Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Thailand to review Thai-Cambodian relations: Foreign Minister [-The Thai thief cries foul when caught?]

BANGKOK, April 26 (MCOT online news) - Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya is scheduled to meet Defence Minister Gen Prawit Wongsuwan Tuesday to review Thailand's policy towards Cambodia following the weekend's renewed clashes, claiming scores of casualties among troops on both sides.

Speaking to reporters here after inspecting the situation along the Thai-Cambodian border at the northeastern province of Surin after clashes between troops of the two neighbours erupted Friday, Mr Kasit said the fighting proved that Cambodia would not stop and refused to accept Thailand's proposal to hold bilateral talks.

The foreign minister said that Thailand must therefore review its overall policy regarding Cambodia.

Mr Kasit said he would meet with Defence Minister Gen Prawit when the general returns from Surin to review policy regarding Thai-Cambodian relations as the lives of the 30,000 people who have been displaced must take top priority.

"Cambodia has deliberately launched attacks against us for many days and that went against [continued] amicable relations. Other members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) should be notified of Cambodia's hostile action." he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said the foreign minister has not yet brought the issue to the Cabinet, while reaffirming the government's principle on the border conflict that Thailand wants to live peacefully with its neighbour and that while Thailand will not order the army to invade its neighbour, the country will retaliate as necessary.

Fighting between Thai and Cambodian soldiers continued for four consecutive days, with the latest clash occurring Monday night and ending at 3am this morning. Six grenades had reportedly fallen into a Thai village in Surin's Phanom Dongrak district.

The Public Health Ministry reported Tuesday that ten Thai soldiers were wounded in the late night clash, raising the accumulative toll of injuries to 42 soldiers, while death toll remains at five.

Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Director-General Wiboon Sanguanpong said Tuesday that three districts of Surin province, including Phanom Dongrak, Kap Choeng and Prasathas, have been declared disaster zones following the deadly clashes near Ta Muan and Ta Kwai temples.

Mr Wiboon said so far 25,835 people have been evacuated to 22 safer locations since the fighting erupted April 22.


Anonymous said...

Kasit you're an idiot.

Too many deaths, and too many displacement of people. Hun Sen does not give a hoot about saving ties with you morons.

Anonymous said...

Only an idiot would want to continue to play bilateral game with you scums.

What happen to previous agreement???
Has your parliament approved them yet?

You Thai scum officials need to get your house in order then we can talk.

Anonymous said...

Talk, talk, and more talk.

These Thais can go on and on as long as nothing gets done.

It is best to talk to dog, than to the Thais. At least dogs would wag its tail.

Anonymous said...

Thai officials are some of the worst liars around.

They all must have graduated from the same school.

Ridiculously unbelievable!!!!

Anonymous said...

The displacement of people can be blame on Prayuth Chan-Ocha. His parents must have aspired for him to become a fighter with that kind of name.

Anyhow, this hawkish general may have never calculated the consequences.

Anonymous said...


If you haven't figure out already, Thailand has lost all leverage and credibility with Cambodia. There is ZERO credibility because of your many years of lies.

Wake up and smell the coffee Kasit

Anonymous said...

There is a different of good lie and bad liar.

Thai lies to the core to fight against Cambodia.

Hun Sen lies to kill off Khmer.

Thai lies are a better lies.

Anonymous said...

Var Kim Hong does recognize that Cambodia, if compared to the colonial Service Geographique de l’Indochine scale map 1/100,000 and the 1985 delimitation treaty, will loses 9,000 hectares; and compared to U.S Army Mapping Service scale map 1/50,000 with the 1985 Treaty, would lose about 7,900 hectares to Vietnam. This statement was confirmed by Var Kim Hong to Mr. Touch Bora Esq through a telephone conversation on 30 August 2002 at 4:30 p.m. (Sydney time), which Mr. Touch Bora Esq wrote in his letter dated on 9 September 2002 sent to Sam Dach Ta Noroudom Sihanouk concerning over border affairs.
In fact, the loss is absolutely more than the 1000 square kilometers stated by MP Sam Rainsy in his statement, if we add the size of the historical water of 30000 square kilometers awarded to Vietnam under the 1982 Agreement which has been into affect and now already become under the full control of Vietnam. And this would not be the last if the equidistance principle be used to delimit the maritime boundary, Cambodia will lose an additional area of sea and seabed measuring at least 860 square nautical miles from the Brevie Line to the north, analyzed by Mr. Touch Bora Esq or another 10000 square kilometers confirmed by Mr. Sean Pengse, the President of the Cambodian Border Committee Worldwide, which exclusively include another Koh Poula Wai to Vietnam added to the previous lost islands- Koh Tral (Dao Phu Quoc) and Koh Poulo Panjang (Dao Thu Chu).

This is why sVar Kim Hong said in front of Students´s Movement for Democracy (SMD), and Sam Dach Ta Norodom Sihanouk on 22 Janaury 2000 during our audience with him concerning the border resolution with Vietnam that; “If we want peace, we must sacrifice our flesh to the tiger.” The truth is discovered now that, “Sacrifice the flesh to tiger actually means cutting our land to the Viet.” This word was clearly spoken out from his mouth and there were Sam Dach Ta as witness and 31 members.

We must condemn this Var Kim Hong for his role in helping the traitorous regime of Hun Sen.

Smart Khmer Girl Ms. Rattana Keo,

Anonymous said...

Koh Tral Island must not be forgotten

By Ms. Rattana Keo

Why do Koh Tral Island, known in Vietnam as Phu Quoc, a sea and land area covering proximately over 10,000 km2 [Note: the actual land size of Koh Tral itself is 574 square kilometres (222 sq miles)] have been lost to Vietnam by whose treaty? Why don’t Cambodia government be transparent and explain to Cambodia army at front line and the whole nation about this? Why don't they include this into education system? Why?

Cambodian armies are fighting at front line for 4.6 km2 on the Thai border and what's about over 10,000km2 of Cambodia to Vietnam. Nobody dare to talk about it! Why? Cambodian armies you are decide the fate of your nation, Cambodian army as well as Cambodian people must rethink about this again and again. Is it fair?

Koh Tral Island, the sea and land area of over 10,000 square kilometres have been lost to Vietnam by the 1979 to 1985 treaties. The Cambodian army at front line as well as all Cambodian people must rethink again about these issues. Are Cambodian army fighting to protect the Cambodia Nation or protecting a very small group that own big lands, big properties or only protecting a small group but disguising as protecting the Khmer nation?

The Cambodian army at front lines suffer under rain, wind, bullets, bombs, lack of foods, lack of nutrition and their families have no health care assistance, no securities after they died but a very small group eat well, sleep well, sleep in first class hotel with air conditioning system with message from young girls, have first class medical care from oversea medical treatments, they are billionaires, millionaires who sell out the country to be rich and make the Cambodian people suffer everyday.

Who signed the treaty 1979-1985 that resulted in the loss over 10,000 km2 of Cambodia??? Why they are not being transparent and brave enough to inform all Cambodians and Cambodian army at front line about these issues? Why don't they include Koh Tral (Koh Tral size is bigger than the whole Phom Phen and bigger than Singapore [Note: Singapore's present land size is 704 km2 (271.8 sq mi)]) with heap of great natural resources, in the Cambodian education system?

Look at Hun Sen's families, relatives and friends- they are billionaires, millionaires. Where did they get the money from when we all just got out of war with empty hands [in 1979]? Hun Sen always say in his speeches that Cambodia had just risen up from the ashes of war, just got up from Year Zero with empty hands and how come they are billionaires, millionaires but 90% of innocent Cambodian people are so poor and struggling with their livelihood every day?

Smart Khmer girl Ms. Rattana Keo,

Anonymous said...

Thailand and Thai people, especially PAD Thai groups and Rouge Chan-Ocha are very bad. Thai people (PAD) don't even know that the Preah Vihear, Ta Maon, Ta Krabei belong to Khmer.

Thai is a very stupid nation because of older Thai people who betrayed and cheated Khmer people. The young generation like PAD and Chan-Ocha have been brainwashed by their King and Queen who are Siam crooks and thieves from Khmer Empire. The people in the world did not know about the history of Siam and Khmer Empire and did not know where Thai and Thailand were coming from originally. So there, Thai can play the trick and cheat or lie so easy because the foreigners did not know. What is that stupid nation doing in the world to make them proud? Or are they regret that they lied about their history? Thai King and some of Thai people including the Thai leaders are very very very stubborn and ridiculous.

Thai don't realize that they have done a lot of damages to many Angkorian temples in Khmer Empire country since Thai (originally named Tai-Chinese people) were migrated from Nanzhao province in Southern China in the late 12th into Khmer Empire land after Mongol destroyed and controlled China. Thai did not respect the Khmer King Jayavarman VII who allowed them to settle in Khmer Empire country until they attacked Khmer Kings and Khmer people and then looted and stole the land. They took advantages of the weakness of Khmer Empires after Khmer Empire became exhausted and lost some many armies by helping Tai-Chinese called SIAM who were destroyed by Burmese and helping Die Viet who were fighting with Mongol, being so busy to fight with Champa Empire who invaded Khmer Empire territory.

I can't images how disgraceful Thai people and Vietnamese are in the world.

Thai and Vietnamese people have been brainwashed by their disgraceful older people who betrayed the Khmer Empire Kings and people.

It is very sad when Khmer people today have NOT been credited and given back as return from powerful neighbors Thailand and Vietnam in the modern day (20th or 21st century), but Thai and Vietnamese just looked down on Khmer (Cambodian or Kampuchea today) just because they are successfully defeated Khmer people and cheated by taking advantages of the weakness of Khmer Empire and destroyed Khmer people and took the land.

Looking at Thai and Vietnamese, they are really thieves and crooks in the modern days and they are getting better than Khmer people until they tried to create the extinction of Khmer people in order to protect their fake histories and maps in the world. What wrong with Vietnamese people and leaders? What wrong with Thai leaders and people?

Looking at Laos and Laotian people, they did not do anything to Khmer people and Kings, but they are still respecting Khmer people and Kings.

They both are very ugly and disgraceful nations in the world.

Right now, Cambodian and Thai are at war. How disgraceful Thai is by claiming and lying every Angkorian temple and land to be their owns, but they did not build those temples. Also, they destroyed and ruined the those temples of Khmer Angkor. Now, when it comes the high price and values, they wants to steal and claim the temples for money and tourist. How greedy Thai is!

Anonymous said...

Are the Thais government this stupid, they're living in sea of DENIAL ...