Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Brain Food

Study the past if you would define the future.

- Confucius


Khmer Israel said...

Egypt, Babylon, Assyrian, Med&Persian, Rome, Greece...These are most of the World Great Empires of the past. How did they come to fall?

Babylon - This was the birth place of all mystery religions. Pyramid is the symbol of Mystery Religions. Look at the dollar bill, what do you see? I don't know "In God We Trust" whose Gods it is that is inscribed to.

When Nimrod, the Rebel, built the tower of Babble; it was from this template that World Empires were model after. There is this push in the world today for a One World Government as it was tried by Nimrod, the Rebel. United Nations is the head of it.

Rebel means to forget about the truth that comes from God, the Creator of mankind. As those Empires in the past failed, so will the New World Order fail as the Creator of this Universe put an End to man's rebellion against his truth. The Bible defines the past & future as it were in the past.

A world void of it's Creator will fail, no matter how good man thinks he is and advanced in science and democracy. It's the proper fear of the LORD that prolong man's ability to live out long years.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@8:22 PM


Anonymous said...

What's Chinese said???