Friday, April 01, 2011

Curse, curse, curse....

Dear KI-Media Readers,

Disclaimer: While we do not condone inflicting suffering on other human beings, we would like to share with you the wishes (or curses?) from an anonymous reader to those corrupt government officials in Cambodia. We do not guarantee the efficiency of these curses, nor are we responsible for any pain and suffering inflicted by them. Readers' cursing discretion is highly advised! Please curse in moderation and most of all, DO NOT curse in front of minors and DO NOT curse and drive!

Thank you,

Translated from Khmer by Soch

Burn 9 incense sticks and repeat after me:

May the spirits, the New Year Angels, as well as all the powers that be, destroy all the traitors of the Nation, let them vanish, let them die with great suffering through Siamese and Yuon bullets, let lightning strike them, let the earth swallow them, let they die by house fire, by plane crash, by boat sinking, by overturned car, by traffic accident, let the elephants chase and kill them, let the snakes bite them, let the tigers eat them. May they be separated from their parents, their siblings, their children. May they be poor and suffer for 500 lifespans…

May they be hit with these curses, Om Sithi Svahayeak

Let all the government and the government officials vanish forever…


Anonymous said...

It is a sign of desperation of those who are too chicken to do anything worthwhile.

et al

Anonymous said...

Yeah, go ahead if it makes you feel any better... while Hun Xen is laughing his arse off.

Kuoy Pichet

ជនពាល said...

ដូចជាមិនជាចាំបាច់ នាំគ្នាទៅដាក់ប្រដាសារ
របៀបឆ្កួតលីលានេះឡើយ ៗ
ព្រោះថា នៅពេលដែលក្រុមមន្រ្តីប្រឆាំងអំពើពុករលួយ
បានចូលកាន់ដំណែង​ គឺពួកគាត់បានធ្វើ
សច្ចាប្រណិ​ធានដោយបានស្បថស្បែរ ដែលមានពាក្យអាក្រក់ៗ ជាងនេះមួយរយដងទៅទៀត ។

Anonymous said...

We don't have to curse Hun Sen and his high and low officials,they curse
themselves when they come to be in the office.
Khmer people should curse them with real weapons:guns,batons,axes,knives,
spades,and all kinds of weapons.
The few million Khmer people rise up
against Hun Sen,his officials and Vietnam in Cambodia.
They must shout out loud on the streets by saying,"ah Hun Sen,his clans must step down and Vietnam must go home".
Dare to die,Khmer will survive from Hun Sen dictator and Vietnam colony.

Anonymous said...

Be a little more professional KI. This is plain stupid to post curse here on your website even it is written by someone else.

Anonymous said...

I hope this curse will hit all of those crooks in Hun Sen government.
Including Hun Sen, if Hun Sen received some from the crook money.

Anonymous said...

No comments. It s too bad to curse on their innocent children. It is so unskilled.

Anonymous said...

I burnt whole bunch of incents. I want them to vanish from Khmer land right away...So our poeple can live peacefully and harmoney.

Anonymous said...

Khmer is a dog head fucker, he got so many dicks in the ass that made him mad

Anonymous said...

ខ្មែរជេរ ហ៊ុនសែន និងបក្សពួកវា រាល់ថ្ងៃ

អ្នកណា អ្នកណា ក៏ជេរវានិងបក្សពួកវា ដែរ ។​

Anonymous said...

It works really well. Cambodians been under a curse for a long time. And more to come by this curse.

You know what, it affect all people, not just the one that are directed toward.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Only the uneducated, ignorant, low life like you, SOCHEATA will do that!

Anonymous said...

Ah kwack sun xin...ah kropir vongveng bung...norok rong jam eng heuy...ah kbot jeat

Meeh joe kiatakor bunRainsy....meeh youn rongrai...kam ngeng jit mork dol heuy

Pur ah kbot jeat teang os...pur eng nis tngai onsa jit mork dol heuy. Kloun eng, meh eng, kone eng, ta eng, yeay eng....teang os...jol norok jum knea
