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ECCC/UN to Theary Seng, aka Victim Pretender or Applicant Under Pretext: Act, dress and look like a victim, will ya? It's too confusing to pity you and have you be our equal. |
Dear Editor of VOA Khmer Service:
I write in response to statements made by tribunal spokesman Lars Olsen in the article entitled Complainant Raises Names of More Defendants (VOA, 4 April 2011) which I find highly offensive, extremely misleading, and completely incorrect in his understanding of legal procedure:
“Any names alleged by Theary Seng or anyone else is pure speculation. And to start speculating on names of a confidential investigation under the pretext of being a civil party applicant is irresponsible and reckless and is contradictory to judicial due process.”
Mr. Olsen is responding to the filing of my application to the Office of Co-Investigating Judges via the Victims Support Section as a civil party in Cases 003/004 against former Khmer Rouge military commanders Meas Muth and Sou Met in the Extraordinary Chambers (ECCC).
First, Mr. Olsen’s use of the phrase “the pretext of being a civil party applicant” is not only unfortunate but deeply offensive to any victims of the Khmer Rouge regime, especially coming from the UN spokesman of the Extraordinary Chambers which purports to give victims a greater historic voice as “Civil Parties”.
Here, Mr. Olsen assumes the role of an (amateur) psychologist in assigning an ill, hidden motive to my application. I have been forthright in stating that in addition to the main reason of demanding a greater measure of justice in honorable, loving memory of my parents, my relatives and the lives of 1,700,000 (please do not shorten to 1.7 M but keep in the zeros), I am lodging this complaint publicly in hope to give life to these Cases of 003/004 made dormant by overt political interference and UN lethargy.
For too long, the ECCC Office of Co-Investigating Judges has hidden behind the all-encompassing, impenetrable black veil of confidentiality even with individuals who have the legitimate right to know, e.g. lawyers of victim civil parties sworn to confidentiality by nature of their profession.
In using “pretext”, maybe Mr. Olsen misspoke; maybe, he really unconsciously meant to attribute it to his hundred-million-dollar institution, five years later still celebrating the one victory of Case 001, a cakewalk with mounds of evidence and of one non-senior-KR man who confessed and cooperated.
Second, in calling my application which named KR military commanders Meas Muth and Sou Met “irresponsible”, Mr. Olsen misleads the public to believe that I and other victims do not have a right to file our application now. To the contrary, it is this Extraordinary Chambers that gives us victims this right to file as a civil party. At any point in the criminal proceeding. Now, as explained in my next third point.
Mr. Olsen has it backward; I would be “irresponsible” if I do not file.
Third, Mr. Olsen is legally incorrect about the ECCC procedural process as to when I can file as a civil party in the ECCC.
Basically, as part of the agreement between the Royal Government of Cambodia and the UN, this ECCC uses the procedure of the Cambodian national civil law system which says a victim can file to become a civil party at any point during the criminal proceeding. Oftentimes, it is the victims who initiate the criminal proceeding against the alleged perpetrator(s) who is (are) sometimes unknown to the victims.
The ECCC Internal Rules (IR) supplements on procedural matters unique to the ECCC where the foundational national procedural law is inadequate or silent. Here, the most updated IR of February 2011 is silent as to when a victim can file to become a civil party and has favorable provisions which suggest that the victims can file during this investigative phase of Cases 003/004.
The Glossary at the end of the Feb. 2011 Internal Rules defines a "Charged Person” as “any person who is subject to prosecution in a particular case, during the period between the Introductory Submission and Indictment or dismissal of the case."
Application and Admission of Civil Parties Rule23bis.2. A Victim who wishes to be joined as a Civil Party shall submit such application in writing no later than fifteen (15) days [a deadline, not when a civil party can file] after the Co-Investigating Judges notify the parties of the conclusion of the judicial investigation pursuant to IR 66(1).
Judicial Investigations Rule 55.10. “At any time during an investigation, the Co-Prosecutors, a Charged Person or a Civil Party may request the Co-Investigating Judges to make such orders or undertake such investigative action as they consider useful for the conduct of the investigation.”
The Office of Co-Prosecutors has forwarded the Introductory Submission on Cases 003/004 to the Office of Co-Investigating Judges (after ruling by Pre-Trial Chamber over conflict between national and international co-prosecutors). The Cases are now under investigation by the OCIJ, but unfortunately only by the UN personnel and even then very tepidly due to political interference and international fatigue.
In filing, I am showing the highest respect for the law, even if it runs contrary to the UN and Cambodian politics of spin.
Through his charged words and tone, is Mr. Olsen telling me and Cambodian victims to settle for cheap justice? That cheap justice is all the ECCC can provide us and we should be satisfied with the crumbs handed our way in silence and with gratitude as it’s better than the Khmer Rouge years? That there are two types of justice: one for Cambodians and one for the people of the developed world? That we should accept the fiction being written by this ECCC with regards to Cases 003/004?
In sum, the comments made by UN spokesman Lars Olsen send a deeply chilling message to victims of the
Khmer Rouge who could and would want to file as civil parties. The statements are not only offensive, misleading and legally incorrect but attempt to pre-empt my application and those of potential other victims by silencing our voices and to obstruct our pursuit of justice in Cases 003/004.
Hi!Theary Seng,
I'm single and about your age. I am work as dentist at Sydney for 5 years. I would like to ask you to marry me.
La liberté d'association menacée au Cambodge
LEMONDE.FR avec AFP | 07.04.11 | 08h00
Plusieurs groupes de défense des droits de l'homme dont Amnesty International et Human Rights Watch ont appelé, jeudi 7 avril, le gouvernement du Cambodge à abandonner un projet de loi qui selon eux vise à limiter les activités des organisations non gouvernementales.
Le projet menace la liberté d'association et pourrait servir à "faire taire les critiques de la société civile" car il permettrait au gouvernement de refuser l'enregistrement d'ONG ou de les fermer sans possibilité d'appel, estiment les organisations dans un communiqué.
"Le gouvernement n'a pas fourni de réponse appropriée aux raisons pour lesquelles cette loi est nécessaire, aux côtés d'autres lois et règles existantes qui régulent la société civile", ont poursuivi les signataires qui ont également appelé les bailleurs de fonds internationaux à prendre position.
En janvier, le département d'Etat américain avait exprimé de "graves inquiétudes" concernant ce projet de loi. Mais le porte-parole du ministère de l'intérieur, Khieu Sopheak, a estimé que la loi aiderait les associations à continuer leurs activité "en respect des lois cambodgiennes". Selon lui, il existe plus de 3 000 ONG et autres associations dans le pays, et "moins d'une centaine" ont protesté contre le projet.
Les ONG ont joué un rôle majeur dans la reconstruction du pays après la chute du régime des Khmers rouges (1975-1979) et les années de guerre civile qui ont suivi. Elles se sont régulièrement opposées au gouvernement.
She is pretty looking, how much $?
$US 10 millions dollar will sell for you.
She seems to have some brain, but why does she like to pose like a sex object?
et al
4:42 PM, 5:25 PM, 5:36 PM
Although you are men but you seem to have pussies between your legs.
At least Cambodia has a few brave women like Theary.
Sarun Y.
To 5:51 PM Fuck you! Motherfucher, Fuck your dad, Fuck you and fuck you. We men have no pussies between our legs. No men have pussy OK. Go and study more about Anatomy at UNI. Men are no pussy! Fuck you!
7:00 PM
Yeah, that is about you dumb fuck know how to write.
I did study your anatomy - you have pussy between your legs. teehee
7:00 PM
I think Sarun meant to say is biologically you are a man, but mentally you seem to have a pussy between your legs. I hope you are smart enough to understand it.
បន្តិចទៀត KI គ្មានតម្លៃទេ បង្កើតមកសំរាប់
Seng Theary បង្ហាញម៉ូត តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។
Hi ,theary you are very pretty as kaun srey khmer.You can do what you can.
For me,I can tell you that:
Sihanouk,Ho Chiminh and Mao are Communist killers.
here as in the court, Theary Seng tries to marginalize just about every other voice.
Why did Mr. Liars Olson discount a Cambodian female voice? Is he rather Mr. Lard Olson?
What should he do if he disregards the UN ECCC law?
Theary, please don't post the picture like that. That is not good because it is really distracting and disturbing the readers or bloggers.
You are doing a good job, but pictures of you should not be like that.
Some of you guys are naughty and just looking at her pictures instead of paying attention to bloggers. Damn, what wrong with you, dudes?
Mr Olsen is not cambodian!
There his family, or relative was not hurt or killed during the time of pol pot.
He doesn't care! He is reckless!
The cpp probably paid him very well
fiancially, and who know what else?
It is the land of curruptions and oppression.
Is this site becoming Theary porn site now?
I think Khmer Trail court is stupid and wasted alot of others country who;s trying to help Cambodia. But a stupid official or Government is leches of this money. 5 millions just to be a juror in Cambodia! Where people make less than a dollar aday!
Khmer people suck! alway bullshiting that why ours country is like this today
Honey stop modeling I might lose you.
@7:00 PM
I think what 5:51PM means is although you are men but you seem to have WANT pussies between your legs.
@7:00 PM
I think Sarun meant cowards when he said pussies.
The victims of the KR should feel grateful to have a brave woman like her to be on their sides. Those 2 in the cases 003/004 have blood on their hands; they should be put on trial for their crimes. Imagine 1,700,000 people died or killed, so almost the whole nation has some dead relatives, even Sihanouk has a few.
10:35 PM
You wish! But I see neither tits nor asses.
ECCC/UN to Theary Seng, aka Victim Pretender or Applicant Under Pretext: Act, dress and look like a victim, will ya? It's too confusing to pity you and have you be our equal.
Do you want her to look like a beggar or a leper to fit your profile as a Victim?
Come on ECCC/UN, we thought that you were better than Hun Sen’s govt.
4:42 PM
Heh clown, you write terrible English. You must be a kru Khmer dentist in Phsar Kapko without any patient.
A dentist ‘in’ Sydney would write excellent English.
What do you mean by “I am work”, somebody screws you or what?
are you posting your sexy picture to look for a date? You are really craving for attention.
KI, Theary Seng is a lawyer and not a show model.
Please post her photo to suit her career.
I am on her side, her brain power is more important than her sexy dress up look.
so much more issues that ordinary cambodian are facing and this lady continue to get more and more press. This is sad, I am waiting to see her nude picture in here, not to say that her story is not important, but that is just a little too much press time KI or maybe she is a girlfriend of someone that work at KI.
Hi Theary,
I am also a dentist.
Based on your excellent work, I would like to give you a free "drilling" on two of your private holes. I will be my pleasure to do this for free.
Khmer dentist
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