Saturday, April 02, 2011

Khmer Voices Rising: Cambodian Freedom Writer Tararith Kho

Kho Tararith (Photo: Im Sothearith, VOA)
Friday, April 01 2011
Contributed by: Wei Lai
Infoshop News

“If letters disappear, the nation will disappear. If letters are brilliant, the nation is brilliant. The level to which a government clamps down on writers is a barometer of a nation’s freedom.” – Joanne Leedom-Ackerman, Vice President of International PEN (An advocacy group for the rights and freedoms of writers).

How, then does the wind blow in Cambodia? Here is the forecast from Tararith Kho, an International Writers Project Fellow at Brown University.

(The following is a paraphrased account based on my notes from a live translation by praCH)

“I come from a country where the government blocks foreign news sites and teachers instill fear on their pupils. When the group KI, an independent media group was founded, its writers were banned from Cambodia or banished to jail. Here are a few of their faces:”

Kho picks up a stack of papers from the table, and shows the faces of Cambodian writers who have gone missing. He solemnly reads their names and the room is silent.

“And where does the change come from? Outside NGOs can only do so much, sure they aim to alleviate poverty and improve social infrastructure. Phnom Penh is filled with foreigners, and we are grateful for their work, but they are foreign. Cambodians working on behalf of free speech and sharing their nation’s true history are squelched.

Moreover, it is very difficult to set up an NGO, as you have to befriend the right people. But who are the right people? Cambodia is filled with spies. It only takes the government 2 hours to find and arrest someone living in Phnom Penh. Our prime minister has 500 bodyguards and countless armies in the city and in the jungle.

These are armies that willfully attack not only the journalists or writers, but their families too. If you write about the true history of the Killing Fields, you face real death threats. But still I keep writing, I feel it is the right thing to do.”

prACH, #1 hip-hop emcee in Cambodia, with a political rhyme flow similar to that of Immortal Technique pauses the translation, and commends Kho, “This is my hero of the day right here.”

Kho produces a humble smile and continues,

“The corruption is real and the threats are real. In 2008 I accepted the PEN award with mixed emotions. When I return to Cambodia this May, I will be uncertain about my fate.”

Words from an afternoon panel shared with Vietnamese Writers:

“The Vietnam War brought truly bad things, the Khmer Rogue destroyed our history by burning national documents. We wanted to remain neutral but were pulled into war. There were not many written pieces on the war from the generation that lived through it. We lacked the choice to express our ideas and were choked by a growing influence from China and Vietnam. A reason why censorship is so powerful today is because Cambodia does not want to offend the Chinese giant. Look at a map from the war era, the whole Southeast Asia area was referred to as ‘Indo-China.

(Author’s aside. The false geographical term ‘Indo-China’ (as opposed to Southeast Asia) was pivotal in supporting Kissinger’s Domino Theory, its exaggerated claims lead the US into a sweeping war against Communism, at the expense of countless lives of Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians.)

“My father was an American soldier who died before I could meet him. Growing up I listened to lots of Thai radio, heard their ideas and questioned our lack of freedom. I grew up in the countryside, in a very poor and remote province. I began writing as a teenager and realized that all prominent writers used pseudonyms to mask their true identity. Government screening meant that it took 3 years before any books or papers were published, even if they were apolitical. We were robbed of any current opinions aside from that of the Khmer Rogue. During the 1980’s I wanted to pursue an education and move out of my province but at this time we needed a government stamp to move from one town to the next. I wasn’t able to leave the countryside for quite some time.

As I later progressed as a writer in the 1990s and 2000s I took upon controversial subjects, as these were what had the most meaning for me. I wrote facts and feelings about forced evictions, land grabs and injustice. No one should say what you can/can’t do or to force you to do this/that. This is when the death threats came as phone calls, anonymous emails and website comments. But this did not stop me.

I was merely an artist exposing corruption; the law was not obeyed by those who made the laws. Cambodia is not the worst country for freedom on speech, but there are huge lurking threats. We could not have a gathering (5 writers on a literary panel with 20-30 audience members) like this today without going through the government ministry of culture’s ‘radar’.

I don’t hate the government; I’m just exposing the flaws in the system. In my poetry I write about how the rich are becoming richer and the poor are becoming poorer—this is reality why do we hide from it? Yet, in Cambodian society, even oral accusations against the government in day-to-day conversations are illegal. All I ask for is the freedom to write, I have no aspirations of wealth, the facts and personal opinions of Cambodians need to be shared.”


Anonymous said...

Stupid and blind Hun Sen wants to cheat the International donors again to get more money when he lied about his salary.

Hun Sen did/does not know what he was talking about. He is a very dumb ass having PhD degree that was bought from Vietcong Hanoi. Ooohhhh, oooohhh, very powerful and smart ass, not know how to do management and administration job. Bullshit! This dumb ass don't know how to lead the country of Cambodia.

Vietcong/Yuon bastards and bitches from Communist Vietcong Hanoi love this idiot and those crooks think that stupid Hun Sen is their favor because he has been so dumb, blind and stupid idiot in the planet. This stupid guy still doesn't know his CPP/Yuon and Communist Hanoi masters will get rid of him later after the Cambodia will be swallowed completely by Viet/Yuon crooks.

Now in the 21st century, it is not too late yet, Vietcong/Yuon CPP bastards and Communist Hanoi masters are still frustrated and disappointed that those Viet/Yuon crooks and evils could not and can not swallow or are stuck with their secret and dirty plans to swallow the entire Cambodia in 21st Century.

Vietcong/Yuon CPP members and Communist Hanoi masters will be under the cover and investigation in the world. Those Yuon/Vietcong evil bastards and bitches will lose faces in front of the International Communities and the U.N., U.S.A., European/NATO allies and other powerful countries like India, Brazil, Canada, Aussie, etc.

I think that Hun Sen is dead right now though because he is stuck in the hands of Yuon/Vietcong and he has been ordered and pushed to do something secret and dirty for his Communist Hanoi masters and CPP Yuon.

It is time to rise up, Khmer People and tell the world that Yuon/Vietcong CPP and Communist Hanoi masters are still behind all the current secret plans and push Hun Sen very hard to kill his own people. He could not run anywhere with the money or could not live anywhere if he steps down because he is going to be shot to death when CPP Yuon members and Communist Hanoi masters get so mad to lose the opportunity to grab Cambodia land and natural resources.

Khmer people, you can see for yourselves, why CPP Yuon bastards and bitches along with Hun Sen are still here today. They are still waiting for Khmer people to get stuck in the long run or become weak in the long run. Think about it. We have friends around the world such as the UN, International communities, European NATO allies and other powerful countries.

That is why Mr. Sam Rainsy and SRP are here for our Khmer people who are still victims of Viet/Yuon CPP members and Communist Hanoi masters.

Khmer People should support Mr. Sam Rainsy 100% because he is our Khmer hero along with our SRP and HRP members and other Khmer people who have been fooled and bought/paid by CPP Yuon party to join or vote CPP.

Hurry, hurry, hurry up!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. Khmer people should do something fight back against the government of Cambodia under the control of CPP Yuon members and blind/dumb Hun Sen (both are controlled by Communist Vietnam Hanoi masters).

We can not afford to lost Khmer/Cambodian people and land in the 21st century.

Please the international communities, the UN, European NATA allies, Human Rights Watch Organizations and people around the world help Cambodian/Khmer people to get rid of Yuon/Viet Communist Hanoi Leaders who control and order Hun Sen to kill and hurt his own people because Hun Sen does not have the power and is bribed with millions of dollars (his Yuon wife is bribed with millions of dollars as well). Also, CPP Yuon High Ranking Members (under the controls of their Communist Hanoi masters)in Phnom Penh control Hun Sen as well by pushing Hun Sen to do terrible things to Cambodian/Khmer people in order to do dirty businesses and make billions of dollars and put in their pockets.

The goals of Yuon/Vietnam Communist Hanoi and CPP Yuon are to swallow Cambodian country in the near future. Laos and Khmer Khrom (Southern Cambodia) have been swallowed already by Communist Viet/Yuon Crooks.

Anonymous said...

Koh Tral Island must not be forgotten

By Ms. Rattana Keo

Why do Koh Tral Island, known in Vietnam as Phu Quoc, a sea and land area covering proximately over 10,000 km2 [Note: the actual land size of Koh Tral itself is 574 square kilometres (222 sq miles)] have been lost to Vietnam by whose treaty? Why don’t Cambodia government be transparent and explain to Cambodia army at front line and the whole nation about this? Why don't they include this into education system? Why?

Cambodian armies are fighting at front line for 4.6 km2 on the Thai border and what's about over 10,000km2 of Cambodia to Vietnam. Nobody dare to talk about it! Why? Cambodian armies you are decide the fate of your nation, Cambodian army as well as Cambodian people must rethink about this again and again. Is it fair?

Koh Tral Island, the sea and land area of over 10,000 square kilometres have been lost to Vietnam by the 1979 to 1985 treaties. The Cambodian army at front line as well as all Cambodian people must rethink again about these issues. Are Cambodian army fighting to protect the Cambodia Nation or protecting a very small group that own big lands, big properties or only protecting a small group but disguising as protecting the Khmer nation?

The Cambodian army at front lines suffer under rain, wind, bullets, bombs, lack of foods, lack of nutrition and their families have no health care assistance, no securities after they died but a very small group eat well, sleep well, sleep in first class hotel with air conditioning system with message from young girls, have first class medical care from oversea medical treatments, they are billionaires, millionaires who sell out the country to be rich and make the Cambodian people suffer everyday.

Who signed the treaty 1979-1985 that resulted in the loss over 10,000 km2 of Cambodia??? Why they are not being transparent and brave enough to inform all Cambodians and Cambodian army at front line about these issues? Why don't they include Koh Tral (Koh Tral size is bigger than the whole Phom Phen and bigger than Singapore [Note: Singapore's present land size is 704 km2 (271.8 sq mi)]) with heap of great natural resources, in the Cambodian education system?

Look at Hun Sen's families, relatives and friends- they are billionaires, millionaires. Where did they get the money from when we all just got out of war with empty hands [in 1979]? Hun Sen always say in his speeches that Cambodia had just risen up from the ashes of war, just got up from Year Zero with empty hands and how come they are billionaires, millionaires but 90% of innocent Cambodian people are so poor and struggling with their livelihood every day?

Smart Khmer girl Ms. Rattana Keo,

Anonymous said...

To Khmer Sydney CBD,

Could you read this article and make your comment please. I wanted to know about your ideas of it.

Anonymous said...

Uprising is easy to say than made. How can we do with our two hands against modern weapons.
Hunxen have support Youn, China; and don't count on the USA, they have two and half wars and financial problems and they can't do the police everywhere. Morover they know us wery well.They had in vain helped us at the LON NOL time, and we were so corrupted to the core (they point out SIAM as rogue, YUON as bandit and "Khmer as incapable and stupid") that they could do nothing except to leave us.
The 1991 Paris Peace Agreement could have brought
real peace and real democracy for us. Unfortunately our leaders such as Sihanouk, Ranariddh, did everything they could to destroy Khmer again.
"Help yourself, and heaven will help you".
It's hopeless to see that opposition parties are weak, divided, not credible and become smaller and smaller.
Samrainsy party is in a deep shit because internal issue. And Sam Rainsy, who was our last hope and now in exile, seems not to care about what has happened to his party and might have already lost control on it.
Frankly I don't know how we can find the way to get out of the grip of the evil traitor HUN SEN, YUON ,CHENN.

Anonymous said...

to ki team please stope preaching uselese past and future vision, you cheat yourself and people. your idoit boss Rainsy raise future khmer danger of youn swalow, to all idoit if youn swalow not future 2030 or 2050 anythings like that. Rainsy,khmer very dangerous was betweent 1432 to 1985 but not now or in the future you got it, we are stronger and stronger and stronger not lost anythings to youn like you failed preaching. how peolpe claimthemself smart if they can't even see the rainsy trick. Rainsy he used past and future vision to scare people off. why don't he put future visoin nuck will destroy world and khmer in the future, stope do anythings start to spent all your money.... those are make sense right?. past experience and future vision are used by hitler he said whit supremacy will lead the world we are the Aryanise race futur of the world are belong to us he urge all Gemany man to go out and controle the world for that hitler futur vision some people believed him and war wI and WII are starte to slaugter 76 millions of humanbeing. Rainsy you are Thai double agnet in 2003 Thai gave one helercopter to Rainsy, and Thai spport Rainsy to set up office and fund million every years to Rainsy to destroy us Khmer. Rainsy is a real khmer traitor. wasn't it right?

Anonymous said...

To KI root out all criticism from your braind anykinds, or form off criticism are result in set back or lossing. there are no positive or constructive in anyform of critising other, you can't load your braind with positive and negative at the same time one must dominat another, please make your block mission be enlight,or to ligthening up people life and constructive culture of morality and re united a mong khmers. now you can clearly see genltement they never do that right? Regards Mike

Anonymous said...

2:02 AM - You are an idiot! Many people of Cambodia will not take side of your dirty politics.

Sam Rainsy has been doing very good things to the victims of Khmer people who lost the lands to crooks from CPP Yuon High ranking members and Hun Sen did not have power to say anything to help the Khmer victims instead of insulting and hurt the Khmer people. Hun Sen is controled by Communist Hanoi masters and communist CPP Yuon members. That is why Hun Sen loves money and accepted many bribes of millions of dollars or even billions of dollars from Yuon CPP and Communist Hanoi thieves and bastards. He enjoyed having more Yuon prostitutes and fuck around until he dies. You should know Hun Sen did not care about the victims and innocent Khmer people who blame him all the times. Hun Sen is a blind and stupid PM who was illegally installed by Communist Vietnam Hanoi masters and elected by Yuon CPP. If you were Khmer, you would have been eliminated by Yuon CPP and Hanoi masters already.

You need to check and see for yourselves.

If you are Yuon/Vietnam, I would not be open-opened to speak with you. All you have to do is get out and go back to Vietnam Hanoi or you will be blamed by the UN, International Communities and people and countries around the world like NATO, USA, Canada, UK, India, and so on. One day, Hanoi, a Communist Vietnam capital city, will be bombed and destroyed by Nuclear/Atomic bombs to destroy the evil and dirty leaders, the killers of Khmer people and other oppositions in the Vietnam and Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

2:02 AM,

Thailand is less aggressive than Vietnam. Thailand is a democratic country and has more freedom and flexibility.

Vietnam is very bad, many people are dying to fight back for their freedom. The leaders of Communist Vietnam are very evil and cause too many problems in Vietnam and neighbors like Cambodia, Laos, China, Thailand, Malaysia, etc.

Thailand is better than Vietnam because many Khmer people in Thailand have freedom, not like Khmer people in Khmer Krom (Southern Vietnam).

Anonymous said...

thai fougth with khmer for 8 hundred yaers, do you ever heard veit fought with khmer, rainsy are the ame trouble maker king in the past and thai kill us for years ....Rainsy team very dangerouse

Anonymous said...

you are 100% right, so what are the future hold for all of the Cambodians people and their right to speak out the true in Cambodia if the present Government keeping on attacking them and threaten them.
Every nations in the world revolution is started from the poor and the middle class and we can see that at the moment in Cambodia the poor is started to have their voice heard but the middle class haven't had much moment yet. Unless these two classes of people are started to have their voice of concern heard then the revolution will start to flow through the whole country.
Thanks to KI now we can post our concerns and idea to share with other around the globe, and the government started to take some notice of these concerns.

Anonymous said...

3:45 AM,

That is your politics. You are not looking at the situation in Cambodia today, that Yuon/Vietcong are taking more land and making dirty business in Cambodia since stupid Hun Sen was illegally installed by Yuon/Vietnam Hanoi. Then Yuon/CPP High ranking members and Hun Sen's Yuon wife (Yuon family tree) took advantages of Cambodia land and natural resources and allowed five millions of Yuon/Vietnamese people enter and stay in Cambodia.

What's wrong with you, Yuon bastard? I don't know about you, but you must be Yuon being born in Cambodia and becoming Khmer/Cambodian citizen. You are against Mr. Sam Rainsy who has been helping the victims of Cambodia from illegal land grabbing under the control CPP Yuon high ranking members. I doubt that Hun Sen is afraid of those CPP Yuon bastards and his communist Hanoi masters.

Sam Rainsy is not Thai counterpart. You are trying to trick Khmer people that, oooohhhh, Thai and Sam Rainsy are very dangerous. What about Yuon/Vietcong bastards and folks who are living in Cambodian today? What have those CPP Yuon bastards doing ever sice in Cambodia? Why are there so many illegal Viet/Yuon people living in every where, Mekong, Tonle Sap bank, etc?

I know the history about Thai (Tai-Chinese before/after Mongol Empire) as well as Yuon/Vietcong (used to be Die Viet or Tai-Sung Chinese from China before/after Mongol Empire). They are both having bad history and reputations.

Can you compare the differences between the Communist and Democracy? I doubt you are a Yuon CPP member living in Cambodia or being born in Cambodia. Your parents are illegal Yuon residents in Cambodia giving you birth. You and your parents have stolen everything from Cambodia by doing the dirty business and stole a long of money putting in the pocket. What a crook!

What happened to Champa and Khmer Krom and even Laos?

Khmer/Cambodian people become more aware of Yuon/Vietcong today more than Thai aggressor. We need to get rid of Hun Sen and CPP Yuon bastards who are controlled by Communist Yuon Hanoi masters.

The world is watching you, CPP/Yuon/Vietcong bastard!

What's up with Khmer or Cambodian people living in Cambodian now???

Sam Rainsy has nothing to do with Thailand. Sam Rainsy has nothing to do with Thailand, allowing Thai to take Preah Vihear and land dispute.

If Sam Rainsy was in power, then Thai or Thailand will give up the Preah Vihear and land dispute if fighting occurred between Thailand and Cambodia. Thailand is worried about Yuon/Vietcong expanded to the border with Thailand if Cambodia country is swallowed completely by Yuon/Vietcong.

You, Yuon/CPP bastard, should know there are problems behind the politics and beyond.

Don't trick Khmer people. Every word coming from you, there will be a bullet into your mouth and it explodes your brain. Yuon bastard and Yuon crook from Communist Hanoi!!!

Anonymous said...

Khmer’s Actuary Financial and economic investigation found that Dr. Hun Sen and his families’ money is not less than US$ 100 billion in all around the world including banks deposited, investments and properties around the world.

All relatives of Dr. Hun Sen ( above 380 families of Dr. Hun Sen together ) is not less than US$ 200 Billion including all their properties and banks deposited and investments all around the world.

Plus the secret money such as drugs dealer, Gold, Silver, diamonds, forest trees cut down, Angkor watt and over 1000 Khmer ancient temples tourist income, oil in the year 2012...During Dr. Hun Sen’s regime, his economic miss calculation and management make Cambodia loss revenue not less that US$ 1 600 Billion to Thailand and mostly Vietnam.
Plus foreign aid Japan alone donates US$ 150 Billion so far. Where is the money? Interesting isn’t it?

Approximately 10 000Km2 to Vietnam (10 000Km2 of sea with full of sea foods protein, oil, minerals include Koh Trol)
65% of Cambodia forest trees have been cut down for private selling only.

Dr. Hun Sen and his families, relatives and friends are stealing from 90% Cambodian people that earn less than $2 per day. They steal 90% Cambodian people health, well being, Khmer dignity, cut down 90% Cambodian people life expectancy, foods...from 90% Cambodian people. Plus pump in more Vietnamese (approximately not less than 5 million Vietnamese in Cambodia) into Cambodia to make 90% of Cambodian people poorer and sufferer.

By Khmer’s Actuary Economic science internal revenue investigation,

Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing your thoughts, Tararith.
