, that call freedome of speach and opinion!

Send a letter to your friends and parent who care about you!No one give any shit!

learn about public posting and publishing fool! and use your braine!!!!!! KI is no God! If it wrong we comment so!

If you want to be in a good-way of your, stop reading our comment, fool!

Chath pierSath said...

It's sad, isn't it, that we claim to fight for justice, but really, fighting for ourselves. This is what the Khmer Rouge hated it. We are repeating the same cycle of violence, whether you're a CPP, a Funcipec or a Sam Rainsy, it's all the same. I am sad that you are all the targets of another Khmer Rouge.

Anonymous said...

1:48AM! You can fight for Jusyice and yourself at the same time, if you were not evil!

Don't be STUPID Like AH POL POT!!!! No want need to sacrify any shit! Just do wath needed to protect justice, democracy, and freedome!

Anonymous said...

1:48AM! You can fight for Jusyice and yourself at the same time, if you were not evil!

Don't be STUPID Like AH POL POT!!!! No one need to sacrify any shit! Just do wath needed to protect justice, democracy, and freedome!

Use your braine, fool!

1:52 AM

Anonymous said...

theary hits the wrong horse, chose to fight wrong battle field, she cares only about her image, her career than Cambodian or collective interest. She shits and spits on the grave of her parents and other victims khmer rouge no matter as long as she can hock to the top and her career save. but between us, who are the most frustrated about theary and USA, cpp cronies or other?

Anonymous said...

Sound like cpp and hanoi are so frustrate and wet it pants there before USA chase them from Cambodia

Anonymous said...

People who made nasty and uneducated comments do not know how uneducated they are in the eye of the world. Their childish comments show how ignorant they are the world stage of knowledge.

Hun Sen's supporters have no idea that Cambodia is just about to split in half between the Thai and Vietnamese. Hun Sen's supporters live their lives just like a frog in the bottom of the well. They lack of patriotism and the love for their motherland.
Theary, fight on. Don't let their remarks and uneducated comments affect you. I know you. I once was your classmate at GU (School of Foreign Service), Dorm: Village C. Remember Manisa and Michael Darden?
Best Wishes...fight for the innocent Khmers all you can.
Me, B.M.

Anonymous said...

Theary, you are soooo beautiful on the outside and on the inside. Keep up with the good works. You deserve a pat on the back. I can not imagine being in your shoes really like, working and helping people and on top of that being condemned by these mean people who have nothing else to do but criticised and criticised. They have no morality, so don't get offense by their evil comments and off course you should be proud of what you have done or achieved so far.

Love You and Your Work!

Anonymous said...

Theary is beautiful on the outside but full of shit on the inside.

Anonymous said...

Uneducated people always get jealous with the educated one, why because they have nothing else to do or they are unhappy with themselves and want others to feel the same shit as he/she does....