The Khmer World Radio, leaded by Ok Soeum, Sam Borin and San Savit this week used the name of Cambodia Ministry of Interior to warn Ms. Keo Ratana, a voluntee as reporter for KPPM Radio. Ms. Keo Ratana, who is working as volunteer of Khmer World Radio but after KPPM Radio launched it program broadcasting, she was willing to help KPPM Radio because of she supported our KPPM policies. She work volunteer for KPPM Radio only 2 times then the management of Khmer World Radio call her to warn, and use the name of Cambodia Ministry of Interior to treat her that if she is stilling to work for KPPM Radio then she will get problem.
The leader of Khmer World Radio called KPPM Radio is an opposition Radio (So it is mean full that Khmer World Radio is a supporting radio which is to support a puppet government in Phnom Penh).
It is so surprise that one Radio Online which appeal support from Khmer oversea the same KPPM and other nationalist movement too but they hide the real of their naturalization under jealous and working for puppet government without sense.
After the leaders of Khmer World Radio used the name of Cambodia Ministry of Interior to warn and threat Ms. Keo Ratana, have talking to one of Khmer World Staff in Phnom Penh and then asking for the proof of letter from the Ministry of Interior but until today I & KPPM Radio editor in Bangkok have not yet feedback. So it is showing exactly that leaders of Khmer World Radio lies and just use the power of Cambodia Ministry of Interior to threat the volunteer of reporter who wish to work for KPPM Radio.
As a former of Radio Editor-In-Chief and Freeland Journalist for 10 years since I was working in Phnom Penh, I really sorry for bad culture of team Khmer World Radio which is not understand well of the professionalism and rights of freelance reporter or rights of volunteer.
It is unbelievable that amount Khmer leaders who pretend them self as a Khmer nationalist but finally their action and their behavior are not open mind.
Does Khmer World radio alone can wake up Khmer people to up rise their power in future soon for change?
President of Khmer People Power Movement (KPPM)
Analyzer of Cambodia Politics:Website: www.kppmradio.org
FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/KhmerPeoplePower
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/KhmerPeoplePowerMove
Contac Address:
3 Fountain Ave. Cranston, RI 02920 (For East Coast), or
2579 S. Vagedes Ave. Fresno, CA 93706 (For West Coast), or
P.O.Box: 8074 Cranston, RI 02920 U.S.A
According to DAP, the shelling from the Thai side started again this fridyay morning at 4 am.
according to DAP,the shelling from the thai side tarted again this friday morning at 4am.
Some comments have been moved, what about Khmer news which related to a lot of adult web site?
Mr. Sourn Serey Ratha,
Your work are too reactionary. It is apparent from your article that you did not put enough time to spell-check or grammar check your press releases.
As a professional, this shows very badly on you as it gives the impression that you are in a hurry to write and respond as a function of your emotional outbursts and reactions.
Please take the time analyse the facts, verify the reports, and validate your claims with some hard evidence.
As Khmer, I support your work. But you should realize, that your radio and news station is not the only one with the same goals and intention. Several news organization, are popping up now in the Khmer culture, most are pro-Khmer and pro-democracy. The only differences are their level of neutrality and professionalism.
In my opinion, WKR (World Khmer Radio) is one of the most professional volunteer news organization yet born by Khmer people.
It served not only the "Khmer" of Cambodia, but as it's name imply, "Khmer World", everywhere - including Khmer Surin, Khmer Krom, and of course Cambodians in general, oversea in western or at home in Cambodia.
The fact that WKR call you an "opposition" radio does not mean it is a "CPP" radio. Simply take it as it, that means you're reports are leaning against CPP. They're just the facts, would you rather have WKR call you a pro-ruling party radio? Wouldn't that be a lie if they said you were pro-CPP and you're not?
The way I see it, WKR, uses very western approach to journalism and reports a lot of facts. A lot of analysis as well, that have a lot perspectives to ensure it's neutrality. It usually brings in two sides of the same story when opposing view points are available.
To all Dear Khmer !
Let me ask you a big question ?
What is the real danger of Khmer country and Khmer people from today onward?
My answer is yuon Viet Minh,, Viet Congs, yuon illegal migrants everywhere in Cambdoia.
So both World Khmer and Mr. Sourn Serey Ratha please put this views of conflict or differences away and look deeper and deeper at danger of our poor Cambodia before it is too late like Champa , Kampuchea-Krom and Lao.
Both sides try to correct any mistake exist and let the Khmer people judge .
If some Khmer still fighting among ourselves Ho's Indochinese Federation welcome it.
The Cambodian people one day will be shocked again when they find out the truth about Sourn Ratha, Not Sourn Serey Ratha as what he called himself now.
You will see that he will attack all the Khmer leaders around the world because he tries to make himself as the smartest (but dump ass) guy.
He lies to people that He got Political Asylum to live in the US because the Cambodian government tried to arrest him. If it is the truth, why he could go back to Cambodia. Two questions to ask him:
1. Does he lie about his status to live in the US?
2. Does he secretly work for the CPP to attack all the Khmer leaders and Media?
He lives in the US without working since 2007. How does he can survive when he has money traveling left and right? Does he pay tax for the US government?
He has blah blah that he gets lots of supporters, but if you count his supporters, you can count on the fingers.
This kid needs to be sent back to Cambodia. The US government should not let this guy living in the US because he will create trouble for Cambodian abroad.
If he braves enough, he should answer these questions on the Media.
Ratha bears resemblance of Hun Sen when comes to information that he knows more than the written books available.Ratha wanted attention as he beats his drum in the well.
Ratha is all about himself from the get going.
His words can't be measured in credinility or journalistic principles.
Ratha lies his way to US.
ថ្ងៃនេះខ្មែរយើងឃើញជាក់និងគ្រាប់ភ្នែករបស់យើង យ៉ាងច្បាស់លាស់ហើយ ថា៖
អាសួនសេរីរដ្ឋា ពិតជាប្រធានប្រព្រឹត្តតែកម្ម
ស៊ីឈ្នួល លក់ក្បាលអោយពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិកញ្ជះយួនមែន។
វាកំពុងតែដើរកេណ្ឌហៅខ្មែរទៅចូលរួមលិតបាតជើង ពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិកញ្ជះយួន មានដូចជា ៖
អាទិត សុធា,អាផៃ ស៊ីផាន,អាកែវ រេ មី ជាដើម ។ល។
អាសួនសេរីរដ្ឋា ឈប់ដើរបោកខ្មែរទៀតទៅ !
អាសួនសេរីរដ្ឋា ពិតជាខ្ញុំកញ្ជះយួនស្មោះ!
Ratha, Welcome to the club. Samdech always thinks of you when you talk about politic. Samdech says that he need not to use any money to break up other parties but uses you to criticize them that good enough. That's why samdech asks to offer you this position. Let us know once you decided. You are welcome to live in PP close to us.
Keo Remy
អា រដ្ឋា ជាមេនាំរឿងក្នុងពិភពលោក វា សសៃប្រសាទហើយ វាព្យាយាមដើររកសម្លេងគាំទ្រ ហើយកុហកគេ រកលុយ យកទៅ ការ ប្រពន្ធ ពីព្រោះ វាអត់លុយ វាចេះតែនិយាយ ៗៗៗៗៗៗៗៗ តែការពិត វាកុហកទាំងអស់ វារកតែលុយ ៗៗៗៗៗៗៗ បោកៗៗៗៗៗៗៗ
SSRatha is a lia. He already a dog of Hun Sen. This is just another Hun Sen's game.
1- SSRatha attacked Hun Sen in Cambodia.
2- SSRatha ran to USA.
3- Hun Sen has been giving money to SSRatha to do the job and travel everywhere. His job is to divide people who support SRP and HRP.
4- When SOME people in USA know that he is working for Hun Sen, they then make a leak of this offer letter. With this letter people may think that SSRatha doesn't work for Hun Sen.
Phnom Penh,
នេះគឺជាវិធីល្បួងអោយចូលក្នុងអន្ទាក់ របស់
This kid, Ratha, needs to learn much about people or organization he is attacking or accusing, especially when it comes to people who are doing works at a radio station like WKR. Those volunteers at WKR are not just any volunteers. They are professionals and Mr. Ok Soeum was once a former governor who served honourably under Lon Nol. Keep going on that divisive road and self-promotional campaign, monsieur Ratha will find himself in a hot seat with very credibility or none at all.
Suon Serey Reatha is a big mouth boy
SSRatha should take a moment and re-examine his intention. Majority of the Khmer people don't believe in SSRatha. His intention is not aligned with the Khmer people.
Consider this a friendly reminder. THanks.
Well said 9:20 PM
Take the middle road, a high road to bring about change to Cambodia. Do not lead your people to the pit of hell or getting slaughtered by Hun Sen and his Vietnamese thugs. Hun Sen pushed Thailand to a position that Khmers might not even have a place to run should they day arrive when Hun Sen/Vietnam decided to close that only exit door out. Before we have Thailand to as an escape route, now Hun Sen wanted to shut that off completely. With Mr. Ratha's leadership ad approaches, people will be drown in the gulf of Thailand. We can't run to Vietnam, can we? Beware people.
Soun Sereyratha is the Hund Xen's dog,Mom Sonando'dog,and Kem Sokha's dog!!!
He is the crazy man!!
Ah Soun Sereyratha will be good with Tith Sothea , Phay Siphan and Keo Ramy as personal advisers to Hun Sen in quick and brutal reaction committee to presses.
Ratha is loudly like drum but hollow in substance.
Khmer RI
i think people will exploit and abuse the law, if left unenforced or unchecked, really!
While having said what I said above about Mr. Ratha's reactionary tendency, I think we Khmer need to show each other tolerance and allow for open room for mistakes.
Please give Mr. Ratha the benefit of our doubts. We can only thrive and prosper when can tolerate as a society and be willing to accept every person can make mistake and that we need not persecute anyone to the stake anytime we caught one.
Thank you,
Keo Cham
Mr.Sourn Serey Ratha,
You may think that you are a leader. Of course, you are because you a couple followers who also dream to share your glory one day. But anyone with any grain of rationality or any kind of thinking knows your true color.
The reality is you are one of those disgraceful opportunists who looks yourself in the mirror that thinks that you are on top of the world with your dysfunctional organization, your letter head, and your title.
Your critical thinking skill is null. You statements design to reach lowest common denominator of thinking of any civilized Khmer.
You are truly an embarrassment our Khmer race.
Please go back to school. Learn to speak in English before many people especially the Thai people think that all Khmer are stupid like yourself.
Just a friendly reminder.
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