Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cambodia: Thai threat "tantamount to a declaration of war"

Trend (Azerbaijan)

The Cambodian government on Wednesday condemned Bangkok's threat to use military action to force Cambodian troops from areas that Thailand considers in dispute, DPA reported.

Phom Penh "considers the above decision of (the Thai) government as tantamount to a declaration of war against Cambodia," Cambodian Foreign Ministry spokesman Koy Kuong said.

On Tuesday, a Thai government spokesman said the cabinet had passed a three-part resolution that focused on military retaliation against claimed Cambodian incursions, diplomatic efforts to arrange bilateral talks, and reviewing all cooperation with Cambodia.

Koy Kuong said the part relating to military action was an unacceptable threat.

"(Cambodia) condemns in the strongest terms Thailand's threat and belligerent actions to use its larger and materially superior military might to take control over the Cambodian territory recognized by the International Court of Justice in its 1962 judgment," he said.

That court ruling referred specifically to the 11th-century temple of Preah Vihear, the scene of fighting on Tuesday and sporadic clashes since mid-2008. Both countries also dispute other areas of their common border. The court awarded the temple to Cambodia, but did not rule on nearby areas.

Koy Kuong said Thailand's assessment of what constituted disputed areas was based on maps that Cambodia did not recognize.

Wednesday saw the sixth consecutive day of fighting at another disputed border location, which has left at least 14 dead and around 60 wounded on both sides.

Thailand earlier announced its defence minister had pulled out of planned ceasefire talks scheduled for Wednesday in Phnom Penh.


Hello said...
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Anonymous said...

Khmer government need to remember! The Temple is ours in black and white. Tell thais to get out of the temple area first! then we'll talk. dont let them decides for us Khmer like before...Get someone that educated, get others country opionion and someone that is patriot to talk. not some stupid business man wanna be official.

Anonymous said...

All Khmer must understand that the Khmer-Thai war is simply ah Youn trick to turn away Khmer and the world attention from its strategy to swallow Cambodia. Have you seen while Youn prime minister come to meet Hun Sen to accelerate to finish installing the border posts, in the mean time, Preah Vihear clash happened? Each accuse each other whom the first start the fire. As the Khmer people, do you always believe that Thai started to fire first? Have you seen Thai start the first as what CPP government backed by Youn? Do you always believe CPP government what they told you? Is CPP a credible government? If they want to finish that war is very sample. They need simply to bring that case to the UN Security Council and insist them to result the case by the UN rather the ASEAN. The case come to ASEAN was the YOUN plan, it s happen because Ah Horn am Hong is a YOUN who manage the case accordingly to Ah Youn plan. If the case resulted by the UN Khmer will have advantage on everything accordingly to the peace accord agreement on October 23th 1991. That accord will result the same time the Youn encroachment on Khmer land. That is why, ah Youn and ah Hun Sen Gang always wishes that ASEAN result that case. You do remember that ah Hun Sen said that war will last many years, they know that in their plan is to create that war to turn Khmer attention away from what Ah You is swallowing Cambodia such as: Boeung Kak issue, Prey Lang, Border encroachment, Youn immigration, Oil drilling management, atrocity to Khmer people and so many more. This war is also to help Youn economics to export their good to Cambodia when Thai border is unstable. More and more I believe Khmer is on the brink of REVOLUTION which is the only way to save Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Ah Hun Sen, step down now don't stay in office too long let other people do the work thus we will have Cambodia forever. If you 'Hun Sen' won't step down, Cambodia will be vanished, there will be no more Cambodia, it will be Vietnam. There's lot of YOUN/Vietnamese in Cambodia everywhere, so please Hun Sen...take my word step down now, our people can servive and we have our country 'Cambodia'

Anonymous said...

You got a wonderful ideas 8:54PM and
Vietnam govt does not want Cambodians pay attention to what she is doing;she
want them to look at Thai Khmer conflict.
But behind this conflict,let her citizens
flow in Cambodia,build border markers
(border markers mean nothing)along Khmer
Vietnam border.
There are now 6,000,000 illegal Viet
immigrants,20,000 troops,and thousand
advisers in every big towns in Cambodia.
Thai wants Vietnam to respond in this
war,but Vietnam is just quiet because
many countries of the world are watching Vietnam action.
How to bring Hun Sen down and Vietnam
out of Cambodia?
Will Khmer around the world and in
Cambodia want Hun Sen to step down?
They should organize as groups:leadership,management,accomplish
their duties.They should listen,love,
care,respect,help,and work as groups.
They should have responsibility,commu-
nication,and duties among themselves.
How the work get effectively done well?
Unless they have unity,justice,virtue,
and disciplines or the rules of good laws.
Good leadership,management,and knowledgeable duty will lead to success in the protest.

Anonymous said...

siem thugs always bullying cambodia, you know!