Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thailand pulls out of planned talks with Cambodia [-Peace talk driven by Khmer newspapers rumors? Bangkok must be kidding!]

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

BANGKOK — Thailand's defence minister has cancelled his planned trip to Cambodia Wednesday for talks on a border ceasefire, an army spokesman said, in a setback to efforts to end the deadly fighting.

"We decided last night to cancel General Prawit (Wongsuwon's) trip to Phnom Penh today after some Cambodia media reported Thailand agreed to ceasefire talks after it admitted defeat and losses," said Colonel Sunsern Kaewkumnerd.

Eight Cambodian and five Thai troops have died in five days of heavy weapons fire on the two countries' disputed jungle frontier, prompting growing diplomatic pressure on the neighbours to end the conflict.

Both sides have accused each other of starting the clashes.

"We welcome talks on the condition that they stop firing first for a few days. We clearly informed Cambodia of this condition," Sunsern said.


Anonymous said...

Dumb ass thai army chief been fought almost a week now. cambodia still control in their position. the source from surin hospital said close to three thousand thai troop has been injure and thousand plus had die.

Anonymous said...

liked i said, it useless to speak with siam,,, they liked to flip flop..

Anonymous said...

meeting, no meeting, meeting, no much of the siamese characters!

Anonymous said...

Just befor Cambodian troops fire back with M21, it means bfore Apr-26-11 there were Siamese troops both group are abandoned front line position go back to their villages number of them, because they see their friend got shot and laid deat one after another many of them are the black clades. Most of the time Siamese officer bring their deats only the bons back to their families.
I thing Hun Sen should by night vision binaugular for our troops, it's necessary for our front line military presonal being well equiped with this High - tech

Anonymous said...

The yellow shirts irritate and frustrate them and a coup rumor becoming immanent. They are in a situation of confusion and stressed out. It makes Prawit's head pining, running like chicken with no head and not sure where they should tell him to do next.

Anonymous said...

siam, in troubles situations

Anonymous said...

Ah siam or thai got so exhusted and die by themselve w/o khmer shooting at them. Soon, the four neighbors will divid thailand into four and there will be no more thailand on the map!

Anonymous said...

They are too corky.

Anonymous said...

Thais requested meeting was only to reassemble their troops. Once that was done, no meeting!

Anonymous said...

A meeting to stop bloodshed and bring thousands of evacuees back homes was cancelled due to a few media comments.
I couldn’t imagine how self-indulgent and irresponsible Thai Minister of Defend and Thai Government are. Where is credibility of leaders of, so called, a land of smile when they make decision based upon a couple negative comments. Allow me to laugh once more to clear my head from overloaded with sarcastic.

Anonymous said...

The exact motivation behind the offer for talk and then pull it back by Thailand is very confusion now. Intuitively, we can say that Thailand is in disarray now. They do not have clear policy to end the conflict. But we cannot rule out that they are waiting for a fault line in Cambodia action so that they might have a better position then they have now.

Anonymous said...

Dear Khmer Surin, Si Sa Ket and others,

We are khmer Empire. About 600 years, Siem was a small group. Up today Siem has taken huge land from us.

Thai has armed Khmer Surin soldiers and officers to fight against Khmer soldiers across the border.

Let me ask you questions.
1) What is your benefit to be Thai soldiers to kill our brothers in Cambodia ?

2) Why do you allow Thai using all of you to kill our own Khmer people in Cambodia ?

Please wake up. What ever you are doing, Thai army is going to be defeated. It is self destruction. Thai politic is going to the end of Kingdoom of Thailad.

3) This is the last king of Thailand. Trust me. You know it. But you dare not to say publicly.

4) Abhisit and Thai army will be defeated.

5) Politically, Kingdoom of Cambodia is the winner with the majority of the interntional support.

6) Throw your guns and uniform in the trsh barrel, then go back to your home. Do not let the Thai army and Abhisit manipulate all of you. Be Khmer Angkor !

Khmer BP